Chapter 7 - The Plan

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Averialès P.O.V

"so hears the plan..." Luke said

"we schould make Derek jealous..."

"I like were this is going" I said

"but I don't know if you will like this next part...we schould pretend to date to piss him off with holding hands and hugging can kiss me on the cheek"

I rored out into laugther but admit it its not a bad plan

" your...plan" I said in-between laughs "were...starting next time were together around Derek"

"ok" he laughed

"I think im going to go to bed Luke" I winked at him for him to get a clue

"ok do you want me to tuck you in" he said slightly louder

"that would be...nice" I was trying so hard not to laugh and he was doing the same

"ok comm'on then"

he picked me up bridal style and walked to the edge of the roof and jumped down to the lower part of the roof

he walked to the window and unlached it and climed in he set me down and went to turn on the lights

when he turned on the lights and I jumped a good two feet in the air there was Derek sitting on my bed

I raised an eye brow and said

"comm'on Luke lets go to your room"

"NOO" Derek roared

"who are you my mother?" I questioned


"yeah the same mate that rejected me months agao"

A look of pain crossed Derek's face then anger then...then was that...heart-break...?

"Comm'on lets go" I wispred to Luke

Luke grabbed my hand and towed me out of my room and down the hallway he stooped at a set of big oke doors

that's no his room

"im going to talk to Matt you staying or going in with me"

"I think ill stay here till your done"

He knocked on the door  

"comm'on in" Matt said

he disappeared threw the door and the door closed swiftly behind him I walked across the hall and sat down  in front of a big door the same big door that I barged in two nights agao

I stood up and walked back words then ran at the door and I took the door right off the hinges I looked at the door satisfied with my work I sat down by the wall

Derek walked up the hall and stooped at the door to his room he turned the knob and the door fell in words I smirked and heard outbreaks of laugther I looked up there was Matt,Luke,Jake and Taylor I looked at Derek and his face was all screwed up

"Derek are you P.M.S-ing because one munite your all heart broken and the next your this" I spoke drectly to him and stood back up

I walked by him shoving his shoulder and walked back to my room Luke following me once we were in my room I slammed my door as loud as I could

"Av are you sure about this plan...?"

"yes I need to show him what it feels like to be on the short end f the stick"

Luke smiled "ok good night Av"

"goodnight Luke"

I went and changed into my PJ's Luke left before I changed I quickly got into bed and fell into a dreamless sleep

I walked threw the halls holding Luke's hand when Derek seen us he looked like he pissed his pants me and Luke were trying not to laugh I glanced at him and he had tears rolling down his cheeks and his mouth was in a very wide grin and his cheeks were red

He walked me to my first class Derek walked by so I pressed my lips to his cheek and I could here Derek grunt

"Good bye Luke see you lunch time" I said the last bit just for Derek's benefit

I walked in my Science class and threw my book bag on top o my desk Derek walked in and sat down next to me

the teacher put us in partners and of corse put me and Derek tother then he layed down soluble fiber z water microwave-safe bowl food coloring

"ok class today I want you to.." he looked at the papers he was holding  in his hand " make flubber"

he walked around passing sheets out to the class I looked at ours it said

What You Need
1 tsp Metamucil or similar soluble fiber
8 oz water
microwave-safe bowl
microwave oven
food coloring (optional)

Heres how

1. Mix 1 teaspoon of Metamucil with 1 cup (8 ounces) of water in a microwaveable bowl. You can add a drop or two of food coloring if you wish. Alternatively, you could add a little powdered drink mix or flavored gelatin to get color/flavor.
2. Place bowl in the microwave and nuke on high for 4-5 minutes (actual time depends on microwave power) or until the goo is about to bubble out of the bowl. Turn off the microwave.
3. Let the mixture cool slightly, then repeat step 3 (microwave until about to overflow). The more times this step is repeated the more rubbery the substance will become.
4. After 5-6 microwave runs, (carefully - hot hot HOT) pour the flubber onto a plate or cookie sheet. A spoon can be used to spread it out.
5. Allow to cool. There you have it! Non-stick flubber. A knife or cookie cutters may be used to cut the flubber into interesting shapes.
6. Flubber can be stored at room temperature in a sealed baggie for several months. It will last indefinitely in a sealed bag in the refrigerator.


