Chapter 4- Crushing...Maybe ?

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*Adrienne's POV*

So, I was gonna have to work near Prince Royce.

Prince Freaking Royce.

I should've been fan girling right now but I wasn't. Okay, maybe I would've a few years ago, when I was an obsessive fan but I was nineteen now. Plus, he just wasn't all that I thought he'd be.

My RoyceNatica days were over, they've been over for a little more than a year now. I had bigger and better things to do than obsess over Latin Pop stars.

I was cleaning up my desk. I gathered up all my stuff and shut down the computer. I checked the voicemail one more time. First day at work and I think I did a pretty good job.

I left the office, making sure to turn off the lights. I took one look back at the place before I turned to go to my car. Suddenly, two birds, doves, flew past my face and landed on a bench. I saw this as a photo opportunity and quickly pulled out my camera from my bag.

I focused in on the birds and tools few shots. I snapped the last shot a bit early as I was startled by a deep voice.

"So, you're the artistic type, huh?"

I turned and saw Antonio, which immediately made my day.

"Oh, hello, Antonio."

He gave a smile causing me to melt. "Hello, Adrienne." He took a step closer and pointed to my camera. "You take pictures?"

I nodded. "I'm a photographer. It's my way of expressing myself."

"That's cute. Like really cute.", he said.

I blushed.

"So, how was your first day?", he asked me, changing the subject.

"It was great. I honestly thought it'd be a lot harder."

He seemed pleased to hear this. "Well, it's not exactly that hard of a job. You answer calls and emails... sit there.. look beautiful..."

This caused me to blush again. "Heheh, well, when you put it that way..."

The corners of his mouth upturned. "You're something else, Adrienne. I like that."

I giggled like a little girl. Damn, the affect sexy men had on me...

"Antonio? Do you know if-?", Prince Royce came over, interrupting us. I wasn't slightly thankful because I would've probably started babbling like an idiot.

"Oh, hey, Adrienne.", His deep dimples showed as he saw me.

"Oh, hello."

He glanced over at Antonio. "I see Antonio is giving you a warm goodbye."

"Yeah... He sure is.", I said smiling a bit as Antonio winked a bit.

"Well, it's great to know you're getting along with the guys over here so well. It's gonna be great working with you."

*Prince Royce's POV*

"...It's gonna be great working with you.", The words escaped my mouth beiges I could stop them. Dammit, Geoffrey. "¿Por qué dije eso?", I asked myself under my breath.

"What was that?", asked Adrienne.

"Oh, sorry.", I said quickly. "Nothing."

Antonio looked at me from the corner of his eye. "What brings you over here, Royce?"

"Oh, I, uh. I had to ask you a question."

"Well, shoot. Preguntame.", He said.

I waved my hand as if To dismiss it. "It can wait."

He eyed me. "You sure, bro?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

He shrugged it off. "Anyway.", He turned back to Adrienne. "I was wondering... if i could have your number...?" He glanced at me before adding, "You know, for work purposes."

I raised my own eyebrow as I waited for Adrienne answer. Work purposes my ass.

Adrienne gave a light laugh and smiled. Her laugh was even beautiful, light and tingly like wind chimes. "Well, okay." Antonio smiled an handed her his phone. "Pero solamente para los 'work purposes'.", she said as she punched her number in his phone. She handed it back with a wink.

Then she pulled out her own phone to check the time. "I should get going. I still have a lot of unpacking to do and I gotta go eat and stuff...'

"I completely understand, Adrienne.", Said Antonio. "After all I will see you tomorrow."

She gave another beautiful smile and looked at the both of us. "Of Course you will. It was really nice meeting you guys. Bye."

"Bye." We both silently watched as he walked away and got in her car.

"God damn, she is sexy.", Voiced Antonio as she drove off.

"Yeah...", I agreed half heartedly. She was more than sexy... she was just... damn.

"And I got her mother fuckin' number, man. One step closer to hittin' that."

Was that all he wanted to do? Just screw her? "You think you'll get it that easily?"

"Hell yeah. Yo soy LL Antonio.", He said with a smirk. "Ladies Love Antonio. ...Now, wait, what was it you had to ask me ?"

"Oh, yeah...uh...". I was going to ask him if Adrienne had left yet because I wanted to see her again but I guess that was kind of useless now. "It's not important anymore."



God, this Adrienne girl was something different. I mean, she was the one of the girls I hadn't met in a while. The kind that treated me like a normal guy and not Prince Royce.

But I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.


What's gonna happen now ?

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Love y'all. 😘

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