Chapter 2 - Not You Again

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Averial's P.O.V

"Josh" Derek Sung out

'WHAT' I screamed threw my mental connection

'JOSH AS IN YOUR BROTHER JOSH?' the eight guys screamed at once

they started to shake again

"GUYS STOP NOW!" I screamed

they all remembered I was standing there they all wanted to rip the head off both Derek and Josh they were (and porbley still are) both utter dicks and always will be

those utter morons what do they want I really do hope Derek fet the pain he caused me when he rejected me

Josh walked out of the woods and stopped by Derek his black hair blowing in the wind I remembered everything he mean he has ever said to me and done to me

Josh looked my way sized me up then stopped at my hair and eyes he knows I know it he stared into my eyes then spoke


the guys growled do you know how hard it is to keep eight teenage boys under control and keep from going wolf

yeah not the easy est thing in the world

holey crap man

"CALM DOWN NOW" both me and Matt Sung out hes there alpha so they have to listen to him and he chose me as his beta

they all instantly calmed down a little bit they stopped growling and others stopped shaking oh god don't let this get out of hand

'stop it guys you know what will happen if you hurt Derek, you hurt me to so stop for me please' I begged threw out mind link

Matt,Skittles,Taylor,Daylor,Zaylor,Jake,Nate,Luke all stopped their shaking and growling Matt steeped foreword

"your the alpha break pack" Derek said


"your the ones that needed help?"

"yes we kneed your help" he said threw clenched teeth

"well I don't know being the biggest pack in the country and biggest in the world were quite busy I don't know..." Derek said

there he gos-es again being all..being all cocky and ignorant and jerk like ass hole

I was trying to stand still so I wouldn't rip the two of them apart and string them up by their guts and forcibly shoveit back down each others trougths

my hands kept clenching into fists I kept trying to bite back a snarl my wolf al the mean while was shouting at me

'hes you mate what happened happened its the past'


that had to shut her up because she never said anything after that

"come-on" Matt said threw clenched teeth

Derek smirked "all right all right stop begging"

"are we moving our pack or are you moving yours" Matt said

Derek busted out laughing

"there is NO way were moving our pack"

"fine well we start packing and we'll see you the weekend"

I think I had all my teeth grounded out of my head by this time and my eyes just melted and my jaw just dislocated

I am pissed.

I looked at Derek he looked like he just won the lottery I let out a furious snarl and bared my teeth and exploded wolf

Derek and Josh only seen me one time before when I bumped into him once while I was running and they knew my white wolf with my three black stripes on the side

you schould have seen there expressions Josh figured out it was me and Derek had an Idea it was me us being mates and all

but they still freaked when I went wolf I bared my teeth and snarled I crouched in a hunting form and lunged at Josh and Derek I was in mid air but some how ended up on the ground pinned by a black woff with a blue stripe

'thanks skittles I would have seriously regret that If I done that'

I let out another snarl at the frozen Josh and Derek after Skittles was off me I slowly backed off and changed back to human form fully clothed I could feel the dangled belly button piercing I got it after I lost all that weight

I looked at Matt he looked like he wanted me to say something but what would I say

"come here and tell me your name" Derek said

"make me"

"I dont make trash I burn it"

"so pick up your ashes and leave" I said angrley

"and you know perfectly well what my name is mate" I said utterly pissed off

he stood there gaping like a fish his mouth flopping open then close it was fully to look at tho I smirked to myself because I met mate like friend but it was a double meaning word because he tougth mate as in sole mate

"see you soon Averial"

"I sinisterly hope not"

I smiled and walked back to school where the rest of the day I was trying to find ways to get back at Derek when an Idea poped into my head I'm going to throw a paint grenade into his room oh this is gonna be fun

~          ~          ~

the guys are finally getting a car and a motorcycle whoop I'm sitting my car waiting for them to come out just when I tougth I was going to fall asleep Nate came out with two set of keys I smiled then the other guys came out chasing Nate screaming

"give me the keys" he now was running he stopped and put the keys in his pants


"really Nate?"

"if you want the keys you have to come and get them" Nate smirked

"tougth so"

Jake and Luke lunged for Nate pinning him down and then they started to argue about wicth has to get the keys

"you get them Jake"

"you get them Nate"

"ILL GET THEM" Matt shouted frustrated

"if these two pieces of meat would get off me Id give them to you" Nate said

instainsley the two guy were up off him and helping up Nate mean while Im sat in my Black Bugatti Veyron frowning because Matt told me that fucking Derek and Josh were staying at the place beause there tired and were going back tomorrow

I looked at the time 6:00 shit im going to be late for my date threw my already rolled down window I sung out


Matt and Zaylor got in with me and Nate,Skittles,Jake,Luke,Taylor and Daylor took his new motorcycle and we drove off to the house

~          ~          ~

I ran upstairs to my room to get charged I looked threw my closet looking for my favourite shredded skinny jeans and my off the shoulder white leopard top and Black strappy high heals

I washed my black hair and let it dry naturally so it was curly I walked out into the hallway and shut my door I turned around and bumbed into Derek