"ok lets make this"

we added the stuff together in step one then did step two ten times it was like a bouncy ball then we lt it cool

I picked it up and aimed for the back Derek's head I threw it it hit him I reached up to cacth it and Derek turned around to look at me he got up and walked out

I decited to follow him , he stoped when he seen Tara

"TARA" he sung out

she snapped her head around and looked at him, she did't see me, she ran over to Derek my wolf growled at me telling me I schould go procet my mate

Tara Wraped her arms around Derek's neck Derek stood there once she finally let go Tara looked at Derek with her high eyebrows pushed together

"Tara we need to talk"

"what do you mean we need to talk?"

"I mean we need to talk about us"


"becasue I said so..."

"what do you mean because you said so..."

"are you stupid-don't answer that-or do I have to sppell it out for you"

"please do" she said threw clenched teeth

"we need to talk because what we had was only phycial I only used you because I was feeling...I rejected my mate and wanted somthing  fill the void"

her face was set into schock , disbelife and pure anger she screeched out


"were done" with that he walked past her in the other driction

I think its an understatment when I say my eyes rolled around and my jaw went slack I turned around and bolted with my book bag stll slung over my sholder I ran to the front door and walked to the school football fild and went over to bleachers

I flung my book bag aside and sat down on the cold wood bleachers I put my head in my hands and let the wind blow my hair around

why would Derek do that the player is giving up woah but do I like him hes my mate after all but he can be rude ageront and a jerk what am I going to do 

I looked up took my head out of my hands and there with his back to me was Derek he was just standing there with his back to me whatis he doing

I put my head back in my hands I heard him let out a sigh I peaked threw my hands and he turned and faced me a look of confusen then surprize and hurt crosse him face I quikley looked the the bleachers

I heard the bleachers creek and looked up there was Derek walking up the bealchers twords me I cupped my face with my hands as my elebows ressted on my knees

Derek walked up to me and sat doen staring off into the distince he glanced at me I looked over the tree tops and over the hils and to the mountains

I'v awalys wanted to go to the mountains to look up from so high and breath the cool mountain air mabey have a picnik and relax for the whole day another thing I would like to do is go bungie jumping

I could feel Derek burning holes in the side of my head with his eyes I turned to look at him he looked worried

Yes,Derek looked worried,Im just as surprised as you

"Derek is somthing wrong?"

He looked up and sigh "yes...there is somthing wrong...somthing thats all my fault...somthing I need to fix"

He turned his head his eyes meeting mine and for the first time I seen he was truley sorry sorry for what I wish I knew

"oh..." was the next word that left my mouth

"yeah...I broke up with to become...friends"

I felt a cold shutter go threw me spredding gose bumps all over my arms and legs is he really asking to be friends

after what he put me threw schould I give him the chance...?

if he wants me that bad hes going to have to work for me

"Derek friends for us is not going to work not after what you put me threw"

with that I got up and walked away was that the right choise I have to tell Luke

'Luke' I said threw our mental conection

'yeah whats up'

"Derek asked to be friends but I declined'


'yes after everything he put me threw its time for him to feel horible like I felt im not going to reject him that pain is just to much to take again'

'oh are we still going threw with our plan?'

"oh were going to still go trew with our plan'

'meet me around the benches by the oke tree and Derek is on the bleachers and wil be able to see us'

'ok I really hope this dosen't blow up in your face'

I ended our mind link and soon Luke was walking down the stairs of the school he came over to me and sat downacross from me

"Hi Luke"

"Hi Av what you doing out here"

"nothing just a little lonely"

"oh I see well Derek is iver there"

"Belive me I was talking to Derek"

"oh I hope talking nice to him"

I started to gigle when I heard Derek grunt im a werewlf my sences are inlightned what can you do I rolled my eyes

I looked at Luke he was grinning ear to ear

"What do you have next"

"math" we both said at the same time

"math" I heard Derek wispre

He was about two hundred feet away I turned aroundand looked him stright in the eyes 

It was like tunnel vision his green eyes were dralwing me in like a fish on a hook and like a fish on a hook the conection can be broken and ours broke when Luke spoke

"want to skip class"

"Deffently" I said "where are we going to go"


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