Chapter 15 - Why Did You Kiss Me

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Averial's P.O.V

"ok so even after all that he has the nurve to talk to her that ass" I said to Matt angerly he let out a small chuckle

"fuck this" I said angrley and walked twords the two of them with Matt not far behind

"How's it going" Derek said in a chill voice

I could feel the anger growing inside me like a ball of fire burning everythng inside out

Matt raised his eyebrows at Derek and Matt looked disapointed in Derek I schould have know that he would talk to that thing again

"hows it going?" I paused "HOWS IT GOING I SHOUTED"

Derek steped back

I walked over to tara she keept walking backwords and evencually she walked into the wall

"Lission here and lission good" I said spunding pissed off "Back off my mate or I will turn you inside out drain you of your blood ripe you up into confedie use your intistines as a jump rope and then I will feed you to a shark" I paused "So BACK THE FUCK OFF"

I looked at her dead in the eyes she gasped I assumed beacuse my eyes turned red I gave he a dirty discracful look and turned to face Derek

I gave him a death glare if looks could kill...Matt started to laugh I turned twords him and shot him sharp panful dagers he imidelty tryed and failed misiberly to cover up his laugh with a cough

I turned around and stormed out rather angery I stalked off out the doors and down the stps I looked around and spotted the bleachers and stalked over there

I could feel someone's eyes on my back I also could feel the cool winter air a week till christmas and that means christmas holidays wicth means more time with Derek I frowned at the tougth

I walked up the hevy wood steps to the to of the bleachers I heard someone comming I stood up and looked over the back of the twenty foot high blachers I felt a strong gust of wind and I lost my blance

I triped over the back bleacher and fell twords the ground I closed my eyes and waited for the impact to take over


I waited for the pain to come  I waited and waited but still no pain I didnt feel anything I dabated weather to open my eyes or keep them closed I decited to keep them closed

"am I dead" I asked out loud to no one keeping my eyes squeased tight I must be dead by now

"no" I heard a deep fimlar voice say

my eyes snaped open and searched thoes fimilar green ones I stared up into them and said threw a venom filled voice "you"

I squarmed and wrigled to get out of his arms "what did I do" he looked at me with questions in his eyes

I put on my poker face and said "put me down now"

"and if I don't?"

"you will reget it" I said

Derek set me on me feet as if I was a poisons dease that if he looked at me funny I would kill him well he was right if he looked at me funny I would kill him actually if he looked at that...that...thing..again I would kill him

"what did I do?" Derek asked me


I was beond pissed but I think it was more of my wolf that was screaming in our mates face because he was talking to that hag

"ill tell you what you did you were talking to the hag"

I turned around and walked away the cool winter brushing up agenest my face I could feel te tears leaking down my face I couldent help it

I also could feel eyes on my back I turned around and screamed "LEAVE ME ALONE DEREK" I came face to face with Matt

"sorry Matt its just that Derek got me pissed off and im ju-"

I was cut off when Matt's lips met mine I was taken back by surprise when I realised what was happing I steped back

"Why did you kiss me?"

"I..I...I don't know" Matt said unsure

I wached as Matt was pulled back and pushed agenest a school brick wall I looked at the buddy that pushed his upagenest the wall

it was of corse Derek

"lission...and lission now because im not gonna say this twice touch my mate again and I will personally rip you limb from limb drain you of your blood sell it to wolf hunters I will feed your inturnal organs to the wolfs and then I will dicet your heart..stay away from MY MATE" Derek wispred dangersouly

Derek gripped my hand and towed me in the osipite direction back to the bleachers "Derek I did't know he was gonna do that im sorry"

Derek did't say anything he just keept toewimng me twords the bleachers I did't feel the cool winter wind anymore I was to engrosed in my feelings to want to know I looked at Derek he looked untely pissed and I could only see the back of him

"Derek" I wispred "he kissed me" I paused "Im sorry"

once Derek had me dragged to the bleachers agenest my will he turned around to face me "Ave..." he sigh " sorry...she just started talking and...Ave im sorry..." he looked at me with pained eyes

"I kissed her befour we went camping"


I could feel my heart breaking I looked up into he deep forest green eyes and growled "YOU.DID.WHAT!?!" I yelled

"befour we went camping I kissed am sorry"


everytime he said that he would only break my heart even more Derek looked at me with regret and I looked at him with hatred

I clenched my teeth and looked him dead in the eyes "Derek how could you"

"how could you kiss Matt"

"MATT KISSED ME" I screamed in his face how many fucking times do I have to say it

"stop saying that you kill me every time you say that" Derek said

"yeah now you know how I feel when you around Tara or anyother girl for that matter" I sobed

"Avey Baby im sorry"

"if you were truly sorry you wouldent have done it" I said and turned on me heal and walked away and let the tears flow down my face

*          *          *

The week passed by rather fast and christmas holidays were alomoest here Derek tryed countless times to appoligise and it semed everywhere I looked was eaither Derek or one of thoes guys from the pack to kill us

I looked at Derek who was sitting on the sofa across from me I keept glancing at him

"Derek" I wispred "I dont wanna be fighting with you"

He looked up from down in his lap he stared at me his green eyes full of wonder "Averial are you being sereous?"

I nodded my head not trusting my voice Derek got up from the arm chair he was curently sitting in and walked over to me I stood up off the sofa and hugged Derek

It felt like he was squeasing the life out of me but I missed him



I smiled into his chest then looked up into his face  and said "lets get the christmas tree out and start decroating for christmas"


so...hows it going


Derek hasent compelty given up being an ass

what about Derek's outburst does Derek scare you?

did you expect that side of Derek to show?

did I feeek you out?

what about the kiss?

hoped you like it enjoy :)

did anyone else notice that MONIDWY (-Mate Or Not I Dont Want You) alomoest spells monday xD

wolfgirl out

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