Chapter 18 - Cake

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Derek's P.O.V

"Found it" I wispred in her ear

I smiled too my slef I four your spot the spot thats gonna mark you as mine now you have too find mine so you can mark me yours

I laughed mentaly and looked to Averial she was frowning at me

"found what?" she asked me 

"I found your spot"

"what spot the spot that I can mark you as mine"

"oh" she said furring her eyebrows togther

"yelp" I wispred in her ear she shivred as I kissed her spot 

"why do you do this too me" she half moned

soon as she realised what she said her hand flew too her mouth as I let out a low chuckle I looked over to Josh and Ann or what ever her name was  

they looked at us and started laughing

"if your not going us help decorate go away" I grumbled at thme

still laughing they turned around and went up stairs I sigh thank full that they were gone and looked at averial

"what do you want to decorate first"

she looked around the room and looked at the christmas tree her face lit up and she turned to me "were going to decorate the christmas tree"

ten strings of beads thirty nine colored balls and a star later and we had our christmas tree decorated

she smiled at me and walked twords the kicthen "im gonna bake some cookies while I give you the sole hounor of finishing the decorating on the house

she turned and dissapred into the kicthen

Averial's P.O.V

I could feel Dereks eyes trace over my back as I disspared into the kicthen I smiled as I tougth about him 

my smile faded as I tougth about the other pack we have strenth in numbers and streanth but these guys have been threw alot 

mabey we wont even have the war if im luckey we won I just pray to god that we dont have a war I wandred over to the coubred and halled out two boxes of vinila cake mix

I red the instructions and got a big bole I poured in both powred mixes and got six egs two cups of milk and a half of cup of vegtubal oil

I grabbed a big metal spoon and startted to stur it 

I walked over to the kicthen door frame to see Derek standing on a step ladder trying to hang up some crazy swerly decoration from the celing

I laughed a little when he triped but caugh himslef I keept gigling because I tougth it was just so funny

Derek slowley turned his head twords me and showed me a set of perfect wight teeth he was staring at the bole

Derek lunged for the bole but me being ninja and all moved out of the way I wached as Derek flew into the counter 

I wached in slow motion as Derek crached into the glasses and glass boles I bursted out laughing at him and set the bole I was holding on the table

Derek moned and stood up wiping the broken glass off him there was a pice of two stuck in him I walked over to him and pulled out the pice that was stuck in his arm

He looked at me and laughed yeah he laughed at a time like this I walked to the bathroom and dug out the first adid kit when I turned around I jumped because there was Derek standing there

"Derek" I gasp suprised

"thats my name" he said an dsmirked

I rolled my eyes and said "let me see your arm"

 he held out his arm the blood was just running down it and to his fingertips I gasp and grabbed his arm and held it I grabbed the first ade kit and cleaned his wond

he sucked in a breath when I cleaned it out then I put some gause on it I laughed a little so we walked out of the bathroom and too the kicthen

=I looked at the clander on the fidge  December twenty forth tomorrow is christmas I looked at Derek he was looking over my shoulder at the clander he was smiling like an Idiot

what in the world was he smiling about what exactly do he have up his sleave I walked over too the big mess that was made

I started by picking up the bigiest pices of glass that was broke and wraped them up in a paper towel them I started to pick up the little pices off the counter when Derek swoped the glass on the floor and grabbed the black broom

I wached in schock as Derek started cleaning up the glass on the floor he was actually cleaning up the mess he made wow just wow

I walked over to the table and bicked up the bole up raw cark mix and stuck my finger in it and just befour I stuck it in my mouth Derek had allready sucked the raw cake mix off my finger

I looked at him and pouted "Derrek you stol my rainbow cake mix"

"mabey I did and mabey I didt I didnt"

"I gave him a look that said you a=cant be sereous"

I walkedover to the counter where the cake oan was and I made Derek greas the pan so the cake wouldent stick

I poured the batter into the pan when he was done

"Watch the cake while I go clean my room please" I said and turned around not waiting for a resopnce

I wlaked up to my room and shut the door then locked it I went over too my bed and reached under it and halled out a picture frame with us in it Luke caugth a picture of us when we first started to forgive eacth other 

In this picture we were facing eachother and Dereks eyes were glued to my lips and my eyes were looking at his

it was the perfect picture I took it and wraped it up and placed a red boe on it and stuck it back under my bed

I heard a knock on my door

"One second" I said

I got up off the floor and walked over to the door  when I opned it I came face to chest with Derek "cakes done" he said in a huskey breath

"oka...okay..." I wispred out

we walked down the stair and to the kicthen when I seen the cake I tougth how long was I up there he had the cake iced and everything I looked at him and gave him a hug

I grabbed his hand and towed him to the back yard "its a little chilly"I said my breath comeing out in a fog infront of me

"hear" derek said passing me his sweater

once I pulled it down I looked up just too see the first little bit of snow fall Derek smiled at me

"Its snowing" I said

"I know I can see it"

I smiled at him and kissed him under the light snow I broke the kiss our forheads still touching I wispred

" tired"

"ok Ill bring you to your room"

"I dont wan-" I let out a yawn "I dont want to go to my room I want to go to yours"

Derek smiled and lifted me up and walked us inside threw the patio door and up the stairs passing the triplets they were shout and arguong on the stairs tipical

I closed my eyes as Derek walked up the hall passing my bedroom I heard a door open then close I felt Derek suport me with one arm wihile he leaned down he lored me to his bed I peaked open my eyes and he took off his jens and tshirt and craled into bed beshde me

I smiled at him befour I drifted off to sleep in his arms 


I no its been like a month since I last uploated and for that im sorry hate me if you want :(

so what do you think about a war Im not sure If I want to make one

id like ideas please

sorry its shorte :\

thanks for reading

wolfgirl out :)


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