Chapter 42

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"I wanted to make sure Rae was okay, and I knew she couldn't come to ours and I couldn't get here without someone waking up" Max sighed, staring at the floor and avoiding looking at anybody. We'd all moved, so Rachel and Max were sat together with us around them to explain themselves.

"What d'you mean make sure she was okay?" I questioned, glancing at my daughter sat beside him. She stole a quick look at me before directing her eyes back to their interwined fingers in her lap.

"I was... Um, well I, you see I... Uh" she stammered, taking a couple of deep breaths "I was in like... Um... Not a great place"

"Mentally?" Stampy mumbled, taking my own hand in his.


"Were you going to... hurt yourself?" I asked, recieving nothing but a nod. Stampy and I glanced over to Max's parents to see what they made of this, and they were both frowning but there was something about their facial expressions which confused me.

"You know that you can always talk to us Rae, we want to help you" I breathed, watching her nod again.

"We're here for you too, Rachel" Max's dad spoke, offering a sympathetic smile.

"But we do need to talk about you two just leaving, because I'm not exactly ecstatic about it and I'm sure Stampy and Sqaishey aren't either" his mum sighed, shuffling a little in her seat.

"Max, it was so nice of you to meet Rae out there, but next time please just call me, or wake your mum and dad to ask them for help. And Rachel, please wake us up" I spoke, trying to keep my tone soft but firm. 

"Yeah, and this can't happen again. It's not right, and it's dangerous" Max's mum told them, making them both nod.

"We're sorry" Max whispered, looking up at us "I just wanted to make sure Rach was okay"

"And I just didn't want to do anything again" Rachel added, making my eyebrows raise but I quickly changed my expression, deciding I would talk to her about why she said "again" the following day. 

"Right, well since there were good intentions this'll be left here" Max's dad hummed, making both Stampy and I nod too.

"Yeah, but if it happens again then yous are in big trouble"

Once we'd all agreed on what was happening and things got sorted out, Max's parents left, and Max and Rachel went upstairs after we agreed he could stay the night. We thanked Nicole and Squid, who then left before Stampy and I sat down in the living room to discuss the situation.

"We need to talk to her alone tomorrow" I told him, sighing quietly. 

"We do, and we need to get rid of anything she could've used, or could use if anything happens again"  Stampy said, sipping his water. 


The discussion went on and on until we both yawned and checked the time.

"It's six-thirty in the morning" I gasped, staring at the clock that sat up on the wall. Stampy audibly gasped, spinning around and looking up at the clock too, then checking his phone to make sure the time was right. "The kids have school soon!" I exclaimed, trying to wake myself up a little.

"You go to bed, it's only Jack, Gemma and Ben so I'll sort them out and then get a bit of sleep afterwards" Stampy offered, stepping down from the first step.

"Are you sure? How will you keep yourself awake?"

"I'm a gamer, obviously energy drinks"  he joked, making me giggle.

"coffee it is then, since I drank the last one" 

"mean" He frowned before pressing a soft kiss to my lips "sleep well"

And with that, I headed up the stairs to get some sleep before we had to deal with Rachel's issues later on in the day.


When I woke up, Stampy was laid beside me with an arm firmly wrapped around my waist. I smiled, kissing his cheek and shaking him gently to wake him. His eyes opened and his lips formed a smile. I rolled over and picked up my phone, pressing the home button to see what time it was.

"It's twelve" I hummed, rubbing my eyes "we ought to get up"

"I guess, yeah" he groaned, sitting up slowly  and yawning, making me giggle before slipping out of bed and getting changed into black ripped jeans and a thin long-sleeved top. Once I was dressed and had put on a minimal amount of makeup, as well as brushed my hair so I looked presentable, I wandered downstairs to see Rachel and Max were cuddled up on the settee watching Disney movies. I smiled at the sight, sighing when I remembered we needed to speak with Rachel, but I simply headed into the kitchen and made some bacon sandwiches. 

"I made you two sandwiches" I mumbled, passing the two their plates.

"Thank you" Rae muttered, placing it on her lap.

"Thank you so much, and I'm really sorry about last night. It's my fa-"

"It's fine, Max. You had good intentions, and that's the main thing"

The boy blushed and nodded, taking the plate out of my hand and placing it in his lap. I smiled, turning around and wandering back into the kitchen, sitting down at the little breakfast bar counter we had, taking a bite out of my own sandwich. Stampy joined me a moment later, thanking me for making the sandwich.

Once we'd finished, I left Stampy to tidy up and wandered into the living room and smiled at the two teens.

"Max, what times your mum coming to get you?" I asked, fiddling with the little ring on my finger.

"She'll be here in like ten minutes" Max hummed, smiling tiredly "thank you for letting me stay last night, despite what we did"

"It's okay, honestly. You had good intentions, just as long as it doesn't happen again. And you're welcome to stay whenever you'd like"

"Thank you"

I simply nodded and smiled, picking up their plates and carrying them into the kitchen to stick in the dishwasher. I informed my husband that Max's mum would be arriving soon, and then we would give Rachel some space before talking to her about these "issues".


It was over an hour later, once Max had left and Rae had had some time to chill, when we decided to talk with her about what's wrong. So we headed upstairs and knocked on her bedroom door, waiting for an answer. Finally, the door opened and we stepped inside.

"Can we speak to you please?"

"Do we have to now?" she grunted, staring down at the floor.

"Well, we don- Actually, yeah we do. It's important Rae" Stampy spoke, changing his mind mid-sentence.


Well this was going to be a fun discussion...


A/N Find out in the next chapter! It'll be up soooonnnnnn ^.^ 

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