Chapter 9 - Shooting Star

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Averial's P.O.V

Derek was asleep in the arm chair with his head on one arm of the chair and his feet swong off the other

Luke was asleep on the sofa I walked over to him and culed up beside him Derek is going to be pissed oh time to give him a taste of his owne medsion

~         ~         ~         ~

I woke up to the sound of somthing being throwen I opned my eyes and no one was there I heard the noise again

I got up and alked aaround the huge house I looked from the top floor to the basement no one was inside strange

I walked out front in a black ruffled skirt not something id usually wear but got to spice it up you know and a red ruffled top

no one was out front time to check the back I walked around the house looking at the rose bushes that needed to be tended to I put a mental reminder to do that later

I walked out back to see Derek standing there with Tara she was all over him 'how could he' at that moment I could feel my world crumbling down around me


I turned around and ran I got that headache and let my walls fall down around me

'are you ok'

'we are in the clearing'

I ran faster and faster and faser sill I ran with the cool brease blowing over me I feelt my legs pound the ground and my feet sinking in the muddy ground of the forest yes I am in bear feet I keept running  untill I came apon a pack of wolfs

 They were my wolfs the rusty red one was matt the golden one was jake the the really light golden one was Luke then there was Nate the white wolf the blue and black one was skittles then the three brown ones Taylor Daylor and Zaylor

I know that Derek would't follow so I jumped when I felt a hand on my waist I started to growl and back away when the big warm hand grabbed my wrist

I turned around to become face to shoulders with Derek

"WHAT" I snarled

"I wan't you to know that what happened back there was all her"




Wait what did he just say

"what did you just say"

"I said I care"

he had red creeping up his cheeks he rubbed the back of his neck and stepped closer to me he racched his hand down to cup my face 

now I could feel the red blush creeping up my face but still that don't explain why she was all over him I started to feel angry I raced up and just before my hand made contact I pushed force into the hit

I was being pulled behind a dark red head I wached as Matt pulled me behind him I perred out from behind Matt and wached as Derek stalked off

I turned around and they were all there Josh appeared out of no where I walked over to Josh and gave him a hug and he hugged me back 

"you can go back to hunting of whatever you were doing im going to go home"

I turned around without another word and realised I needed friends I walked back to the house feeling the cool breasy early winter air on my skin I schould have worn more I tougth to my slef

I got dristracted when I heard a deep voice shouting

""LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE WE HAVE BEEN OVER THIS...I don't want you I want mate" Derek said his voice getting harder and harder to hear

"im sorry Tara..I want Averial"

I felt a cold shiver go threw me it started at my core and went right threw me I walked out into the field that is our back yard and I attempted to walk right by Tara


she stopped me she grabbed me by the wrist


I snatched my wrist back and looked her dead in the eyes she looked frightened I stepped forward and she stepped backward I steeped foreword and she stepped backward

"STOP" I said

she flinched but finally stooped when I steeped forward

"now what did you want" I spat at her


"well you can have him I don't want him as a mate" I shouted at her


"I dint want him" I said simply

"and no im no rejecting him I just don't want him at the moment"

I watched as she backed away and got on her hands and balls of her feet I watched with fright full eyes as she went wolf and lunged for my leg

I did't see what she was doing until it was to late I stepped back and I wobble a little she had a four inch gash going up my leg from my calf ending someway below my knee

I watched as the scarlet blood ran down my leg shit I'm going to need stitches...for the first time I wached as Derek stormed out of the house walkinng  towards us I watched the blood continued to run down my leg and into my sneaker

my hereing started to fade I wached as Derek shouted at the ugly yellow orange wolf and the wolf baired it teeth

Derek shouted and the wolf bowed it head in shame and backed away I watched as my eyelids dropped and them I couldn't see

~          ~         ~

I woke up lining in the back Set of a car someone was whispering

"its going to be okay....its going to be okay....its going to be okay.."

