Chapter 23 - Opps

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Averial's P.O.V

I looked at the celing of my room what did he mean he loved me was he just saying that because I could make a sandwicth 

or mabey he actually ment it I sigh and rolled over on my stoumach I looked at the patterns on my red comfurter

"knock Knock" 

I looked up to see Derek leaning on the door frame with his arms folded across his chest 

"oh uhh hi?" I said to him allready feeling my palms swetting

I could feel his eyes on me when I went back to looking at the coloful bed spread 

"hi Averial"

oh okay so you see after he told me he loved me I droped the butter knife and ran to my room looking abck on it it seemed stupid

"is there anything you wanted?" I said it came out a little to harshley

"yes I...I...I wanted to ask why you ran away"

I tougth about it for a munite I already knew why I ran away 

"Derek come here and sit down"

I wached nourvsly as he uncrossed his arms and walked over to my bed he seemed...different then when I ran away...he seemes softer

I shifted my weight to one side of the bed so Derek could lie down

I looked over at Derek with my arms crossed and my head on my arms he was in the same posion looking at me

I couldent help myslef blush

"Derek the reason I ran was..." I took a big breath I cant do it I cant do it I cant d- "because I was scared"

I blurted it out befour I could think

I closed my eyes feeling the wet tears sit on the edge of my lashes I felt somthing warm brush agenest my cheek I peeke dout threw my lashes to see Dereks thum wiping away my tears

"Av why are you scared"

I gulped and said "I dont want my heart broke again"


hi long time no see

I do apoligise for the leanth recently all my chapters are shorte ill fixt that next chapter or ill tey at least

ok oh and my life just got instering theres two girl that wants to beat me up but I just dont care heres the ceatch...shes my cousin...and the other one used to be my good friend

oh well I couldent care less

ok so what do you think

I think this book is comeing to an end

I have a book in my 'my works' and its called odds and ends its a book of a bunch of stories that I wrote with the first couple of chapters

schould I put it on my profile to let people read?

what about Derek and averials talk

not sure what else  to say

OHHHH the song of the day is... 

JELLO far east movment 

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