Chapter 3 - Paint Gurnade

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Averial's P.O.V

I woke up to something warm and cozy


I rolled over and felt something big and wrapped my arms around it

I let go of the big thing and decided to find out what it was so I rolled to the edge of my bed and rolled fast into it


'what was that' I tougth to myself

I opened my eyes holey crap there sleeping next to me was Derek I almost shit my pants well you would have to

"ARGHH" I screamed

"WHAT WHO WHEN WHERE" Derek hopped out of the bed screaming


Derek ran out of my room as fast as he could go I screamed out frustrated what was he doing in my bed holey crap I almost shit my pants he cave me some fright

I looked at where Derek disappeared and there was the triplets there standing in the door holding brooms metal brooms

"what happened" Zaylor said

"uhh..." I said trying to think up a lie "...I seen a mouse?"

"yeah sure you did" daylor said

"thats why I smell Derek's sent in the room?"Taylor said


'shit shit shit'

"go away I want to get ready for school"

"Matt said were leaving early for the trip early as in today"


"Pack your bags were leaving noon"

"WHAT" I scratched

"pack you bags were leaving at noon"


"yelp now get going"

I grabbed a bottle of hot sauce and ran to the bathroom I grabbed Derek's toothbrush and stuck it down in the bottle of hot sauce oh hes going to enjoy this *evil smirk*

I spent the next four hours running around my room and looking for boxes to put all my stuff in its not gonna fit its not gonna fit I tougth as I was throwing stuff into my boxes then the box magically closed what the... I tougth I looked up and seen Matt

"hi Matt"

"hi Av-"

"ARRRRGHH" I busted out laughing

I knew it was Derek because of the whole hot sauce incident he ran past my room with his toung out of his mouth I also made sure to leave a glass of it on the counter

"AGGGGGREEEE" Derek screamed again

he must have found that glass on the counter I started to giggle but quickly tyred to hide it when Derek came into my room

"AVERIAL" he howled

"yes.." I asked insolently

"did you put hot sauce on my toothbrush on the counter"

"what ever are you talking about"

I glanced at Matt he was trying to sniffle his laughter because I played this prank on the triplets all on the same day it was the funniest thing in the world after that everyone was afraid to brush their teeth for a week

"you know exactly what I'm talking about Hun"

"nope" I said and popped the 'p'

"whatever" he grumbled and left

I started to laugh it was one of my more louder laughs so the other guys came and poked their head in the door with their eye brows raised

I looked at Matt he was chuckling with his head in his hands shaking his head I raised my eye brows and Innocently said

"what did I do?"

Nate rolled his eyes while Jake and Luke were rolling around on the floor with tears in their eyes I was laughing at them while Matt was laughing at me

"this is the last of it guys"  I said as I taped up my last box

I picked it up and brogue it out and lay ed it down next to my car and went back to get my last box inside I walked up the stairs for the last time and threw the hallway and to my old room there sitting on my bed was Derek

"Derek why were you in my bed when I woke up this morning..." I said

"I...uh...don't know..."

"what do you mean you don't know"

"that's what I mean I don't know I just woke up and...I screamed because you screamed..and I don't know..." Derek said

"oh I see well.."

I picked up my last box and turned around I felt the box being lifted from my arms and I looked up and I there was Derek taking the box from me

'this doesn't change anything' I told my wolf

that reminds me I schould remind him

"Derek you do know that you being nice now doesn't change that happened I'm still pissed off and everything about what happened"

he looked at me his mouth open like a fish out of water he was speechless utterly speechless wow was the word that my mind described it

"what.." Derek said

"Derek you shattered my heart you being nice sometimes does not change anything that happened between up you never even apologised" I  cried out

Derek just stood there with the box in his hand I have this as a mate oh to the dear god if anyone is lissing please please help me I'm begging you


ok this conversation just got really awkward I walked out of my room with Derek trailing behind when I got outside I tougth I was going to blow up explode they screwed me over they left leaving Derek ridding back with me four about a week oh there going to get it

and by it I mean their faces are going to meet my fist and then there all going to get in trouble because they left me with Derek

"they left us.." Derek said

"really I did't notice" I said my voice dripping with sarcasm

he just squinted his eyes and helped me pack in the two boxes into my trunk I know I know I have to spent a full week with my mate in a car wheres hes all up in my personal space

yeah well don't forget that this mate is the one who rejected me fourteen months ago and broke my heart and ruined what confidence I had , and the list goes on...

