Chapter 1 | Edited

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Hello all!

To our new readers, welcome, to our old readers, welcome back.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story, it's much appreciated. And this time round it should have less plot holes (i.e. the thestrals) and less spelling and grammar mistakes (i.e. the thestrals).

Please feel free to vote and comment.

And enough of my ramblings. I hope you enjoy it.

"LAYLA!!" Came a scream from the train, of course not many people could hear it, as the yell was on the hectic platform 9 3/4. But James Potter would know that voice anywhere (therefore all of his friends would also know that voice).

"GIVE. IT. BACK. LAYLA!" Shouted Lily Evans.

"Make me!!" Came another girl's voice. Then a girl with long blonde hair, which reached the middle of her back, rushed out of the train and onto the platform. She was wearing some dark skinny jeans, a white jumper and white flats to match. She ran into the crowd just as a red-haired girl burst out of the train onto the platform.

"Layla, where are you? Give me it back now!" She screamed, not noticing the four friends, the marauders, standing there.

Just then a hand popped up in the crowd, and it was clutching a black book with a picture of a lily on the front. On the lily was the word 'diary' written in a fancy font. "Don't you dare!" Lily said slowly yet loudly. The girl with blonde hair emerged from the crowd laughing and walked over to her friend, and accidentally to the four boys too.

"You don't really think I would read it, do you? I just wanted to torment you." She said lightly. Her voice entranced one of the friends, Sirius Black, immediately, which is odd as Sirius rarely noticed such things.

"Well done, you did. Now please give it back." Lily said sternly.

"But Lily, I'm not done tormenting you yet." She replied menacingly before turning to the four friends whom she had now noticed.

"Hey Potter, I think Lily wants a hug!" She shouted in their direction. Lily just had time to look outraged before James hugged her from behind. "Thanks Potter!" Called the blonde haired girl as she ran onto the train and out of sight.

"POTTER GET OFF ME!!" Lily screamed into his ear.

"Ouch! That hurt my ear Lily flower." James whined sulkily.

"Get off me, I need to get that back. LAYLA I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

"Aww come on Evans you know you love Jamsie-boy." Sirius called to her, not even trying to hold back his laughter.

"Shove off Black. Potter get off me before I hex you into next week!" James immediately let go, being fully aware of Lily's hexing ability. "Laylaaaaaa" she called, running out of sight.

Once Lily was gone a voice arose behind the four friends;

"Thanks Potter! Merlin she's easily to wind up."

Sirius, not used to paying attention to much detail besides that concerning his friends, was perplexed at his own thoughts.

It's the blonde haired girl.
Why do I keep calling her that? What had Lily referred to her as again?


Wait. Why do I care?

Now that Layla was close to the friends Sirius could see her pale blue eyes which seemed to be the most alluring colour in the world. Not that he cared about such things of course.

"No prob, Reid." James replied nonchalantly.

Reid? Is that her surname? How would James know it? Sirius found himself thinking, before reminding himself that he didn't care.

"Wait Cookie, didn't you run of in that direction?" Remus Lupin, another of the four friends, asked Layla.

And, although it's not particularly hard to do, Remus had managed to confuse Sirius further.

Cookie? What's that about? I'm so confused.

Does Moony already know this girl too?

"Yeah, you guys distracted her and I came back round the other way." She explained. "Now I better give this back to her before she has a heart attack!" She chuckled quietly, mostly directing her words towards Remus. "I'll pop back to say goodbye to everyone before the train leaves." She added to Remus, slightly nodding towards the direction of his parents.

Before she left she quickly hugged Remus, who hugged her back.

Why would she do that? Sirius couldn't help but wonder.

Anyway bye Potter," he waved with a "bye" in return.

"Bye Remus," she continued, and he returned the gesture.

"Bye Peter." He blushed and waved.

Layla then walked off.

Sirius couldn't help but stare at her retreating back, one thought running through his mind.
Where's my 'bye'?

"Umm guys did she just totally blank me? And how does she know your names? Isn't she new here? I've never seen her before!" Sirius questioned once Layla was out of sight.

"Oh Sirius." Remus sighed.

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