Chapter 19 - Official

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Derek's P.O.V

I quitley hoped out of bed without waking averial and ran too the bathroom grabing a clean pair of boxers I locked and shut the door behind me 

after I was showred I gupped on the clean pair of boxers and unlocked the door and came face to somewhat face with averial

I kissed her cheek and walked over to our I mean my bed  and sat on it "you can have a shower ill get your clothes" 

"ok" she said rubbing her eyes and walking to my insuit batroom I ran too her room grabber her a pretty blue dress and clean underwhere and a black bra and ran back too my room and layed it on my bed

I walked in my closet and turned on the light

Venessa's P.O.V 

I got out of the shower and  wraped a towel around me I dried my hair with another and left it too dry the rest by itslef 

I walked over too the bathroom door I reached for the door but frose I heard gigling and by the sound of it it was the triplets

I burst open the door Day and Tay were sitting on the bed giggling while Zaylor had a blue dress held infront of him batting his eyelashes

I looked at the three of them who were frose staring at me I was a little pissed

"GET.OUT.NOW" I spoke slowley and loudley

befour the last word was out of my mouth my bedroom door was shut I walked over to the pretty blue dress I picked it up and found the black bra and underwhear 

After I was dressed I looked at my hair it was stright and about to the midle of my back Im trying to grow it back out

I threw the towel into the hamper and walked to my door I looked down at the blue dress I was wearing I took a deep breath and walked out Derek's room

I walked down the hallway and rembred Derek  carried me threw it last night I think me and him are finally starting to get along 

I walked down the stairs in my blue dress I smiled as I seen all the people on the sofa and floor around the christmas I scaned the epople and found that there was a person missing

"why are you wearing a dress?" Nate asked me

Josh had a big grin on and so did Matt "it was layed out for me too wheree when I got out of the shower"

they just nodded there heads in agrment  I casually looked around

"wheres Derek?" I said

"not sure..." 

"I think he said he had to go get somthing?" 

I looked at Josh and Matt they were the ones who spoke I leaned on the dppr frame and looked at the guys they were wereing pajama pants and no top for the most part others were in boxers Josh had his girlfriend sitting on his laps

I stood up for about five munites befour I heard a door shut I did't turn around Matt and Josh's smiles grew wide as if they knew what was going to happen

"Averial you look beautful" I heard Derek say

I stood up stright to my full height of 5'8 and turned around


I looked at Derek his black bed head shaggy hair all over his head so perfectly out of place with with the tux he was wearing

why was he wearing a tux I took a step back into the living room to let him walk forword too he walked right twords me with his hand behind his back and the other one hung losley at his side

I took another step back so I was in the midle of all the guys and Joshs girlriend

I frose when Derek pulled out a dozen from behind his back he held the beaukay and nelt down on a knee

I wached in schock as he looked up at me what was he going to do perpose I hope not im not ready for that kind of thing 

I wached as he looked up at me with the roses he looked me stright in the eyes and said

"Averial Hale will you be my girlfriend?"

I looked at him he honstley went threw all that just to ask me to be his girlfriend 

"on one condision"




also hahahahhahaha idek im right hyper i was susposed to have a 10 page paper doe for science I was thinking aboout this and said i father right i have 8 1\2 pages done for my sciem=nce project and I dont plan on writting any more

next uploade-Saturday 3pm ish my time mabey ?

ok so as you no...on one condision?

what do you think that is gonna be

please leave your coments

vote if you want i dont care this is one of my favoret books i written its wicked it just goes xD and comes to me

who likes Justin Bieber 
who Hates Justin Bieber...

then again hate is such a strong word my mom told me never to use hate

who likes justin bieber
who strongly dislikes justin bieber 

wolfgirl out...XD 


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