Chapter 13 - Camping

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Averial's P.O.V

I jumped out of the car remembering to take off me seat belt and ran straight to my room I grabbed a red and black checkered red bag

I unzipped the bag and packed sweat pants shirts and sweaters and clean underwear I zipped up my bag back up and walked down the stairs

"Where you goin" Matt said from the top of the stairs

"Derek is taking me camping tonight and tomorrow night"

"tomorrow night is Sunday night"

"yeah im going to skip school Monday...if its okay with you" I said

Matt laughed and said "as long as Derek is with you its alright" he said and walked away

I laughed to my slef and continued down the long fight of stairs with me red and black chekered book bag slung over my shoulder

'your mine' the words played threw my head

I walked down the hall my wet bottom sneakers squeaking on the wooden floor I walked to the living room every one was just lounged around sitting on the sofa and floor wacthing the others playing Pure  on xbox

I rolled my eyes and walked over to an empty seat on the sofa and took my book bag off and layed it by my feet and sat down Just as I sat down Derek walked in the room with a big black bag slung over his shoulder "ready Av"

"yeah" I said

"where are ye going" Nate said

I glanced at Nate his blonde white hair in his face I think he schould get it died darker but that's just my opinion

"camping" Derek said before I could answer

"oh have fun" Nate finished and went back to playing the game

I could feel someones eyes on me but I was to busy with Derek's hand to look back instead I looked down at our intertwined hands

Could Derek be boyfriend material I tougth as I walked hand and hand with him to the garage I watched as the garage door opened

I looked at the secletion that the four door gurage had to offer two cars and two trucks I wached as Derek walked over to the black truck and held open the passanger door for me on the way I flung my bag into the box of the truck with a bunch of other stuff includig a tent a sleeping bad and various other stuff and hopped in the pasaiger side

Derek closed the door and walked around the frot of he truck flashing me a smile and jumping in on the drivers side

I couldent help but smile at him and roll my eyes playfully he started the turck and pushed a button on the stearing wheel the gurage door opned when it was fully opned he backed out and pushed the button again so that the gurage door clossed

I looked out the front windshild looking at the evining colors pass my eyes I looked at the green blure mass of trees flying by and the pink purple and blue sky

"two nights of camping with you otta be fun" I said to Derek

"oh why is that?"

"beacause you don't seem like the type to go camping so lucky for you Im an experenced camper" I said mater of factly

"oh is that so" Derek said questing my abilty to camp

"yes it is so" I said and looked over at him he had a small grin playing across his face

"Averial were gonna have...a interesting camping trip" Derek said to me

Now it was my turn to have the small smile playing across my face beacuse I just had to wonder what he had in store

*          *        *

I let Derek open my door and then I hoped out and walked around to the box of the truck and pulled down the tailgate then I hoped up into the box and put my bag on my back I bent down to grab another bag when I banged heads with Derek I alomoest fell off the tailgate but Derek grabbed my hand and pulled me back

I looked at Derek I don't know wht it is about him but he just takes my breath away I studied his face he looked worried I leaned in and hugged him

"thanks" I muttred

"your welcome" he said hugging me back

I pulled back reluctent to let go but I did and bent down to pick up a sleeping bag and the bag the tent was packed up in and a chair

I tossed the chair over the side of the truck wicth was followed by my bag and the bag the tent was in I hopped down off the tail gate and lowred the bags Derek handed me to the ground

I watched as Derek hoped off the tail gate and put the tail gate up and then I looked threw all the stuff there was two lawn chairs, a tent, my bag of clothes, Dereks bag of clothes, a coler, and one medium sized sleeping bag

One sleeping bag that wasent overly big but big enough for two people "Derek why is there only one sleeping bag?"

"opps I guss I forgot the other one" he said while adding a smirk at the end

I could feel my cheeks up as I blushed and looked anywhere but at Derek im eather gonna have to sleep in the cold truck or in a warm sleeping bag

I finially faced him my cheeks still red that I was sure of "schould we set up camp?" I asked Derek casually

"yeah sure" he said

what did he have going on in his head relly I wish I knew but at the same time I hope to never ever have to read minds well its not like I can

Derek walked over to the tent and started to unfold it and take out the ten poles I went over to help him put up the tent pole

I handed him the next tent pole and withien munites we had the small brown and green tent put up I looked at Derek and high fived him I missed his hand and smaked him in the face

I looked at him my eyes wide and mouth hanging open "Derek im so sor-" he started walking twords me and I turned around and ran as fast as I could

Too bad.Cause that wasent fast enough I was swepet up in his arms I screamed for help but I never got much of that the only person that could help me was the one walkeing twords the lake

"Derek no please no" I screamed and squarmed trying to wrigle out of his arms

he looked down at me smirked kissed my check and when I looked up he was standing on a woarf I wached as he walked to the edge

