Chapter 28 - Date Part 1

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Averial's P.O.V

"Av I had the weirdest dream"

I turned my head around alomost giving myslef wiplash in the process and seen Josh standing there rubbing his eyes in the door way

I ran over to him and wraped my arms around him giving him a bear tight hug he smiled down at me and said

" long was I out"

"four days"

"FOUR DAYS" he said schocked

"belive me I was so worried" 

"gosh you sound like my girlfriend"

"no she went home she was worried sick balling her eyes out"


"sorry she said she will be back after supper"

"okay but my dream I was running so much then befour I jumped the bridge mom and dad was there saying somthing about a big change and being there when your sister needs you the most what do you think she ment , Ave I miss them so much"

"Josh I know I miss mom expically" I sniffed and looked at him

"Averial they alos said that we need to be parpired but she didt tell me what for"

I felt a cold tingle go down my spine and looked at my arms they had goose bumps on them

"Ave just relax we will fighure it out but Im taking you on a date"

I went ridgite when Derek said date becasue I cant excatly rember what happned the last time we went on our date all I rember is that I cam home plastred 

"oh crap" I wispred to myslef

I turned around to see Derek looking at me strange and all the other guys laughing at me

"why do you say that?"

Derek's P.O.V

"Why do you say that?"

"becasue I don't rember what happned the last time"

I started to laugh then I giggled a bit when I rembred her danceing with me 

"Ave...Im sorry that, that was a bad date...a really bad date"

"naw its okay I had fun....I think.."

I laughed a little more when I rembred her drinking that big glass of alchol in her little hands she was so drunk

"well this time im gonna make it worth while okay?"

she giggled a little as I said that "okay"

I felt a sharp pain in my shourled and gasp and put my hand up to it 

I pulled my hand away once it felt the warm and stickey blood I looked at my fingers and hand it  was covred in red wet liquid

"DEREK" someone screached

my head started to spin and I started to feel dizzy I droped to my knees and wached the blood trickle onto the grass and the world go black around me

*         *        *

I wached as the person with orange hair ran away from me

"HEY STOP" I shouted

when the person didt stop I ran after them I was hot on there heals they stoped 

I looked at Tara as she stood infront of a cabin I shouted at her but she couldt hear me I walked right infront of her and she jsut stood there and staired the cabin

"TARA WHAT THE FUCK" I shouted at her



no matter how loud I shouted or screamed she couldent hear me I put my hand on her shoulder or at least I tried it went threw

I hauled it back and screamed

Averial's P.O.V

"DEREK WAKE UP" I screamed at him

I put my had to my face to wip away the tears I looked at Derek he looked dead but hes not sause I can feel his heartbeat going slow

I felt the air in the room change it felt weird 

"Derek I love you wake up please baby I love you so much, Derek jsut wake up"

I couldnt stop the tears from flowing out of my eyes I closed my eyes 

"Av don't cry baby im here im here" 

my eyes poped open to the sound of Dereks voice I looked down and his eyes were cracked open


"Im sorry babe and I found out who threw the knife"

I let out a low growel rip from me

"who.threw.the.knife." I said with my teeth cleanced because I was going to shift if I could not control it 

"ill tell you after but right now I want you to get ready we have a date to get to"

"okay Derek"

*       *      *

I looked in th mirror a pair of dark ripped skinie jeans with a fome green ruffled shirt  and black strappy heals

"I hope he likes this" I wispred as I walked away from the mirror and to my bedroom door I checked once over my shoulder and made my was down the hall to the top of the stairs 

I struted down the stairs with my money tucked in my pocket I could hear Derek growle when I reached the last step 

"wooah there boy" I said as he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me to him I giggled as he kissed my neck

"Derek be good"

"Av baby I cant help it you smell just so good I jsut wanna eat you"

I ggiled a little more "well too bad im off limets"

"Awwwwe" I looked at Derek he had a big smile on his face

"come on Av or well be late"

where the hell is this boy taking me 

I let Derek take my hand in his and smiled up at him when I interwined out fingers he looked at me with a slight pink tint to his cheeks

"Awweee look your blushing" I cooed to him

"umm yeah...whatever...I love you..." he grumbled

now it was my turn to blush but instead of going pink like Derek did I wet red tamato red yeah it was that bad


Derek let out a chuckle and I let go of his had but he turned me to face him he took both of my hands in his and looked me in the eyes

"Av I love you with all my hear I just want you to know that"

At that moment I felt like going under the covers in my bed and staying there till the world ends I felt my heart flutter

"Derek I love you too" I opned my mouht and let the words spill out

Derek smiled and leaned in to kiss my I stood on my tipie toes and kissed him and put my arms around his neck

"Excuse me am I intrupting somthing?"

I furred my eyebrows togther 

that voice I no that voice


Plastred means drunk or intoxacated  

so, happy i uploaded? 

 who is that voice any gusses?

what do you think?

 i no my spelling and gramra both suck 

this story is going to have roughly 35 chapters give or take a few


okay so any one no any good songs for the next uploades song of the day?

okay thanks for reading 

if you liked it vote if you dont then dont vote its that simple 

lol thanks for reading

danielle out



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