Chapter 21

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Time passed too quickly for my liking. It was Friday, meaning the night before everything happened and we were on our way back to the station for more training and to go over the plan once more.

Ben seemed very happy and bubbly, talking quite a lot to everyone in the car. It made me smile that he was so chatty because normally he'd keep to himself and keep quiet unless spoken to, which I understood because I was always like that.

It was a warm day so when we arrived and saw Officer Kenzie sat on the wall outside, I guessed it was because it was warm inside. She smiled and greeted us all before suggesting that we discuss the plan again first and then try out some scenarios again so that Ben could practise what was going to happen.

"That sounds great" Ben told her, flashing a smile. 

Even though Ben wasn't showing any signs on nerves, Rachel was. She'd fallen asleep in bed beside him the previous few nights as well as spending as much time as possible around him, not to mention the whole drive to the police station, she held his hand tightly and refused to let go.

I mean, he is her brother and they were super close. Like best friends. They'd always been this way, not once had the two of them argued. Ben would tease her, like an older brother would, and he'd tell her that she'd got hair sticking up or had mascara on her nose but she's retaliate and tell him his fly was down or his hair wasn't soft enough. 

I couldn't imagine Rachel without Ben or Ben without Rachel. They're partners in crime. Neither of them have their own Youtube, even though Stampy and I agreed on letting them have one from the age of twelve. Instead, they had a joint channel that they literally just named 'Ben and Rachel'. I remember them having a funny argument about whose name was going to go first. It was only a joke, of course however they did play some very competitive rock paper scissors.

"Please, take a seat" Officer Kenzie smiled, gesutring to seats in the room we'd walked into. I sat down inbetween Ben and Stampy on a settee.

"Okay, so what we've got so far is you walk in, Ben" she began to explain "You see Jason and tell him you're there to collect Jack. If he or any of his 'mates' do anything to harm you, you need to shoot them"

We spent well over an hour discussing the plan and suggesting different things and different alternatives to things before my son went and did his practise, making me smile and feel proud. We were all stood from a distance, wathing through a soundproof screen window.

Feeling an arm around my waist, I looked up to my right to see Stampy smiling down at me. I returned the smile and rested my head on his shoulder. He pressed a kiss to my forehead before we both looked back at what Ben was doing, watching as proud (and scared) parents.

Once Ben had finished, about another hour or so later, we were told we had to be back at the station for ten AM the next day so we could all get ourselves prepared.

"You've been doing really well, Ben" Officer Wolf spoke "I don't know if I'll see you tomorrow, I might not be alllowed on shift. I'm in trouble because I apparently taught you some wrong shots. But good luck"

"Thank you" Ben answered "You're a great teacher" he then proceeded to give the man a hug before saying a sad goodbye to him and walking away with the rest of the guys.

"Thank you for everything" I smiled, also giving him a hug before following Stampy.

"Wait" Rachel said, stopping us and hurrying back over to Wolf "Thank you so much for making sure my brother knows what to do. You've been great. I hope we see you tomorrow" she hummed, hugging him before walking back over to us, making me smile.

I think we were all silently agreeing with her and Ben and wishing he'd be there the next day. 

On the drive home, the radio was on but everyone stayed silent. I was trying to prepare myself for the following day and come to terms witht he fact that it was actually happening and I'm guessing that's what everyone else was trying to do too. 

The next morning came around quite quickly and we were all preparing ourselves for what was going to happen. We'd all eaten breakfast and were sorting things out to go to the station. We'd all already hugged Ben, who'd been very chatty since we got up.

If he was nervous, he wasn't showing it. He'd been so chatty all morning and was walking round the house, telling everyone different facts or speaking about tweets that had been sent in.

We'd not told anyone that this was happening. We'd been told to keep it down on the low, so that's what we were doing. Everyone knew that someone had Jack but we never mentioned that we knew who and where he was, or that we were doing this to get our boy back.

"Right, is everyone ready?" Stampy said, taking in a deep breath. 

Netty, Stampy, Squid and I were going with Ben and Rachel. The rest of the guys were going to stay at our place with the kids so that there weren't too many people and the kids didn't have to experience it. We'd tried to get Rachel to stay at home but it was her bother and best friend going in there and she was old enough, plus she wanted to be there.

She wanted to be there in case he got injured. She wanted to be there to be able to say she loves him right before he goes. She wanted to go in case he got nervous. She definitely wanted to be there in case he died. She wanted to know as soon as anything happened because that boy was her world.

On the drive to the police station, Ben's voice could not be heard. He'd gone silent. His hands were visibly shaking and his leg was bouncing up and down as he bit down on his lip.

Rachel, who was sat beside him, noticed and rested her hand on his knee and smiled, whispering something to him and then letting him take her hand in his.

Smiling at the two of them, I looked away from the mirror I'd been watching them through and shuffled, getting more comfortable in my seat.

Now everything just needed to go well.

A|N I hope you enjoyed this! Anyway, I'm updating again soon because I've had a rush of ideas for this book. I'm starting to upload more often on Youtube, could you guys maybe check my two channels out and subscribe to them please? It would mean the world! Here they are 

Main channel -  Amymaria03     -

Vlogging channel - Amymaria03Vlogs -

Thank you! ~Amy 

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