Chapter 27

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We are on our way to the pack house now. Meg got so happy with her birthday gift for me that she decided to make me her driver. Which I am very happy to do so because I get to drive my baby.

I am still hesitant with regards to answering Alpha john's offer. But having Meg by my side gives me additional clarity. This is one steo to doing what mom and dad had asked me to do since that dream I had with them on it.

By the time we reach the pack house I am on hype. I can't seem to steady myself and my heartbeat. Plus, my wolf is pounding on me non-stop, she is so excited to claim what is truly her's. But I can't just let her loose and allow her to make the decision for us.

When we got out of the car, I got glued to the spot. I am pretty sure that Meg have noticed me because she went by my side and hold my hand. Nate, her mate, was there and greeted us but somehow Meg seems to be aloof and wont come near him.

I gave Meg a questioning look before continuing to the mansion of a house. I didn't talked to ger verbally nor did I use our mindlink. She already knew what I want to know so she nodded. And so we walk med towards the house and continued inside.

Sam was the first person that greeted us once we entered the house. She went by my side and grabed my hand. She tapped in to my mind telling me that she will be by my side whatever happens. Then a low growl went out of the corner. And when we checked, Cleo was standing near the entrance to the large livingroom while watching us.

"What is your problem?" I asked her.

"You'll know soon enough. I'll see you later. Advance happy birthday."

She spoke calmly with hurt in her eyes then left us all puzzled. Both Meg and Sam gave me a questioning look but I just shrugged. Because seriously, I don't know what she means.

When the three of us had gotten over what had happened. We continued to the back yard where everyone is. But before we could even step out Alpha John ordered me to go to his office by using the mindlink. I immediately said yes and carefully made my way to his office.

When I reached the door to his office slash study. I inhaled deeply before knocking on the door. Alpha John ordered me to come in by using the mind link again. So I opened the door and went in. To my surprise Luna Sofia, that I now have learned to call mom, was not anywhere in the room.

Alpha John signaled me to close and lock the door, which I did immediately. The room is sound proof, both in and out. So it means that no one outside can hear us and we wont be disturbed with any noises. I then sat down on one of the chairs infront of his desk and waited for him to finish what he is doing.

"You know, I need to finish this paper immediately before you become the new alpha. This will make sure that I have followed what my father had promised to your grandfather."

He spoke without taking his eyes off of the papers infront of him. I nodded even though he can't even see me. Then I waited for him to finish while tapping my fingers on my lap.

"Young lady you may stop that now. By the way, do you know why I asked you to go here?"


"So I will take that as a no."

"Uhmm. Because you want to know my answer?"

"Well my dear I think I already know your answer. But I wont be pushing you to do something that you don't want to. I want you to know that you're like a daughter for me as well."

"Well, how are you so certain that I have already decided? And if not for that, then why am I here?"

"My dear, you wont be here if you have not yet decided. And the reason why I asked you to got here is because of a very important matter that you should know."

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