Chapter 1 - What Goes Around Comes Around

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Averal's P.O.V

"Matt could you pass the Bacon please"

the bacon slid up the long table and I laughed knowing he was going to do that the triplets bounced in all cheerful in the 14 months iv been here not once did I hear from Derek or Josh and that I was thankful for

every day Iv keep wishing that they would come looking for me or something but I gave up about 8 months ago my brother is such an ass but my mate is an even bigger ass I have hope for my brother tho I think hell change

"morning shunning"Taylor said

"morning mush"

"HEY stop calling me mush I don't like it"

Every morning he gets up late I like OR call him mush why? I wish I knew

"what are you going to do"

I got up and ran up the stairs to my room and locked the door

"Im getting dressed go away"

I looked in my closet at my new clothes after about 3 months of being here I went on a shopping spree because I lost my chunky ness and all the boys cheered and I let my hair grow out and I strengthen it all the time even tho its probably messing up my hair

I looked in my closet and picked out my dark ripped skinnies and my favorite pair of silver high tops and my favorite blue ruffled shirt

I walked down stairs and the guys were all there waiting for me and we walked put to my car and we all piled in they were squished like a can of sardines I just laughed as Skittles slid in besides me hes the beta

I waited for them all to settle down because there was nine people in a five people car so we had the four people sitting on the seat in the back then we made the rest sit on the floor

every time we went to school everyone gave us are you mad looks because of the people in the car and my crazy driving

I swerved in and out of traffic in the school looking for a parking spot one guy pulled in when I was getting ready to park I rolled down my window and said

"move you car or ill happily key it"

he wasn't long getting out of there because I kinda of have a reputation of doing that I says I'm going to do

like that time I was in art and this girl took my spot next to Matt I told her to move of I was going to pour orange paint over and finish her off with a light coding of flower she didn't believe me

big mistake

so I got paint and flour and dumped the paint over her then the flour and she was trying for days to get it out and Finlay she got fed up with trying to get it out and ended cutting it off

she had a bowl cut after that her name is Stacie and she has been trying to get revenge ever since and its like 10'000 failed attempts so far

out off all eighth guys I think I like Matt the most or the triplets every now ill get a little home sick but then ill remind myself of how mean every one is I played with a strand of my straightened black hair

I walked threw the halls I stopped playing with the strand of black hair Iv never really had Manny boyfriends so I was surprised when this guy named Tyler I think came up to me and asked me to hang out tonight I said okay

he was tall had black hair and green eyes but they wernt the froest green eyes that I was starting to miss

yes I was starting to miss my mate I know hes a jerk but what can you do when your wolf is calling for its mate

me and Tyler exchanged numbers then the first bell rang and sent everyone scuring to there classes including the boys

I laughed and me always being late I didt bother with a late slip I stoped dead in my tracks when I heard his voice

"stop" it was Derek

~ ~ ~

"Stop" it was Derek

how in the fuck did he know I was here Iv been here in this town called Holloway for fourteen months and he just now finds me that block head ass dope idiot.

I stopped dead in my tracks and it felt like I metaled into the soles of my shoes I mentally cringed and I decided to turn around

awe I was right there standing not ten feet from me was Derek my mate that rejected me I hated being mate less but with a mate like this id rather be mate less then have him harsh? yeah well what goes around comes around

"Uhh...Yes....?.." I stuttered

when I turned around and spoke those words he all but fainted he squinted his eyes and his mouth slowly formed an O as he said

" somewhere...?"

YES I mentally screamed he don't recognise me but than as soon as I tougth that it went just as fast

he started to sniff the air his eyes going from green to red shit shit shit I'm fucked

"Hey arnt you-"

"how may I help you"

I mentally sigh of relief as Taylor came up to me and slung an arm around my shoulder and he repeated

"how may I help you"

"oh I was looking for the ahh day break pack"

"meet me by the feild at 11am"

Taylor turned around his arm sluing around my shoulder forcing me to turn to and we walked to out cooking class with Daylor and Zaylor once we were sat down the teacher said

"ok class today we are going to make macaroni salad with boiled eggs cut up and ham flakes cut up in cold macaroni"

I looked at Taylor Zaylor and Daylor remembering a little to clearly what happened at home last week when I cooked breakfasts


"breakfast is up"I shouted

all of the eight guys came running and sat down the stairs once everyone was served and there breakfast was ate

I told them to each stand by a courbod once they were all by a coubrod I pulled on my clear fish line and rubber boiled eggs with liquid your rained down on there head there was about 4 or 5 dozen eggs used

"AHWHWHWHWHWH" they all screamed

I laughed until they started chasing me around I flipped


"Boys?....shale we...."

we went up to get our cooking ingredients and got 2 eggs each and walked back to our table all four of us

we turned on our burner and put all our eggs in the pot remembering that they had to be in there for a while once we were sure they were done we tested it out and aimed it at the wall and SPLAT on to the wall the egg went

";ready aim FIRE" I whispered shouted

and the eggs went flying yoke went every where the teacher miss.lock looked in our direction and I leaned back in my chair kicked my feet up on the table and the teacher lost it she got fired up she roared


"naa I dont feel like it" I replied nonchalant

the room went deadly silent and I was relaxed with my feet up on the table


all but died laughing and so did the rest of the class

"do I look like I care...didn't think so"

"coming boys I'm going for a walk"

hey got up it was only 10:26 when I checked the digital clocks in the hall Taylor -Daylor and Zaylor walking on either side of him- said hes message the guys meaning Nate Jake Luke Skittles and Matt and told them to meet us by the school bleachers

we walked to the bleachers we as in me Zaylor "and Taylor and guss who we seen yeah he was there all them 26 minutes I mentally giggled oh my how my ass of a mate waited out in the cold I laughed at the tougth

we walked over to the bleachers again and there Derek goses sniffing again

'it must be the whole mate thing'

I immediately put up my wall and tougth

OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT I forgot to put up my wall I looked up from the ground all eight of them were staring at me with that look in there eyes each one of them had that look and then be four I knew it they were shaking

"STOP" I shouted

I tore down the barrier I just recently built up and then there voices started to pour into my head


everything became quite

'this is the guy that broke you heart rejected you well I might just rip his heart out threw his guts and see how he likes it' Matt snarled snarled inside my head

'stop you know what will happen if you do Iv been feeling sharp pricks every time hes in pain since I found out hes my jack off mate also he feels when i get hurt I hope he felt my heart tearing into shattering when he broke it and now he don't even remember me he will tho'

I smirked and all of the guys looked at me then I turned to Derek

"hey remember me?" I spoke directly to Derek

he looked me directly in the eyes then he Sung out


fuck I'm screwed


pic of Matt     >>>>>>>>>>

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3.ouuuuu lol hope you liked it 

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