Chapter 38

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A/N ~ I have no idea where I'm going with this, so if you have any ideas please comment them:) I'll give you full credit if I use your ideas^.^


Stampy and I finished off making breakfast and we called the kids through to the kitchen to eat and they all rushed through, apart from Rachel making me frown deeper.

"I'm going to take Rae some food up, I'll be back in five minutes" I told my husband, picking up her plate and wandering slowly upstairs. I knocked on her bedroom door to recieve no answer, so I tried to open the door but it was locked, confusing me. She never locked her door? "Rachel??"


"Open the door please, I've got some breakfast for you" 

"I'm not hungry" she grunted, making me sigh.

"Well at least take the plate in case you get hungry? Please?" I begged, unsure of what to do.

" 'kay, leave it by the door"

"I'll bring it in if you just unlock the do-"

"No! I said leave it by the door, I want to stay in my room today"

"O-okay, I'll leave it there. Message me or come see me if you need anything" and with that, I placed the plate of food by her door and headed downstairs and into the kitchen, pulling Stampy with me. I explained the situation to him and he furrowed his eyebrows, telling me he was confused in which I replied "Same". 

"Maybe we need to talk with her seriously? Or ask advice from someone, like a doctor? I don't know" 

"We do need to talk to her, definitely. But we need to find out her feelings before consulting in someone, unless we can't get anything out of her" I sighed, shaking my head sadly.

"Yeah" Stampy nodded, giving me a quick hug "Now, c'mon, let's get some food"

I nodded, following him to the table and sitting down with the other kids, the conversation quickly picking up as we chatted about school and joked about some things. Jack began talking about how he'd been seeing photos of Ibiza beaches and weather, which sparked more conversation;

"Ahh, can we go to Ibiza one day please? And can we go on holiday soon? Please!" Ben begged before stuffing his face happily with bacon and eggs.

"I don't see why not" Stampy shrugged, smiling quite happily.

"Yeah, we should get away for a week or two" I nodded, sipping my orange juice "Ibiza sounds nice too, we'll have to avoid the party areas though"

"Yeah, certain areas are a no. But there's some parts that are just family perfect" Ben spoke, smiling.

"And how do you know?" my husband laughed, cutting up a piece of toast.

"I may or may not have been looking it all up" our son chuckled, making me giggle before we finished off our breakfact and cleaned up.


Later that day, Ben went to his friends house and Gemma and Jack decided they wanted to go to the park, despite how cold it was.

"Do you want me or dad to take you?" I asked, thinking about Rachel upstairs.

"We want you both to take us" Gemma pouted, putting her shoes on slowly.

"But Rae's upstairs"

"Why can't she come?" Jack questioned, raising one eyebrow like he was a little old man.

"I'll ask her, but I don't think she'll want to come" I replied, sighing as Stampy smiled sympathetically. He probably didn't know what to do either to be honest. Sure, she's fourteen, old enough to stay home alone for a little while but I just worried about her, especially with how she'd been acting. 

Once I got upstairs, I noticed the plate was now empty, meaning she'd either eaten it and put it back or binned it and put it there. I was hoping for the first one, of course. Knocking on the door, I took in a deep breathe before speaking;

"Rae? Jack and Gemma want me and your dad to take them to the park, do you want to come with us?" I asked nervously, biting my lip as I awaited a reply.

"I'm okay, thanks. You and dad can go" she replied, voice seeming softer.

"You sure?"


"Okay, see you later" I didn't get a reply, but I didn't expect one to be honest, so I wandered back downstairs and informed Jack, Gemma and Stampy that both of us would be taking them to the park and Rachel was staying home.

On the way to the park, I explained to Stampy how Rachel acted when I asked about it, and how her mood seemed to have changed completely.

"We need to talk to her, something's wrong" he sighed.

I nodded, frowning. I just wanted my daughter to be okay.

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