Chapter 40

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Five minutes later, I was stil trying to work out what to do and panicking about where Rachel had gone. Stampy was trying to call her, but she wasn't answering and instead declining the call almost immediately, making us worry more. I started to think about calling the police, but I didn't know if they'd be able to look for her already or how any of it'd work so I decided to give it a little more time.

Just a moment later, my husbands phone began ringing making us both glance at the screen to see it was Squid, which was odd considering the time. Stampy answered the call, putting it on speaker.

"Hello? Squid, it's late and we're kind of worried about our daughter because she just left"

"That's what I'm calling you about!  I thought I'd seen her but I didn't know if it was her so I thought I'd check with you!" Squid replied, rushing his sentence.

"Wait, where did you see her? When?"  I questioned, rushing over to Stampy's side.

"Uh about five-ten minutes ago, she was walking across the park. I was there with Nicole becaude neither of us could sleep and David's at my mums" 

"Oh my god" I whispered "We have to go look for her!!"

"We can't leave the kids though" Stampy told me, making me nod.

"I'll come over and stay at yours if you guys would like to go out?" Nicole suggested through the call.

"You wouldn't mind?"

"No, not at all! You need to make sure Rae's okay" 

"Please" Stampy spoke, brushing a hand through his curly hair "thank you so much"

"We'll be there in five" and with that, they hung up and presumably left their house to come over to us. We got changed and then headed downstiars. As we waited, I paced the living room downstairs and tried to calm myself down as much as possible. Finally, there was a knock at the door and we opened it, letting Nicole and Squid in. 

"I'll come out with you" Squid told us as Nicole hugged us both before taking a seat on the sofa.

"Thank you" I smiled, opening up the door again. And with that, we headed out out to look for Rachel. The first place we went to was the park, and we searched everything there but couldn't find her anywhere.

I let out a deep sigh as we walked into the middle of the big field, looking around to see if we could see anybody anyway, but no luck.

"Which way was she heading?" Stampy asked, turning to look at Squid. 

"That way" he said, pointing to a little pathway that lead to a street "but I thought she stopped before there" 

"Let's go look" I sighed, rushing over with both of the guys following hurriedly. We looked around the area before deciding to walk out onto the street, where I stopped and growled quietly.

The buildings were nightclubs and bars, all of them lit up brightly and the streets were busting with drunk, and sober, people stumbling across the road. I was honeslty just praying that nothing bad had happened to her.  

"Excuse me? You haven't seen this girl, have you?" Squid began asking people as they walked past, showing them photos of Rae. They were all saying no, shaking their heads or just ignoring us and stumbling on. Their drunk laughter was beginning to annoy me as I searched desperately for my daughter, but to no luck. 

"Let's go home" I breathed, rubbing my eyes "She might've gone back there, or we might see her on our way back"

"Yeah" Stampy nodded, taking my hand "We'll have to call the police soon" 

I nodded as we wandered along the street, still looking around and asking people as we went. We'd decided on walking back a different way, rather than going through the park so we could've covered more area in the search. We saw a few people stood with "street angels" shirts on, so we headed over to speak with them.

Basically, they would take care of the homeless, or the drunk, high or anything like that. They'd put them in a taxi home if they were so out of it that they couldn't do it themselves. 

"Excuse me? Have you seen this girl at all?" We asked, showing a photo of Rachel. The photo was one that'd been taken at the hospital, her and Max had turned and grinned at me, and I'd managed to capture a photo at that time.

"No, I'm afraid not. Are you looking for the boy too, by any chance? I saw him, or at least someone similar-looking not so long ago, he was heading that way, towards the doctors" one the guys replied, stepping forwards and pointing down the road.

"Max? Could he be out too? Meeting her maybe?" I questioned, turning to look at the two guys who were with me.

"I'll call his mum now" Stampy replied, typing away on his phone as Squid looked around.

"Thank you so much!" I spoke, praising the man who'd told us. 

"Of course! We tried to talk to him, since he looked a bit young to be out here but he told us he was fine, shrugged it off and walked on. He was a very quiet boy"

"What was he wearing, do you know?" Squid quizzed, brushing a hand through his messy hair.

"Um black ripped jeans, and a black hoodie I think. I can't really remember but it was dark that's for sure" 

"Guys he's not at home" Stampy said, pulling the phone from his ear to tell us "So both of them are out"

"Great" I muttered, taking a deep breath.

"They're going to come and meet us outside the doctors" he then told us after hanging up on the phone turning and thanking the guy who'd told us about Max.

"No trouble! It's just my job. If you'd like, I could take your number and call if I see anyone again?" 

"You wouldn't mind?"

He shook his head, so I gave him my number and took my phone off of silent before we rushed to the doctors, looking around as we walked.

I just wanted to find them, to know they were safe.

Stampy and Sqaishey Love Story 5Where stories live. Discover now