Chapter 8 - Dicthing

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Averial's P.O.V

We some how ended up at walmart with Derek some did Derek get with us is I don't even know it started with a simple "hi Luke, Av" and Ended with "wanna dicth with us"

And I some how ended up hear with Derek.Alone. Luke walked off saying he had to get somthing and decited he was going to leae me here with Derek

I looked at Derek he had pain in his eyes I refused to talk to him I cant help it I just can't seem to shake off what he put me threw I can't

"Averial I truly am sorry" Derek wispred with his back to me I dont think that was for me to hear

"Derek...Im not friends with the player..."

"But I told you I give up being the player"

"we'll see"

Derek marched up to my and put  hand on my sholder I frose he turned me around and planted his lips firmly on my

I was so schocked I couldent move my eyes were frosen wide what is he doing I steped back I decited that we schould no longer be around each other

"Derek I think its best if we don't hang around each other any more"

I instently regreted thoses words the pain I felt in my chest was like someone drove a knife in my chest

"No I did't mean t-"

"whatever"he turned around and stalked off

"DEREK" I called out

I stoped and waited

" sorry"

I got a quick wif of salt Derek walked away from me

I walked threw the lanes of the store and looked up and down the eyles I couldent find Derek or Luke I sigh

I walked out side to feel the cool air brushing up on my warm skin I shivrd and sat on the bench I let the tears roll down my face I wached as people and couples walked by I felt the longong in my chest

why can't I let it go I put my hands in my hair and elebows on my knees I let out a loud furstraited sigh

"lission Av" Derek spoke "im schould't be sorry its all my fault I...I forced myslef on you and...and ..can...we at friendds..please Averial it would mean the world to me"

I showed a week smile

"Derek if it means that much to you...yes"

Derek looked at me with schock written all across his face he did't bleave me

"Derek...were going to start out as friends"

I stood up and he smiled at me and he walke right next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist I smiled and hugged him back we got up to see Luke staring at us and smiling I blushed we all walked back into walmart I have some people to make fun of...

we walked inside I ran to grab a scarf and sunglasses and walked around  with Derek and Luke flowing

'luke plan is still on'

 I walked up to where the juice bees and got a carton of apple juice and started to poor i all over the floor

I walked up to a guy holding my crocth and said


Derek and Luke laughed and we ran away looking for our next victum it was a  girl she looked about 15


the guys cracked up behind me and the securtiy started to walk our way I stripped off the sunglasses and scarf and turned my head when the scurity guard was alomoest infront of us I screamed


"YOU BANDED" the sucrity guard screamed

wow what was that like my thirty fourth walmart being banded from give or take a few that schould be right

with that we took off running for Lukes car I laughed and laughed the whole way to the car I was tumbling over my feet while Luke unlocked the car

"" Derek said in between laughs

I looked up at him and laughed


"how...about...the...movies"Derek said inbetween laughs

I just strugged my solders feeling my cheeks wet with tears from the outrageous laughter I brougth my arm up to my cheeks and wipped them

I looked out the window looking at the blure of the fast moveing trees at the blure ofthe rode and the white blue sky

I liissened to Derek and Luke as I closed my eyes they were aurguing about somthing or another I focused on what they were saying

"...I dont want her to fight in the battle" Derek said

"but there is nothing we can do to stop her" Luke spoke

"I will try to stop her..." Derek sigh "...but I think she hates me uke"


"Luke if your mate rejected you because she did't want to stop playing around would you be upset...I" derek paused then countiuned "It really was a slefis reason to reject her"

Luke stayed silent

"do you know what I said to her..." I could hear the sadness in his voice "...I told her she was fat and ugly..but there was nothing wrong with her.." I could hear the tears in his voice

"She ran away and I never went looking for her..." his voice was dedly silent

I felt the tears rolling down my face I wispred I knew they would hear

"I don't want to go to the movie anymore" I said

"im sorry" Derek wispred I knew he truly ment it this time

I let a fresh wave of tears slide down my face I know I broke my promose

'I was never going to cry infront of them but I did'

I lissoned to the silence it was like the scilence befour the storm

~          ~        ~

I woke up in an unfimilar room I looked at the door there wasent one

'Derek' I tougth

I closed my eyes and lissoned to the rain pownding on the windows and room and the rain drops hitting the now wet earth I could smell the wet forest from here

I loved the rain it calms me my wolf loves to run in it the feeling of jumping over thelogs and being in the sir the wind in my soft freathery fur

I leanded my head back agenest the head bord I lissoned quitley I heard the stoft struming of a guatar and a voice

"Baby why you wanna cry?
You really oughta know that I
Just have to walk away sometimes..."

His voice floated closer to me and it felt as it wrapped around me and hugged me soltly as the voice continued

"We're gonna do what lovers do
We're gonna have a fight or two
But I ain't ever changing my mind

Crazy girl, don't you know that I love you?
I wouldn't dream of going nowhere
Silly woman come here let me hold you
Have I told you lately I love you like crazy, girl?"

His voice was beautful I lissoned as he softly soung the song this song is going to be my new favouret I heard the song end I wached as Derek steped in from his baclony and smiled at himhe had an electric blur accquistic gutar in his hands

"I loved the song" I wispred

he smiled  and said "Knew you would" then winked

he layed his gutar down on the stand then walked over to his bed he looked diffefent how? I don't know he looked more...more...more alive I guss

He sat down on the bed next to me and swong his feet over onto it I looked at him he squarmed his way over next to my side

I down and my hands in my laps

"hey there..bout time you got up..." I showed a crooked smile



I wantted to kiss him so bad right now but...but I don't know what my inteons are twords him frends don't kiss friends right...right?

"Averial...I...I...want to kiss you.." Derek said "...but do...friends kiss...friends?"

I smiled "I don't know Derek" I said starting to nood off " they?"

"I think they do"

I looked at Derek he leaned close and his nose brushed mine I was getting nurvius do I want to do  this

Of corse I do I closed the raming distance between us

His lips were soft on mine gental at first he pulled back for a beath he leaned in again and I closed the distance again he ran his toung along my bottom lip asking for enternce I opned his mouth was warm and lie honey so silky and soft my tougth were intruped when someone barged in threw the door

"Derek.."Matt said

"humm" Derek moned from his spot on the pillow

"come on time for to Av"

Derek got up and walked out I followed closley behind him I turned to look at Matt he winked then I turned my attion back to Derek man he has some swag when he walks

I started go giggle Derek stoped and turned to face me

"Is there a problem...."


"well what is it?"

"your walking like..." I started to giggle again

" have a stick up your arse..."I giggled again "...and your on heals"

He raised a pearced eyebrow and I heard Matt laughing from behind me

"Id like to see you walk Matt"

He rored out into laugther

"What...?" Derek growled

"you...schould...have seen...your face...stick up the arse...on heals" he said in between his roars of laugther

I walked to the kicthen and looked around Matt jumped on the counter his dark red hair flarired around his head like a halo

I grabbed a half a plate full of backon and toast and some of whatever else is on the table after I was done I peeked in the living room where Derek was asleep in the arm chair with his head on one arm of the chair and his feet swong off the other

Luke was asleep on the sofa I walked over to him and culed up beside him Derek is going to be pissed


I hope you enjoied

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Enjoy Danielle

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