"get in" I said fustrated well If I have to sped a week with him im going to ingour him the whole time




"hii babe I miss you soooo much.."


"yess Derek"

"how in the fuck did you get m phone number"

"remember that night of the party after we di-"

I was speeding down the highway when I heard her voice and I gripped the steering wheel I looked at Derek and he just chucked his phone out the window

I looked at him and he looked at me I raised an eyebrow but said nothing what party , what night maybe it was the night he rejected me and she was the rebound

I smirked at that wow I was the one that got rejected but yet you needed the rebound wow where did that come from

this is going to be a fun week

~          ~         ~

Derek wanted to stop to a restaurant cause he was hungry I parked and he said he was going to go in I just got out of the car and stood up by it

three guys approached me one had black hair the other tow had their heads shaved the guy with the black hair walked straight up to me

"give me you money"

I looked down he was holding a pocket knife I leaned back against the hood of me car and chuckled

"leave me alone or I'm going to open up a can of wop ass on your ass"

"are you saing that you a little girl is going to try to kick my ass?"

"I'm not saying anything I'm implying it"

he brougth the pocket knife up to my trougth you would have tougth someone would have called the cops or something but the place was deserted

I leaned back on the hood of the car even more and kicked him in the gut he did't see it coming he stumbled back a few feet and landed flat on his ass

the guy got up and walked over to me again

"do that again and ill kill you"

"yeah you and what army?"

"these two"

"oh really now I can take theses two with my eyes closed and tied to a chair"

"really now" a new voice said then chuckled

I turned to look at Derek I smirked because he was holding one of those two people in a head lock while he all read had the other one passed out on the ground

the guy with the black hair lunged for me but I mover at the last second he smashed into the hood of my car and scratched it

I am in raged I could feel the burning inside me agents the cool night air he scratched my car now hes going to feel my furry

"" I spoke in a hushed whisperer

he backed up on the hood of the car



Derek and the other guy stopped fighting and looked at me

"did you or did you not scracth my one point three million dallor Car..."



I lunged for him and went wolf I grabbed his leg and flung him into the woods and his friend wasn't far behind

I shifted back only in my under-were and bra

"Here" Derek said giving me his shirt

"uhh...thanks" I muttered

I let him drive this time and I slowly drifted back to sleep

~          ~          ~

I woke up to the blistering sun shining in my face and someone was saying something to me but I couldn't here it I was still half asleep when I finally tuned in I could here Derek saying

"were here wake up"

"were here wake up Avrial"


"AGGRRHHH" I screamed and fell out of the car?

what the...

I waited to hit the dirt but I never did I opened my eyes that were squeezed shut tight Derek was holding me so I wouldn't fall he pulled me back up and seet me on my feet

"thanks" I muttred

"your welcome" he mumbled

I grabbed a box and walked back into the house that I never wanted to see again Derek was right behind me with the other box I drooped my box off on my room and went to hunt down all nine of them Taylor,Daylor,Josh,Zaylor,Nate,Jake,Matt,Skittles and Luke they were in for a rude awaking

first I found Luke and punched him in the face next was Skittles and he also got a punch in the face then there was Matt I kicked him in the shin skittles got kicked where the sun don't shine Jake I pushed down the stairs 'opps' along with Nate Josh got punched in the face and the triplets got kicked in the shins

I still wasent done with either one of them yet then I muttred under my breath

"everyone has a privilege to be stupid but others just abuse it"

tisk tisk tisk

I decided after that long drive it was time for a shower and I used my favorite Vanilla-Raspberry body wash I use it when I'm trying to come up with evil Ideas that or when I'm happy

I remembered my secret stash of paint grenades I ran off to my room after I was out of the shower and dressed I ran to my room and went into my emptied closet and found my crowbar and pried the floor open in my closet

"ahh how I missed you"

I grabbed one then put everything back the way I found it I found everyone in Derek's room with ice packs in various places

I pulled the pin out and flicked it into their room and shut the door the next word I heard I started to run and run I did

"AVERIAL" all the ten guys said at once

'RUN' my wolf screamed I ran to my room


I climbed out my window and slid onto my roof and lay-ed there for a while I watched as the sun set and the moon came up I drifted to sleep and the last hing I heard was a howl


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sorry guys but I think I spelled comment wrong

chapter is edited somewhat...


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