Chapter 29

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A/N Sorry it took so long to get this up <3 I've been really busy and shaken up. I'll get back to regular updates again soon x

Rachel's POV

Time passed quite quickly, reallly, it always did when the guys were round though because we were constantly having fun. The guys went home and just a week later, I was at home getting changed quickly and waiting for my boyfriend, Max, to arrive.

I changed out of my school uniform and into a graphic tank top and high-wasted shorts, brushing my hair and leaving it down before checking how I looked in the mirror and running downstairs.

"Hello" Dad laughed, greeting me at the bottom of the stairs as I nearly ran into him.

"Hi" I grinned, coughing slightly from all the running I'd been doing.

"You're excited for Max to meet everyone, aren't you?" Ben chuckled, looking over at me as he placed his phone down on the coffee table that sat in front of the settee.

"Yes" I answered, nodding before heading into the kitchen to see what my mum was up to. She was wearing a fuzzy grey sweatshirt and blue jeans that looked lovely on her. She recently got her hair cut short and it really suited her, it was lovely.

"I can't wait to meet Max, you know? He sounds so lovely" Mum commented, smiling "By the way, you look gorgeous. I love the top"

"Thank you" I grinned, hugging her before heading through into the room where both my father and brother were getting up to go through to the kitchen.

No more than five minutes later, there was a quiet knock at the door making me jump up and grin, wandering over and opening the door to see my boyfriend stood there smiling. He was wearing a black band shirt with blue jeans and black vans, his brown hair brushed down.

"Hey" I beamed, hugging him quickly.

"Hey" He hummed, kissing my cheek as I invited him inside.

"Come with me, I'll introduce you to my  mum, dad and Jack"

"They're not going to hate me, are they?"

"If Ben doesn't hate you, they won't hate you. Ben's the most antisocial person of us all" I giggled, taking his hand and practically dragging him towards the kitchen.


I introduced my parents and Jack to Max, who blushed furiously and smiled very nervously, before we all sat down to the table to eat our tea - which, of course, was pizza because Dad accidentally burnt the spaghetti and Ben dropped the bolognese part of it, which made everyone laugh.

Max helped us all clean things up before Dad ordered us all pizza from the local takeaway while the other five of us laughed.

We had a fun few hours, everyone getting to know Max, we even got to hear him sing a song. He loved to sing, and play guitar, he was great at it too but he didn't like singing in front of people because he got nervous.

It made me smile that despite only just meeting my family, he still sang in front of them, which meant he was comfortable with them thank God.

"Uh I've got to go home now, Mum's just texted me" my boyfriend told us, standing up from the settee.

"It was lovely meeting you" my own mum smiled, giving him a quick hug before my Dad said the same and they shook hands.

Ben and Max smiled at eachother while Jack hugged my boyfriend, begging him not to leave making us chuckle.

"I'll come back and see you again soon" Max mumbled, giving Jack a gentle hug before standing up again and heading towards the door with me following. 

The two of us stepped outside and hugged, not seperating until his phone buzzed, indicating a text.

"Your family is lovely, tell them I had a great time. See you at school tomorrow princess"

"See you tomorrow" I grinned, kissing his cheek "I love you"

"I love you too" 

And with that, I stepped back inside and he walked away to go home. I think it had gone quite well, to be honest.

"He seems amazing" My dad said almost immediately after I got back in the house.

"Yeah, he's so nice. He smells nice as well" Mum chuckled, making me blush and roll my eyes whilst laughing at her.

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