Chapter 11 - The Jig Is Up

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Averial's P.O.V

I woke up again wraped in Derek's arms all warm and muscular I giggled when I felt our legs wraped up in each others

I ducked under the blankets to see that Derek was nacked excpet for a pair of underwhere I started to giggle I looked at his abbs and smiled I reached my hand forword and traced his muscular six pack 

I poked my head out of the blankets and I lookd up at a once hated face he was looking at me with a smile spread across his lip like penut butter spread on toast

"good morning love" Derek said

"good morning" I said back "really,love?" he just raised a eyebrow and kissed me softly at first and getting depper I felt our toungs Danceing I felt Derek bite my bottom lip and pull on it I am in heven 

I looked up when  heard  knock at th door I looked to see Luke standing therehe opned his mouth ten closed it he looked like a fish out of water

I bursted out into giggles when I seen him well I would look like he is too because walking into a room with your fake girlfirend\boyfrind making out with the enmey

he tured around shut the door and I asumed he walked away

"come on Derek its time to get up"

Derek pulled back the blankets man man oh man I think my stoumic just growled I would lick wipped creem off thoses fine muscular abbs it was one thing in the dark...

Befour Derek could get out of bed I reached down and grabbed the blaankets and pulled them back up I reached over to Derek and rapped my arms around him

"Derek I changed my mind"

he let out a loud booming laugh and said between the laugther " face" he said gasping for breath

once he was breathing right he said "when you seen my abbs you just went all im a five year old and I got just what I wanted for christmas even tho my parents told me that Im not getting it" after Derek finished his sentence his laugther started up again

he pulled back the blankets still laughing I looked at his abbs and tougth "I WOULD LICK WIPPED CREEM OFF THOSES ABBS ANYTIME"

I heard Derek's laugh louden there he was his green eyes sparkling in the sun light and black hair tossled

oh shit did I say that out loud

""Derek managed inbetween the laughs

I growled at him and it was not a playful growel his eyes widned and I looked at him stright in the eyes and started to laugh

"DEREK" I shouted then lunged for him he tryed to get out of bed but fell on the floor in a heep of blankets it just so happnes that I was tangled up in the blankets with him

I looked down at Derek we were both tangled up in blankets on the floor and I was lyeing on top of him

my hands ended up on the floor on both sides of his head I came face to face with Derek our noses toughing

"Averial I know about you plan" Derek siad

WHAT how could he know about the plan I did't tell him and only Luke knew about it LUKE I growled in my head

"What plan" I asked inonsley"

"the plan hat inovlves you and Luke dating" Derek said rubbing our noses

"oh that plan" I said slyely
"oh that plan" Derek said miimicing my voice

I looked at him and gave him a death gelar he just laughed it off I looked at Derek and said

"guss where we are going today"


I looked at him and smirked evily and screamed "WALMART"

"ohh noo"

"ohh yes now get ready"

I all ready had a plan forming in my mind im going to be playing with starwars life savers I felt my smile streach across my face

I got out of the tangled mess on the floor and ran to the bathroom I brushed my teeth realising I was in my underwear bra and Dereks tshirt

oh well at least he left my bra on I tougth I washed my face and ran out to Dereks room he was in the middle of getting changed he was just pulling up his boxers when I walked in

I seen a little to much and shut my eyes tight as tthey could go and turned around to walk out but I couldent find the door I keept walking into the wall

I felt around when I felt somthing hard and warm my eyes shot open and Derek was looking down at me with asument clear across his face I looked at my hands patting down his abbs and blushed and pulled them back

"opps" I said

I turned around and bolted for my room as fast as I could run I slid to a stop at my door and there was Luke sitting on my bed

"Hi Luke" I said a little pissed off

"Av im sorry I had to tell him I couldent bare the giult"

"yeah what ever" I grumbled at him

gulit my fucking ass I tougth

I walked around my room cleaning it up and throwing the dirty clothes in the hamper I walked over to my closet and fished out a pair of dark jeans and a red tank top went to my door grabbed a pair of bra and undies I walked to my insuit bathroom and shut the door I swaped my clothes I threw the dirty clothes in the hamper

"Av im sorry"


I felt Luke come up behind me and grab me by the waist I pushed him back I could feel my eyes doing somthing

like that night when I was around Tara when her and Derek were going at it I felt my slef getting angier and I couldnt take it to much more I was ready to exploade

I did the one thing I knew that would calm me down I walked past all the rooms I seen until I round the one I was looking for Dereks

I opned the door without knocking and walked right up and sat on his bed I layed down and grabbed a pillow I wasent felling any less angery and I didnt know what to do

I got up just as Derek walked in he took one look at me and his eyes widned when they met mine he looked confused

"Av I need you to calm down"

"Derek I cant" I said threw cleanched teeth


"I don't know"

"Av come here"

I walked twords Derek slowley I could here him groweling low in his trougth I smiled threw all the anger

Derek walked over and grabbed me by the waist he looked in my eyes andspoke softley and derictly to me

"Averail I need you to calm down"

I could feel my eyes soffen a little but they were still glowingstrong Derek looked confused deep in thinking

Derek reached up and stroked my check I felt my eyes soffen a little more but I couldent get less angery

Derek leaned forword and pressed his lips to mine I smiled under his lips and he pulled back our forhead and noes touching

"better" he wispred

"better" I wispred back

he leaned away and I frouned his hand found mine and our fingers intwrined I smiled and he smiled back

We fell onto his bed and I started to giggle when he pulled me on top of him I started to laugh really hard when he tickled me

I heard footsteps and I looked up still laughing to see Matt lounging on the door fram he had a smirk on his face and I just couldent help but laugh because Derek wouldent stop ticking me

"Derek.....sttop..." I said between the laugther

I felt lie I was going to pee in my pants

Derek finally stoped tickeling me and I ran to the bathroom to pee when I came out I was face tto face with Luke

"im sorry" he said and walked away

"Luke wait" I sung out and sigh

I might as well as forgive him ill feel guilty if I don't Luke turned around and walked twords me and I looked at him

"im sorry I got mad at you I was just pissed off" I sigh

"its ok" he said and then smirked

"its imposable to stay mad at me"

"jerk" I growled

I stalked past him and went into my room to get dressed I went into my closet wen I came up with another plan

today im going to drive and were going to go to walmart then to the spa we go

I let my evil smirk slid across my face

I picked out a dark pair of skinnie jeans a red tank top and silver high tops I left my hair to go dry by its slef and went to get Derek were going on a fun adventure

I was grinning from ear to ear when I knocked on Dereks bedroom door

so what do you think I was lyeing on my bed just think of what to write the next chapter about when it hit me I looked at my painted nails and decited im gonna write a fun chapter not that there not normally fun

ok so like it or hate it

fell free to tell me your tougths

and wo wants to hear more from Derek

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