Chapter 3

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Later that day, we were are sat back at home after helping Rachel with her test answers, helping to teach her a little bit more about she didn't know.

"Guys.. Um Stampy and I have something we need to tell you.. And we think you're old enough now" I spoke up, sitting forwards nervously.

"Go on?" Ben said, obviously confused

"Do you remember when you were little? There was a little kid... Jack?.. Your little brother" Stampy began making the anxiety build up inside of me.

"Yeah! I remember... What.. What happened to him?" Rachel said.

We'd sent Gemma to bed because she was only nine and we didn't believe she was old enough just yet.

"He... Um basically... He got... Well..." I stuttered.

"Basically he.." Stampy started for me but got interrupted when there was a knock at the door.

My husband quickly hopped up and wandered over to the door, pulling it open to see Squid, Netty and Tom stood there with grins on their faces.

"Heyyy! We thought we would come and surprise you, we alright to stay?" Squid beamed.

"Yeah that's fine" I fake-smiled as the kids jumped up and ran over to give them big hugs.

I stood up, brushing the creases from my clothes and walked over to the doorway, engulfing the guys in great big hugs.

"It's so nice to see you" Netty said with a massive smile on her face.

"Come in guys, you know where your rooms are just be quiet, Gem's sleeping" I told them, standing to the side.

They nodded and made their way upstairs.
Well now the way we were telling the kids was ruined.

What now?

Stampy and Sqaishey Love Story 5Where stories live. Discover now