Chapter 11- I Could Make You Feel Amazing If Youd Let Me

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Chapter 11

*Adrienne's POV*

"Yeah, just bring her whenever tomorrow. You two aren't that far."

"As much as I want to keep her with me...she misses you, Adrienne.", said Richie.

I felt a pang in my heart. I really missed her too. This was the longest amount of time I had been away from my daughter and I couldn't wait to see her. "Well, tell her I miss her too."

"I will."

I pulled up in front of Antonio's place a few minutes later.

"Hold on, she wants to talk to you. Do you have the time?"

"Of course I do." I said, turning off the car. "Put her on."

"Mommy?", I heard Marilyn's voice after a second or two.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"Te extraño mucho.", she said sadly. "When will I see you?"

"Tomorrow, mi'ja. You'll get to see me tomorrow."

"And will we have fun?", she asked, her tone seeming a little happier.

"Of course we will."

"We can go to the park and get ice cream...", she said excitedly.

I laughed softly. "We can do anything you want, Marilyn."

"Yay!" I heard her yawn over the other end.

"¿Estás cansada?", I asked her.

"Un poco.", she said sleepily. "But I wanna stay up and talk to you, mommy."

I felt a tear slide down my cheek. "You can talk to me all you want went I see you tomorrow. You should get to bed. The quicker you get to bed the quicker tomorrow will come."

She gave a sigh. "Okay."

"That's a good girl. Now, put daddy on the phone for me? Buenas noches. I love you.", I asked, her choking up a little.

"I love you too, mommy. Goodnight."

There was some fumbling with the phone and Richie soon answered. "Hello?"

"Did you make sure you packed all her stuff?", I asked him.

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure I got it all...are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine.", I lied. "What time do you think you'll be here tomorrow?"

"Around three...Is that alright?", he asked.

"It's fine."

"Alright... So, uh, imma let you go now. I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Yep. See you then."

"Okay, bye.", he said before hanging up.

Next I had to call Antonio. I dialed his number and he answered relatively quickly.

"Oh, hey. Wassup, Adrienne?"

"Hey Antonio. I was just wondering what apartment number you are...? There's a lot of buildings here."

"Yeah, it could get pretty confusing.", he said with a laugh. "Are you out front now?"

"Yeah...well, at least I think I am.", I told him kinda confused.

"Here listen, I'll go out and get you. I don't want you to get lost in that cold. Just leave your car lights on so I can find you. Ill be out in a minute."

"Okay, see you in a bit then.", I said, hanging up.

I waited patiently in my car for Antonio to come down. We weren't really going out tonight. The plan was just to rent a movie and chill for a bit but any opportunity I had to be near that man, I took it. But this time I had to make sure I kept my hands an lips to myself. And trust me, if you had seen that guy, you would realize just how hard that'd be.

A few minutes later a heard a tap on my window and looked over to see a smiling Antonio.

"Brace yourself.", he said in a jokingly dramatic way. "It's cold as fuck out here."

He was right. Once I stepped out from of the heated interior of my car out into the open air, I realized it was super cold.

"Yeah, I would say its a short walk but you parked two buildings over.", he admitted.

"Sorry.", I said sheepishly.

"It's fine, don't stress about it babe."

Oh my god. He called me babe. That was enough to warm me up on its own.

As we started walking, he must've noticed me shivering. He pulled me closer to him and god damn, he smelt soooo good.

"Stay close.", he said, putting his arm around me. "I wasn't expecting it to be this cold since its just the beginning of November."

That wouldn't be a problem at all, I thought to myself, I'll stay as close as you want.

After a few minutes, which seemed a lot good ways and in bad ways, we finally made it to his place.

"Welcome to my humble abode...", he said jokingly as he gestured to his studio apartment. "Sorry it's so small and it's a mess."

"It's fine.", I assured him. "My place is just the same."

"Ah, okay.", he said in a relieved tone. He motioned over towards the couch. "Make yourself at home."

I flashed him a smile before I sat down. "Thanks."

He gave a smile as he came and sat next to me. "So, I didn't rent a movie yet...what did you want to see?"

"Oh, I don't mind. I usually like everything.", I told him. "Except chick flicks."

He raised and eyebrow. "Really? No chick flicks?"

I shook my head. "Nope."

"Lord, thank you for not making this girl like other", he said, making me laugh.

As Antonio searched through On Demand, I decided to apply a fresh coat of lip gloss.

He looked over at me. "Is that the same one you wore last time?", he asked, referring to the other day when we kissed.

I nodded. "Yeah. Why?"

He smirked a little. "'Cause it tasted amazing.", he said in a smooth tone. "But you don't gotta worry about looking super cute, it's only me."

Yeah, only you the six foot tall, smooth talking, Dominican charmer that I called my coworker, i thought. I had to impress this guy. "I dunno. I'm just self conscious.", I half-lied with a shrug.

"Adrienne.", he said my name, coming a little bit closer to me. "You don't understand. I hope this doesn't come off as rude but when I first saw you, the only thing that came to my mind was 'damn, she is fine as hell.' I wanted to meet you so bad, you know, so I could see if there was a beautiful personality under the fine-ness and it turns out there was. I have no idea why you're so 'self conscious'."

He took my hand. "If your so insecure I will keep trying to convince you that you're perfect until you stop saying otherwise."

I laughed, as if he told a joke. "Trust me, I am far from-"

He cut me off by kissing me.

"W-why'd you do that?" I stuttered, sort of surprised from the kiss but in all honestly I kinda liked it. Well, I really liked it.

"Because you were about to deny your perfection. I don't wanna hear those lies." The corner of his mouth turned up a little. "Plus, I love the taste of...", he grabbed my lipgloss and read the label on it. "...citrus burst."

"You really know how to make a girl feel good about her self, don't you?", I asked.

"I try... but I could make you feel amazing... That is, if you'd let me."


This chapter was pretty long, huh? ☺

Well, how do you guys feel about all this? Is Adrienne really a hoe? When will Prince Royce find out about the little 'incident' between her and Antonio ?

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Love y'all.

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