Chapter 6 - Clift Diving

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Averial's P.O.V

I drawled back and let her have-it

'it' being my fist in her face,she stumbled back words falling to the ground I looked at her with disgust and she scrawled at me

she got up and attempted to Punch me in the face I seen this coming so I ducked she stumbled past me I stuck my foot out and and tripped her she fell to the ground


good serves her right I touth and smirked

She got up and held her nose with was great fully , broken I smirked when she went to kick me I sucpectd this so I grabbed her foot and twisted it she was hobbling around on one foot trying and failing to follow my movements

I gave her foot one last agonizing gut-wrenching  twist and flung her to the ground I knew I hade broken her ankle , oh well that's what you get trying to sleep with my unwanted mate I tougth to myslef pissed off

I walked to the front doors the wind blowing my hair around my face I could taste the cool crisp air and hear the leaves crunch as I walked on them in my black stroppy heals

I gripped the cold handle of the school door and wrenched it open displaying the sour mood I was feeling

I walked threw to crowed schools hallways fist clenched knuckles turning white no one got in my way I stormed off to my first class when the bell rang jut befour I gt to the class my name was called on the P.A


what is he talking about he must be talking about Tara or our egg incident hum... what one is he talking about

I decided it was the egg one , I meet up at the office with Taylor Daylor and Zaylor I looked at them my face expressionless

I walked in there with out stopping and straight into the principals office

"what do you want" I remarked


"WHAT" I rored

"do I have to spell it out...S-U-S-"


I stormed out of the buliding with the three of them trailing behind me I was so pised off when someone walked in front of me I push them down and kicked them when they were down it was one of her barbies

She struggled to get up  I kept walking till I got to the car I jumped in and slammed the door and waited for the boys if anyone else got me pissed id feel bad because they would have to face my wrath and that is not something you want to face

"lets go" I said in a cold hard vice

Daylor hopped in the back seet with me and Zaylor drove while taylor sat in the front the drive home was deadly silent you could hear the mooter purring inder the hood of the car

I looked out the frosted windows at the red yellow and orange leaves falling of the trees I also noticed the wind in the trees

I hoped out of the car andmarched to the house and to the kicthen I decited I was too angeryto do anything else so I decited to go fight off some anger

I shifted wolf and went out the back door there I ran off to the woods to the edge of our proptery I walked the border looking for a good fight with a stray aka a rouge

I was walking nere a clear blue running stream when I smelt the faint sent of another wolf I sniffed out the sent and followed it

I found the owner a half hour later, I slowly snuck up on the wolf ,it  raked of old blood and another pack he smelt weird

I crept up behind him and sat waiting for it to turn around I growled and put my head close to the ground in a fighting position

The wolf jumped startled andturned around to face me I snaped my jaws at its face he tryedto snap back but I let out a foreshores growl I circled the large rusty red wolf and lunged for its sideI Just missed but I managed to rank my claws into its side

The rusty red wolf tryed to snap for my neck but failed misrealbly I grabbed it by the scruff of its neck and flung it into a nee by tree it lay there at the botton of the tree lifeless I walked over to it being carful jut in case and took its neck between my jaws and closed my teeth around his spine


hes dead for sure now I tougth to my slef I decided to drop the walls that are normally up in my head

'Taylor I killed another stray'

'are you seeamed a little...'
Taylor started

'...tence'  Day finished

'im just agaeated and im on my way back'  I told them threw te mind link

I felt sharpe pricks spread threw out my entire body starting at the middle of my back and spredding to the tips of my fingers to the tips of my toes

now I have to save my ex-alpha or I could stay mat- my tougth was cut off by another wave of pain I mentaly growned ran to school still in wolf form

I sniffed out for his sent I couldent find it I walked around and I smelt a week sent and I knew it was his

I followed his sent and found him lying on the ground on his back stupid idiot I tougth I walked over to him he must have hit his back pretty hard because I could still feal a dull ach in mine

I shifted back fully clothed and knelt down to Derek and gently shook him

"Derek wake up..." shake shake shake

"Derek Wake Up..." shake shake shake

By this time I was getting a little more then frustrated I looked at him and gave him one more chance to wake before I learnt down to his ear

"DEREK WAKE UP" violent shake violent shake violent shake

Derek woke up rubbing his eyes, I knew he was climbing a tree but he is just to stupid to understand hes to big he can easiley crack off branches and when a branck creaks he falls

"amm I de-dead-ad" Derek stuttred

"no but I think you felll out of a tree are you hurt"

"not anymore"

"good" I said


I cut him off by smacking him and dropping his head letting it hit off the hard ground I got up and walked away

"Averial where are you going?" Derek shouted after me

I ignored him and kept walking and then I broke out into a run and shifted wolf once I was about Alomoest at the woods 

I could feel Derek hot on my trail I came to a stop when I almost fell of a Cliff into a ocean full of water I was just about to around when I head Derek behind my

I did the only thing I could do I shifted human and jumped

it felt like a long fall I closed my eyes and when I hit the water did't feel anything until I was at the top of the water gasping for air I started to drift in and out of a black out

I could feel someone pick me up but that was the last thing I rembred befour I Blacked out

~         ~         ~

I woke up to the sound of the waves and something dripping on my then I heard someone sobbing and saying





Was that Derek no it couldn't be thats not the same person who I left that hatted me no its imposible I opened my eyes

I looked up into pure green eyes they were like glowing orbs of emeralds I looked for the owner of thoses beatful orbs

"Derek..." I wispred 

I looked at his lips they truned up into a smile then my eyes searched for his he looked happy but that could not be true he love Tara

I felt the rage explode within me I reached up to touch his cheak then when I was two cemetears away I slamed my hand into his skin

he looked at me with surprise I looked at him with anger I struggled to get out of his hold he was frosen in shock sitting on the sand 

I finally managed to get out of his warm arms and I bolted 

I ran threw the woods I jumped over a log and shifted wolf mid air two words keept ecoing in the back of my mind

'forgive him'

But I woud not forgive him not after what he has put me threw

I finished the run to my house in record time I stormed up the staris and I decited I needed freash air

I climed out my window and slid onto the lower part of the roof then jumped and grabed a hold of the upp part of the roof I swong myslef to the peak of the roof and Ilayed down looking at the stars I heard  a long howel

'go to it'

I screached at my wolf

'give him a chance'

'ill give him a chance when he desurves it'

she never spoke back to me I laed there looking at the stars

I dropped my mental walls and sung out for Luke

'yes ma'am'  I heard Luke's fimlar deep voice

'just looking for someone to talk to'  I sigh

'where are you'

'on the roof'

"ill be up momentairly'


that ended our mind link

I sat on there waiting I wasen't waiting long because Luke showed up about after five munites he walked over to me and sat down

"so...whats the matter?"

I let out a sigh

everything Luke"

"you can tell me Averial"

"ok so you know how Derek is my mate...well he keeps giving me mixed signels..."

"what d ou mean mixe signles hes your mate don't take shit from anybody actually I applode what you did last night" he said giving me a wink

"its...hes...ahh...ok so one munite hes all...i like you Averial...then the next hes all over Tara...understand?"

"I think so...hes an ass wipe that needs to be taugth a good lession"

"yeah damm you got that right"

"well I don't know if yu will like my plan but here it goses..."

______________________what will hppen next_______________________________________

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