"Derek no please don't I can't s-" I was cut off when he droped me

"DEREK I CANT SWIM I SCREAMED" the last thing I seen was Dereks horrfied face befour I was engulfed in the cold water

I started to swing my arms and legs but that clearley wasent getting me anywhere the I felt somthing wrap around my leg I screamed and opned my eyes under the water

I could feel the slime thing wrapped around my anckel I looked all around it was black every where was black 

I breathed in but forgot I was under water and I could feel my lungs start to panic for air I strugled and strugled but couldent get free

I tougth I was gonna die until I seen a white hand in the water well the hand was wight agenst the blackness of the water the hand wraped around my waist and gave me a tug it pulled my free of the slim

the hand started to drag me upwards I started to close my eyes but I felt the pressure drop as my longs expanded in my chest  I breathed in deep and started coughing I held on to the arm that the hand was attched to and soon found a neck I bowed my head as I cofed up the water

I opned my eyes to meet some guys hot abbs as my eyes travled upword they met Dereks forest green sincre eyes

"Averial im so sorry and I did't know yo-" I cut him short my attaching my cold lips to his

Derek kissed my back and traced my lower lip with the tip of hi toung he grabbed me by the waist and I hung onto him like he was my life saver (wicth he actually was) I wrapped my legs around his waist I broke the kiss breathinng hard for air and leanded my fore head agenst his

At some point Derek had brougth us back to the shore and he was leaningup agenest a tree I smiled and looked into his eyes he looked truly happy

"common Av were gonna have a fire and warm you up" he said and helped my untangel myslef from him

Derek took off his wet wight  tshit and wet pants an flung them over the tree I took off my wet sweater and flung that over the branch im not taking off my shortes and tshirt

Derek walked over to his truck and grabed his black bag and threw me a towel and a sweater from it then a pair of shortes from my bag

Derek put my bag back and picked up his bag again he reached in picked apair of boxers a pair of pants and a tshirt he winked at me he turned around and took off his boxers I squeased my eyes shut tight and turned around and went behind a tree and dried off with the towel

I walked over to Derek who was pulling on a black shirt he smiled a knowing smiled I could feel my cheks reding

"common lets gather fire wood" Derek said

Derek walked over to me and took my hand and we walked along the beach for the next half hour coleting up dried up drift wood

we walked back to our camp site hand in hand arms full of dry dritf wood that was washed up I  let go of Derek's hand and layed the wood in a pile I let Derek arange it so it looked like a te-pe

I walked over to the truck and grabbed the bags the chairs was in and brougth them over by Derek I looked at him and smiled  I layed one bag down and took the chair out of the other I set it up then started on the other one

Once the chairs was set I ploped down next to Derek chair and wached as Dereklit the fir wit the ligther he pulled out of his bag

once the fire was lit Derek got up and walked away I wondered where the hell he was going I wached as he walked away

I felt cold so I mover my chair closer to the fire I heard a rustling in the bushes and looked over when I looked over  Derek was comeing out of the trees and had two sticks in his hand he smiled and contuined walking over twords me he passed me a stick and moved his chair up to mine and as close as he could he reached down for his bag anfd pulled out a bag of marshmellows

"ohmygoodness" I said "MARSHMELLOWES"

Deek let out a soft chuckle and toor open the top of the bag and took two out then passed me the bag he smiled kindley at me

I took out two marsh mellows and jabbed them with the stick Derek looked at me and laughed and raised his eyebrows

I rosted my marsh mellowsuntill they were golden brown and Derek did the smae but did't eat his right away like I did instead he took out gram crasckers and cholate yumm yumm

"here" Derek said passing me a mushey cholaty handful of goodness

"thanks" I said taking the smore from Derek

I engulfed it in two bites Derek was only half donw his he looked at me and saw me staring at him he sigh and laughed softly and gave me his half eaten smore

*        *        *

"ulghhh" I groned "Derek I ate like twenty nine smores ulghhhhh" I growned again

"ok common Av I think its time to go to bed"  Derek said

"ok" I growned I got up holding by bellie and walked over to the tent

Derek unziped the tent and pulled the door aside while I craled in there was a single sleeping bag in the middle of the tent and a latern

I walked over to the sleeping bag and unziped it Derek cralwed in the tent and ziped it back up he continued to cralw over to sleeping bag he cralwed in and maderoom for me at this point I was to stuffed and tired to care

I cralwed in beside him and he ziped us up Derek wrapped his arms adound my waist and I snugled into him and smiled

I quikley driffted to sleep in a small tent in an even smaller sleeping bag by a lake a lake wicth scared the crap outt a me and that was the last thing I rembred befour I fell asleep


so like it?hate it? mabey in the middle?

so what you think about Derk and Averial?

Averial is gonna be pissed for what dereks gonna do who wants to no?

what abour Averial being throwen into the pond then Derek comeing to her rescue?

hoped you enjoyed :D

wolfgirl out

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