Chapter 41- Taking Walks and Taking Chances

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       "Shit, Adrienne, we can't do this.", said Antonio quickly. As much as he didn't want to, he managed to pull himself away from her and re-gained his composure. He looked her dead in the eyes. "I can't let you do this to yourself."

"Do what?", she asked with wide eyes.

"Fuck up again. With me you're screwing up your life, okay? Just take my word for it."

"I just wanna play it safe. That's all.", she admitted.

"I'm not any safer than Royce though. You just can't play it safe when it comes to relationships, Adrienne. That's just not how it works." Honestly, all he wanted was the best for her. Neither of them knew exactly what was right and what was wrong, but he was trying to steer her away from the wrong the best that he could.

"That can't be true.", said Adrienne. "People are always finding easy ways out."

        Antonio laughed softly. "Where? In Disney movies? Adrienne, if you don't take risks in a relationship, what is it? Being with someone is taking a chance all on its own. You can't learn to be happy if you always play it safe in life. You just need to let someone in."

                                                    *Prince Royce's POV*

"...But I saw your interview  yesterday...and if you feel like we need to take a break or something, I understand. I hate that I have to tell you like this...Just call me back when you get the chance.."

        I  sighed as I exited out of my voice mail. I felt like throwing my phone across the room. I really messed thing up this time. I immediately wished I had checked my phone a few hours earlier so I could've called her back right away. What did Adrienne mean by she saw the interview ?

        Then it hit me. When the girl asked me about my relationship status, thats what she was talking about. But she didn't think I meant that I was actually single, right? Well, she just pretty much broke up with you because of it, Royce.

        I sat down and tried to wrap my mind around the situation. When I said I was single, I didn't mean I was single, if that made sense. Well, it made sense in my head but I guess I forgot the viewers weren't in my head. They didn't understand what I meant. ...and neither did Adrienne.

        God, I had to see her and fast.

        I after a few calls and begging, I was finally able to convince my team to let me out of Miami first thing the next morning. But now, I still had a whole day to waste. Should I call her? I figured that would be a good idea. You know how girls get when you miss their calls and stuff; I couldn't risk it. I already wasn't on her good side.

        I tapped my foot nervously as the phone rang on the other end. A part of me wanted her to answer, so I could fix everything and explain myself, but another part of me secretly didn't want her picking up the phone just yet.

"Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system..."

        I didn't know how it was possible, but I managed to feel relieved and worried at the same time. Maybe she was purposely ignoring my calls now. Maybe she was just that pissed at me. If that was the case, I had really screwed up. I tried again, still no answer. I decided to leave my hotel room (A/N remeber he hasn't bought his house yet at this point) and get some air...take a walk  or something. 

         The Miami air helped a lot. I really liked it here, walking the streets and all. It was a city but at the same time everything was so relaxed. My mind was still full of a million thoughts, but they weren't going a mile a minute this time.

        I wanted Adrienne to understand that I was trying to protect her, not hurt her. My logic may probably not sound right to her, but the intent was all there. I was risking a lot for her but I didn't want her to do all that for me after all she had been through in life. I just didn't want he to be swarmed by press asking her annoying annoying questions. I didn't want her to go through all that extra stress. And he couldn't even say the was someone special either or they'd grill him with a million more questions. But there was someone special...Adrienne was beyond special.

        There wasn't really anything I could do about it at the moment. Tomorrow I would fix things and set everything straight. I thought back to New Years, when I was a drunken mess and I was acting like a baby because Adrienne didn't want to adknowledge me. Now, when I actually had her, I was going about everything the wrong way. There's no way she's gonna see you out, I told myself, She'll think you're full of it. 

        I stepped inside a sports bar with like one or  two guys inside, bars were pretty dead this time of day, and turned my attention to the baseball game playing on the big screen up front.

        This was New Years all over again, except this time, I was sober and the Yankees were getting their ass beat.


song for this chapter is "Arriesgate" by DnE. At the end of the day, there's probably a bachata song for everything, I swear lol.

so, what do ya'll think? I had to write and rewrite this chapter so many times because I kept on feeling like I did something wrong :/  so, i've been up since four in the morning alternating between eating, writing this and binge watching It'sKingsleyBitch & my baby Adam 's videos on YouTube. And this chapter still isn tgood enough for me.

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love ya'll <3

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