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Derek's P.O.V

"Ave are you sure you want to do this?"

I looked my girl in the eyes "yes"

I smiled and kissed her neck just where her shoulder and her neck meet "are you sure" I wispred

"yes" with that I bit her

*          *          *

I breathed heviely and turned my head to look at Av she had a big grin on her face and was red as a taamato im nit sure if that is from being embarsed or really hot

Ave looked at me I smiled I put my arms around her and just lissoned to our breathing I kissed her fourhead

knock knock knock

"Ave" I wispred "what do we do?"

"hide" she wispred screamed

she crawled under the covers and made sure that no one would see her

"COME IN" I shouted

the dor creaked open and I wached as Matt steped in he looked at me then the lump next to me and raised an eyebrow but said nothing

"I just wanted to say congrats and brefext is ready"

"thanks" I said whit a smile

"Derek what do I smell in here"

"I dont know"

"it smells like another wolf" Matt said growling

"its not another wolf its Ave"

"im under here" Ave said pekeing out from under the blankets

"you smell different"

I looked at Ave and she blushed

"oh umm..." 

"did you too..." Matt turned around and walked out of the door clolsing it behind him

I looked at Ave and we bursted out laughing I kissed her cheek and threw back the blankets and went to my dresser and hauled out some clothes and walked to the bathroom

I turned and looked at ave she was looking at my bum I gave her a smirk and a wink and closed the bathroom door behind me

I tuned on the taps and steped in under the hot sprays of the water and washed my hair and my body then stepeed out and grabbed a towel

once the towel was wrapped around my waist  I walked over to the door and opned it Averial was spralwed out looking at the celing

I quitley tip toed over to the bed and shouted 


I wached as Ave jumped up and got in an attack position once she seen me she growled I started laughing

"Ave....you...you schould...have...seen...your...your face..." I said inbetween my laughs I fell on my knees from laughing so hard

"Derek that was mean"

"awwe Ave baby im sorry" I said and got up off the floor and wrapped my now loose towel tight around my waist

I looked at Ave she was now sat on the bed with her arms folded across her chest and leaning on her knees agenest the head bord

I walked over to the droor and pulled out a pair of undies and put them on then took my towel off I walked over to the bed and hoped on

"Awwwe Ave im sorry"

she looked at me with a stirght face I looked at her an-"GOTTCHA" she said and pounced

"AHHHH" I screamed as we tumbled to the floor 

I landed on my back whit an OMFF 

Ave giggled and started to tickle me "stop...it girl...im...gonna pee...myslef..." I said inbetween the laughs as she ticked me

she finally stoped and I retreated to the bathroom once I was done I stuck my head out to seen my room empty but I could hear the shower running down the hall 

I swong open my bed room door and smiled brightly 

ring ring ring

I ran down the hall way and jump dpwn the flight of stairs and grabbed the phone up off the hook and breathsley said hello

"hello" a female voice said "is this Derek?"

"yes whos this"

"well you might rember me from last mother or so"

then it clicked "ohhhhhhhhh Caroline?"

"yes I called to tell you that I have your plane tickets booked for the first next month"

"okay thanks well see you then"

the phone clicked and went dead meaning she hung up I turned around and was taken by suprise to see Ave dressed up in a pretty navey blue dress 

"come here" I spoke

I wached as Ave walked twords me I smiled and wraped my arms around her "are tickets are booked for the first of next month

"I love you Derek"

"I love you too Ave"


well im sad to see this book end

okay so what did you think

im gonna start working on the sequal once i go threw and edit this story

thanks guys for sticking whit me and im sorry that i sclacked off whit the lenth and stuff im gonna go back threw the book and compbine a few chapters well i hoped you liked it

thanks for reading


see you all soon I have my exams comeing up june the 11 to the 17 or somthing like that i will try to post the first chapter of my next book after  there over 

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