Chapter 24- A Day Off

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*Adrienne's POV*

I woke up to realize that I wasnt in my hotel room.

I sat upright to see Royce, sitting in a chair across the room, doing something in his phone. My head throbbed slightly and I knew the feeling all too well from my high school partying days. Crap.

"Oh, you're up?", said Royce, once he noticed I was awake.

"What time is it?", I asked.

"Almost eight."

"I slept through the night?"

He nodded.

It hit me that I was in Royce's hotel room. "Where did you sleep then?", I asked, remembering that I was on his bed.

"Right here.", he said, patting the arm of the chair that he was sitting in.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Its all my fault."

He shook his head. "Nah. I coulda just let you stumble off to your room drunk and alone. I wanted to make sure you stayed safe." Then he looked at me for a minute. "...but I thought you said that you didn't drink...?"

I sighed. "To be honest, I don't know what got into me last night. I...I guess I was just stressed out and..."

"That was sort of your escape?", he offered.

I nodded. He was pretty much right.

He gave an understanding look. "You did seem finally relaxed last night...I'm not– this job isn't what's stressing you out is it...?"

I shook my head. "Not really. I think its the fact I'm just away from home and I just want Marilyn to be proud of me..."

"I know she's proud of you, Adrienne. By the looks of it, you're an amazing mother."

I smiled, showing that I was thankfull for his words.

He tossed me a bottle of aspirin and a water bottle. "I thought you'd want these."

"Thanks." My attention was returned back to my throbbing head. "I needed these." I took the pills.

"Good. We can't have you feeling ike crap today. I arranged for us to have the day off."

"...because of last night?"

He nodded. "I figured you'd appreciate it. We can stay here until the pills kick in."

"Thank you." My thoughts were wandering back to last night. "Now, what exactly did I do last night?"

"You weren't yourself, I can tell you that much. Do you know how much you had to drink exactly?"

I shook my head embarrassedly.

We were both silent for a minute before Royce broke the silence. "Your mom...she wasn't there for you was she? I hope that doesn't seem nosey it's just that last night you seemed messed up about it."

"I mean, i haven't seen her since I was seven so she didn't do a very god job of being a mother."

"Aw, Adrienne. I'm so sorry.", said Royce in a sympathetic tone.

"You don't need to apologize. She was an addict and she was abusive and she was selfish. I'm better off without her. If anything, she taught me how I should raise my daughter. That she needs a strong mother and father figure in her life."

"So, I'm guessing your father wasn't in your life either?"

I shook my head. "Once he found out my mom was pregnant with me, he left. He supposedly fled off to...", my heart dropped for a minute. "The Dominican Republic."

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