I looked up and all I seen was a blur of green threw the window shield my eyes drifted dow to my very bloddie leg the blood was getting on the seats

I heard the screach of the tires and Derek stoped thhe car he jumped out and opned the back door he lifted me gently out

I felt the cold december air on my too warm skin I wached as the cloud started to poor and I felt the warmth as Derek ran threw the hospital doors

I looked up at Derek's face ohh how I wanted to tucth it I let my hand wander upwords I felt his warm skin I stroked his cheek when our skin made contact Derek looked down at me and his eyebrows furred togther I surpressed a giggle as the nurse came she looked at me with pure jelesouly she was a werewolf you could tell and she was here to make sure she put me in that section of the hospital

 she told Derek to follow I wispred so low that only Derek could here "can I have a burger with that shake?"

I looked up at Derek he was grinning from ear to ear the nuse looked back with her jaw clenched if she is going to be the one sewing my leg togther its going to hurt I felt Dareks arms around my knees and back I could feel the heat creeping up my cheeks

Derek turned left when the nurse turned left the nurse turned around and said

"excuse me sir but are you following me"

Derek let out a deep growel and spoke threw clenched teeth

"you told me to follow you" he was getting pretty angery

"FINE followe ME" wow she has isseus

I heard Derek snorte and we followed her to a room where she put us in and looked the door I looked at Derek and he had and his face hardned he looked ready to eat someone

"Derek calm down so what were locked in a closet togther"

Derek had a strange look cross his face as he discovred what I just said

"I tougth you hated me?"

"I do not no will I ever hate you sure ill did not like you but never hated you...ok I hated you when you rejected me"

Derek's face went up in full flames and his eyes showed embarssment and he kinda of looked everywhere but at me

I looked up at him yeah were locked in a room what started out as Hate turned into Friendship?

Derek turned the know of the door and snaped the lock I smirked when we seen the nurse we talked to the lady at the front desk and she told up were to go

Derek layed me down on the bed and the paper crinkled and I hate the soun of the paper crinkling Derek actually smiled and I think I choked a little when he did

We waited and waited and waited some more untill the doctor came in he walked over to me looked at the cut and said

"your going to need stiches" I looked at him and nodded numly

the doctor left the room and Derek hopped up on the bed with me I looked nurvsoly at him I never had stiches befour ohh well there is a first for everything

Derek grabbed my hand and gave it a squese I could feel the tear roll down my cheek why was I even crying

I idimeadly stoped and the doctor walked threw the wodden door I wached as he brougth the stuff over on a silver tray

"ok sit still" he paused then looked at Derek "you can hold er it its going to be easyer"

"ok" Derek said and sat on the bed and pulled me between his legs

I wached as the doctor picked up a fresing neadly and stuck it in my leg I clenched my teeth togther and kinda of gunted

I gould here Derek trying to hold in his laugther I looked at the doctor as he picked up some sorte od nedile and blue plastic thred

I felt him plucking at my skin and gripped Derek's knees


My teeth were still clamped togther when the doctor finially finished Derek looked at me and was trying unsucefully not to grin

We thanked the doctor and walked out of the big hospital

we walked around the huge parking lot looking for Dereks car when he finally found it I was draging my feet along the ground I was tired what can I say I had an intersting day

Derek piccked me up off my feet and put me in the pasenger seet of the can buckled me up then walked around the front grinning like he won the lottery I raised my eye brows but said nothing

Derek hopped in and started his fancy car and pulled out of the hospital parking lot I wached as the star filled night sky zoomed by

"look Averial a shooting star make a wish"

I looked out the window and seen the shooting and wished that me and Derek would get along for once

"what did you wish for" Derek asked me

"Can't say" I said then yahned

The car stoped at a red light and Derek looked at me

"well want to know what I wished for?" he paused then said "this"

befour I knew it his lips were crashing down on mine and I could feel him smile under my lips and I smiled back Derek pulled back just as we hard someon honk there hore

I laughed and so did Derek I felt Derek reach for my hand and I intwined our fingers it was the last thing I rembred befour I fell asleep


ok sorry its been a while iv been busy

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danielle xD

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