Chapter 17

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We let the police officers in and we all sat down on the settees after being told it was going to be a long story.

"I'm P.O Wolf and this is my partner, P.O Woodward" One of the lads smiled. Officer Wolf was roughly twenty years old with soft-looking brown hair and Officer Woodward was about twenty-two with blonde hair.

"Basically, we're here to say that we've tracked Jason down. He's living with some drug dealers now and the lot of them do still have Jack with them" Woodward explained, making my eyes widen.

"Mckenzie doesn't know that we know and he can't find out. This is confidential information"

"The group have been using Jack for dealing, letting him deliver the drugs to different houses. From what we know, he is okay but we need to get in as soon as we can to get that boy out and get the gang arrested"

"A girl from the group, Melanie, she was previously arrested and is currently being watched by the neighbours because of what she's done in the past"

"Well can't you just go in and get Jack out?" Ben quizzed, furrowing his eyebrows as Gemma walked down the stairs.

"Baby, can you go upstairs and play with some of your toys for a little bit please? I promise we can play together after" Rachel hummed, before I could say anything. Gem nodded and ran up the stairs before we all turned back to the officers.

"Yeah, he's not safe in there so shouldn't you go in to get him out?" Continued Rae.

"Unfortunately we can't, the gang are armed. If we go in there unarmed without a plan, he dies, we die. We're working on a way to get in there already back at the station and we have head of the department and a couple of guys from the army working with us" Wolf told us.

"These guys are known to us for previous arrests and fights. They've been in the business for years, they know what they're doing and how to get out" 

"Damn" Stampy breathed "When do you reckon you'd be able to get him out?"

"Next couple of weeks but we need to discuss the plan with you lot.. Any chance you'd be able to come down to the station within the next few days?"

"Tomorrow. We'll come tomorrow" I forced a small smile as Ben took my hand in his.


"Uh sorry that's my phone" Netty chuckled, quickly getting it out of her pocket and going to put it on silent "Um.."

"What's up?" Squid asked, looking over her shoulder.

"It's Jason"

"What's he said?" Woodward quizzed 

"Want Jack back with the family? I'll send you an address Saturday at 12 noon. Don't bring police or he's dead"

"Can you come down to the station now?" 

"yes" I answered, getting up "What do we do about Gemma?" 

"Is there a relative or friend you could take her too?"

"Nicole" Squid said, sighing "Nicole's with Tom and AshDubh, they can look after her"

"I'll ring and see if they can come here" Netty told us, getting up and walking through to the kitchen. As everyone kind of scattered round the house to get ready, I stayed sat down and took a big, shaky breath.

"Are you alright?" Wolf mumbled, seeing me rub my hand over my face.

"Yeah, I just can't believe you've found him after so long" I replied, making him smile.

"Honestly, it was a surprise to us too. We weren't expecting to find him, at least not back in this country"

"Thank you for what you've done. It means a lot"

"Right the guys are coming round here, Nicole's going to bring David, Ash is alone and Tom's bringing Leah, Callum and Olivia"


This day was mental.

A|N The next chapters will be longer but I've got two more exams in an hour so I need to go get ready! Wish me luckkk :) Byee xx

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