Chapter 27 - New Years Eve Part 2

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Averial's P.O.V

"So just cacth the ball and run as fast as I can till I get to the other side of the yard and do stop"

"yes exactly" Derek said to me 

I looked around at our team me Derek Nate Luke and Jake and were up agenest Taylor Daylor Zaylor  Skittles and Matt

"Okay were gonna win" I wispred and looked at our team

I looked Matt was was playing this position for his team I locked eyes and him and alomoest growled I could feel my eyes get a little big

 "B-42 HIKE" was what I head then I ran up the feild to catch the ball I wached as it spiraled twords me me 

I caught it in my arms and ran Matt dove for my feet and I managed to jump over him then came Skittles jumping for me I let out a scream and ducked and ran as faast as I could go

I heard Luke scream


I looked up just in time to wacth me bang into Derek and slip and fall while he caugth me I looked down at Derek so I landed on his chest while he took the impact of the fall

I felt my breat cacth in my mouth I wached as the blood ran down his shoulder and onto the grass

I looked at Derek he haad I knife in the shoulder I let out a stargled gast and looked at the edge of the woods

All I could see was a flutter of orange then nothing

Josh's P.O.V

mmy feet were starting to get tired but I knew I could stop I looked up ahead there was a bridige at least I think it was a brigde there and I want to look back so bad

I was ten feet from the brige when I looked back I stoped in the spot there was my mom anad dad but there dead so how did that happen?


"Josh we miss you and Averial verry much but you must know there are going to be big changes in the fucher verry big we were going to tell you but seing how we died that didt happen all you kneed to know is be pairpred"

"mom dad what do you mean?"

"Josh you will know in time"


"go back to Averial be there when she needs you most"

with that they disappred I looked at the brige it was become less and less visible I looked behind me once more at the long streach I ran then at the bridige

I ran at the bridge

Derek's P.O.V

"Av I didt even see the knife it just flew at you and I had to take it I DON'T want you hurt Av even thining about loosing you makes me want to cry and I never cried for a girl befour never Av"

I looked at her my mate my girlfriend and if everything goes as planded my wife

"Derek do you mean that?"

"Av how could I not I mean every thing I just said Av I love you with everything I have"

she stood there she looked speachless

"Derek can I see tthat knife please" I reached down with my good arm and gave it to her

he looked it over and over again and again "Derek this is made from pure silver it was made to kill me"

made to kill Av I got up not giving two fuc*s about my hurt arm I went out the back paatio and to the edge of the woods I could smell anything unsual

I growled

"Av did you see anything?"

she tought for a moment "yeah I seen a bit or orange for a second"

I let out a biger growler

"Av I had the weidrest dream" I turned around to see Josh rubbing his eyes


okay soo I uploaded sorry its only shorte im trying to keep on top of my home work

so what is this orange?

what do you think about there mom n dad what they said what could the changes be

 song of the day?


okay so if you think you know what the whole big changes are just comment

also who rembers what Derek tought girlfriend mate....

okay ill uploade soon becuase I dont think I have school tomorrow friday or monday

so umm I guss thank for reading if you liked it vote please

oh schould I enter the watty awards?

and I would like a new cover so anyone wanna make me one?

Danielle out

^thats my name


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