Chapter 61: Binded

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It has been a week now since we have started training. Of course we are still not ready for the war. We may have excelled but all I did train them to do are the basics and more on how long they'll last in a fight. I can see improvements in most of them as others still needs more training.

"Skylar snap out of it." Rouge called out from beside me. We are currently eating breakfast and I guess I zoned out again. It has been happening to me since our second day of training. Every now and then I would think to myself, analyze and plan out stuffs. And Rouge had noticed this strange behaviour so she tends to scold at me sometimes to stop over thinking.

I smile at her grateful for she never let me get too hooked on my own thoughts that the others would notice. But one person does notice and that is Dani. She may keep quiet and reserved but never had she let me feel that she doesn't care. And I know she do because she do not speak but then look at Rouge and I intently.

Dani had changed a lot since the last time we saw each other. She is more mature and more composed but I think she's just covering up for the fact that she is not yet at ease with her wolf. Well, I don't blame her for that because I too did went through that phase going to where I am now. And that is why I'm here for her, to help her get through and be stronger than everyone else.

Oh my dear Dani who have been gone for so long then came back totally had changed in to a gorgeous lady. Her already beautiful face now more mature her skin ever silkier and soft as her body had gotten curvier with muscles and fats on the right area. Every man who's not yet mated drool over her even if they knew that she is already my mate.

"What the fuck!" Yelling startled at the sudden coldness that took me out of my thought I rose from my seat. Looking at my now drenched clothes I raise my gaze to meet everyone's grinning faces. "Why are you all looking like clowns with those huge grins?! And who the hell dumped cold water with ice on me?!" I hollered each word at them attempting to gain my control but failed when I felt a shiver wash over me.

Rouge snickered as Cleo came to me and stated. "Well I'm sorry but it is my idea. See, Dani would have melted by now if we did not do that. Plus the fact that you have gain everyone's attention with your heat I suggest you lock up yourself up on your room." Have I really been looking at Dani for so long that I have not notice everyone else plan to pull a trick on me. But what does she mean by lock myself up my room is what I don't understand.

Guess my questioning gaze gave her the idea of my unvoiced question for she simply leaned in and whispered to my ear. "You are in heat Skylar, leaving everyone else drooling all over you." My jaw dropped at this then immediately scanning the whole room. My friends have formed a circle near me making a barrier for the others who would like to go near me.

But of course I am not all ears to this nonsense. Yes, I may be feeling hot but it is because I have been lusting for Dani for a year. And now we have been sleeping in one room sharing my bed but still I am unable to touch her without her approval. "That is foolishness. Please just let it go and I will go up to my room to take a nice cold shower. I hope everyone will be waiting for me outside for training once I get back."

With my words strong and powerful everyone nodded agreeing to my instructions. Looking at Dani, she nodded with a smile. Deciding it is time to head off and finally take that much needed shower I left. Upon entering my room I head straight to the bathroom stripped off of my clothes and immediately turned on the shower.

The heat I'm feeling did not go fast however the cold bath is working for I slowly felt my muscles relax as the cold droplets of water touch my skin. Luna has been too cruel to me for she has allowed me to suffer like this. It isn't right to blame anyone for my stubbornness but it is who I am, I can't just let things go that easily. And the sad part here is Dani doesn't even look bothered at all.

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