Derek dropped the box he had in his hands an dit clattered to the floor and then he grabbed me by tmy thin waist I looked up at him and shoved him as hard as I could I accidental put him threw the wall oh shit

he stumbled backwards and hit the wall with sucth force he went threw the wall arse first and I went over to look at the damage he done he was lying in the floor of Zaylors room Zaylor was lying on his bed wacthing T.V and he looked aat Derek in the floor and then looked at me

then the doorbell rang I ran downstairs and sung out

"I got it"

I answered the door and there standing before me was Tyler time for our date

Derek's P.O.V

I dropped the box of stuff I was holding it clattered to the floor and I walked closer to Averial and pulled her closer to me by the waist and the next think I knew I was stumbling backwards and


She , my mate pushed me threw the wall now I way lying on the floor of Taylor , Zaylor or Daylors room I kept getting them confused

then the doorbell rang and she ran off down the stairs and sung out

"Ill get it"

then the triplet (I think his name is Zaylor) got up and helped me up off the floor laughing at me cause I got pused threw a wall by a girl that happnes to be my mate

I smelt the sent of another werewolf and growled it was a furious growl I ran down over the stairs with inhuman speed

there standing before me was the same guy I seen in the hall with Averial in school I am beyond Pissed what am I goiung to do I cant and Wont let my mate out with another guy its not happening

I pushed the guy out threw the door and slamed it in his face and locked the door

"WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR" Averial screamed at me


Big Mistake.


she unlocked the door and ran after that guy then josh came down asking what the commotion was

'go after her' my wolf said





don't reply.don't reply.don't reply.

"Avrial wanted to go on a date with someone" I grunted

"then what was all the screaming about"

buy this time everyone was stating there waiting for an explanation

"she screamed at me for pushing him out the door and closing it in his face"

Matt Growled at me and so did the others including Josh

"whatever" I grunted

I turned around and walked to my temporary room and lay ed on my bed thinking back 14 months ago when I rejected her those words replaying in my head

"I don't want someone ugly and as fat as you"

"yes , you are my mate"

"I don't want someone ugly and as fat as you"

Why did I have to say that why did I say that oh yeah I remember why because it was true at the time and now she has changed and me and Josh were never there for her and were are dick heads

oh well what can you do

I'm a man whore always will be and well josh he found his mate and after iv seen how happy he makes her I want mine back but  at the same time I don't want her back god I'm so moody I'm like a girl on constant PMS

what can I say I'm a player

maybe we can start by being friends

Averial's P.O.V

the date went by quickly it wasn't what I expected it could have been better but it also could of have been worse

as for that jackass I'm going to throw that paint boom at him when we go back to Blue Valley

yah haw see how enthusiastic I can be I'm being sarcastic by the way

I marched in the house one-hundred-one questions thrown at me starting with

"how was you date"

and ending with

"how far did you get with him"

I'm really not in the mood to talk so I ignored all the questions being thrown at me and marched up the stairs I slammed the door to my room and yelped when I turned on the lights and Derek was sat on my bed

"go away"

I said as I walked into my closet and shut the door looking for pj's

"no I want to talk"

I found my favoure black short shorts and a white tank top

"I don't want to talk"

I changed out of my shredded skinnies and off the shoulder leopard top and kicked off my heels and slid into my pj's

"to bad cause I'm going to talk"

I threw my clothes in the hamper and walked out of my closet

"well to bad cause I'm not going to talk"

"well I am an your going to lission"

"spit it out" I said finally giving in

"ok so iv known I was mean to you but can we be friends?"

"friends.FRIENDS ARE YOU FUC*ING NUTS YOU BROKE MY HEART..not now maybe another time"

wow he just asked to be friends no way is that happening now now at least I turned around because the tears were sliding and I couldn't take it anymore

I felt arms wrap around my waste and said

"don't.I cant be friends with a player.I'm sorry"

something you schould have said along time ago

"go please"

I felt the arms from around my waist and I sat on my bed missing him all ready there was a knock on the door

"who is it" I said my voice a little shaky

"its me" Matt said

"come in"my voice shaking even more

he came in and shut the door behind him and walked over to my bed and sat down next to me I sigh and let the tears slide

"tell Matt whats the matter"

I pushed out a week smile at him

"its just..." I breathed in a shaky breath "...ever since Derek came back into my life after...he broke my heart my wolf keeps telling me to forgive him..."

I took another shaky breath

"..but I cant beside rejecting me he was also heartless about it and he probley...has STD's..."

I put out a shaky laugh and Matt chuckled

 "well im here and and... I really don't know what to say you've been here fourteen month sand I still cant think of anything to say..."

I chuckled

"thanks Matt"

I stood up and hugged him and he left I was about to turn off the lights when I smelt something yummy I looked around my room when I seen Derek's sweater on the floor I pucked it up and put it on then went to turn off the light

I crawled back in bed and fell asleep dreaming about Derek not that I wanted to...


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Mate Or Not I Don't Want You (UN-EDITED...CURRENTLY BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now