Chapter 26

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A|N I'm going to have to end the book soon but I really don't want to, what should I do? I can't keep doing sequels. Maybe make this an extra long book and have this as the last book? Or a sixth? Soo.. you choose! Sequel or extra long book? (:

That evening was amazing. 

The moment we got home, the guys gathered round to ask what was going on and to see what'd happened. Hugs were shared, a few tears were shed and it was all-round a beautiful time.

Jack and I were the centre of attention, and of course Dad got plenty since he'd been in the house too, but Jack had more attention and I was fine with that. He was the one who'd had to live with them since he was a baby and was taken off of us, he deserved lots of love.

"I'm so proud of you, Ben" Rachel told me, pulling me into the kitchen and away from the rest of the commotion.

I smiled at her gratefully and gave her a quick hug before she pulled away and poured both of us some smoothie. My sister had already spent quite a bit of time with Jack and Gemma was now playing with him, after Mum and Dad explained things to her.

"Ben you did so well" Squid told me, walking through and patting my shoulder "Proud of you buddy... Although you'll probably be winning nerf wars from now on so I'd better be on your team"

"We'll see about that" I laughed, giving him a hug "Thank you" 


A few days later, after everything was sorted including Jason and his gang being arrested and me, Officer Wolfy and Dad being awarded these medals for our 'bravery', even though we were simply doing the right thing.

 We were all sat in a large room in the house, messing around. Mum had gotten a camera out and we were about to make a video to explain what was going on and introduce Jack to everyone and introduce him to the Youtube life.

"Everyone ready?" Dad questioned after Rachel snapped a mugshot of me, making me groan and flick her arm, her poking me in return.

'Yes' was mumbled in reply from everyone, even though I kind of wasn't and I was actually focusing more on taking a good selfie with Rachel.

"Hellooo this is Stampy and this is... A bit of an explanation video" Dad spoke, sorting out the intro.

"Rae, Ben, why?" Mum laughed before photobombing our selfie, making us all laugh.

"Soz Mum" I chuckled, making her shake her head.

"Baaasically, everyone's been wondering what's going on with no videos this last week and everything. And the photos we've posted, especially our tweets and photos about Dad, Ben and a police officer called Officer Wolf being awarded medals" Rachel began,

"That is because the three of them did a very dangerous thing. But I think it was worth it" 

"If you all remember or if you don't, we had a son. Jack. He was only a baby when he got taken from us. Well recently, the police force contacted us, as did the dude who took him. The dude wanted Rachel or Ben to go in, anyone else would be killed. We already knew they had guns, we knew what they were capable of" Mum added, continuing our explanation.

"I said I'd do it. I couldn't let Rachel go in, ever" I spoke up "So I did. I had some training, I was trained by Officer Wolf. I learnt how to shoot a proper gun and how to defend myself. It came round to the day, blah blah. I had a mic and earpiece and could speak to the guys with a safe word of apples"

"He did so well, he was playing mind games with them. Talking about the drugs and alcohol with them, meesing with how to get out. It was quite funny, thinking back but obviously at the time, I hated it. Anyway, they tried to leave and the dude, we'll call him Bill, he laughed in their face with his fellow gang members around him. Ben quickly used the word Apples" Rachel explained

"Officer Wolf, who's sat in the corner watching us with a massive smile on his face, was quicky getting himself ready. Of course I trusted him but this was my two sons in there, I needed to help them out. So what did I do? I sorted myself out with a bulletproof vest and a gun and both Wolfy and I went in. I went in through the front while he went in through the back" Dad hummed.

"A lot went off in there" I told the viewers "I was almost shot a few times but Dad sorted that out with Wolfy and we got out safely, not one of us being injured"

"Officer Wolf, Stamps and Ben got awarded medals for their bravery. But yeah, that's why their's so many photos of us mentioned Jack as our son and brother and such. So yeah guys, meet Jack. He'll be in videos a lot now" Mum grinned as Jack jumped into shot, waving eagerly.

"Hellooo" he sang before scrunching up his nose cutely "Nice to meet y'all"

We all laughed softly before introducing the viewers to Officer Wolf and then letting Jack end the video with:

"I love y'all, see you again soon! Byee"

Honestly, it was so so cute and funny. 

Everyone was so happy.

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