Chapter 5 - That's Not Right

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Averial's P.O.V

I dashed up to my room and sat on my bed I had a Major headache I let my walls fall down in my mind and no sooner the I put them down were they back up

'if you want to talk to me one at a time' I said after my walls were broke down

'what did he do' Matt said

'im all ready on my way to kick his ass'
Jake said

"I'm right behind you'
 Luke said

Taylor growled in my head

I chuckled and remembered everything that happened m chuckle quickly faded

I looked up when I heard two sets of footsteps Jake and Luke were walking by fast and towards the stairs oh they wouldn't...

would they?

I let them go and I went about my business

I felt a pain explode all up threw my left arm I looked at my arm it looked normal

"ARGEREHH" I screamed

the pain was still there

I sat on my bed with my lips locked and I waited for the pain to be over I cradled my left arm and heard someone come into my room

I looked up there was Luke and Jake

"hi guys" I manged to get out

"hi...were uhh sorry..."

"why...what did you do my arm is killing me" I grunted

"we..uhh..kinda of broke Derek's arm"

I smiled but frowned because I could feel his pain




"later were goin to school"

"ok bye"

I closed my eyes and heard another pair off footsteps enter my room I opened my eyes there was Derek holding his Left arm he had it wrapped up in a bandage

he walked over to my bed the one I was lieing on he sat on the edge of it and I flinched cause there was one sharp pain going straight up my left arm


Im not talking to you dick face I mentally tougth then smirked


"whats the matter with you"



"I watched you kiss her" I whispered

my emotions going fom pissed to sad to heartbroken

"I can't wait for to find your real-slef because you will wish you hadent" I said my voice full of hate my eyes narroring at him

"what are you saying" he said

"I'm saying get the fuck out of my room"

"im the alpha I do-"

"I'm not part of your pack anymoreso therefor your not my alpha remember what happened or do you need to sit down and give your mind a break go Derek"

He got up off of my bed and walked out of my room serves him right I tougth I closed my eyes my heart tearing and my arm exploding in pain

wait I feelt like my heart was teering ohh noo what did I do

I quickly drifted to sleep

~          ~         ~

I woke up and yhaned I looked out my window it was dark and the moon was almost seated I was Parched I got up and went to get a drink I was passing by a room that didn't have the sound proof walls it was Dereks room

"ohhh Derek"

"ohhhh Derreekk"

I could feel my wolf getting outraged and incensed I let my wolf take over and I watched as she busted down the door to Dereks room there was Derek and that fucking blonde barbie Tara

my wolf walked close to the bed growling Tara and Derek were under the covers my wolf jumped up on the bed and slowly creped towards Tara she knew it was me

"leeavve mee allone Averial" she wined

I barked and growled at her

My wolf grabbed her by the hair and dragged her out into the hall naked I messaged the boys and they all came running

Luke,Matt,Jake,Taylor,Zaylor,Daylor,Sktiiles,Nate and Jake all standing there frozen staring at me and at Tara

My wolf let me take control and I shifted back fully clothed and looked at her my eyes raging

"GO" I was angry beond words

everyones eyes widened when they looked at my eyes


"your...your...your eyes are red..."Josh said

"GO TARA" she crawled up off floor and ran out of the house naked screaming

once she was gone I looked at them and Derek was standing near me I am very mad I had my teeth clenched so I wouldn't rip his head off

"now...what did you say...?" I went back to clenching my teeth


" there red...?"

"there candy apple red"

I marched threw the dark halls and to the big bathroom in my room and looked at the reflection staring at me, she Had black curly hair she was slim with nice ass and even nicer boobs I looked at her eyes the were like bright red candy apples it looked like me but the eyes...the eyes..

I was staring at the reflections eyes I could see my eyes starting to turn to normal thats not right , that's not normal I blinked and my eyes were the familiar midnight blue they used to be and now are

I walked out of my bathroom and seen Derek sitting on my bed with Josh and the rest sprawled out on the floor when I seen Derek my anger inflated and then Matt gasp

"your eyes are turning red...I don't think this is normal"

"I think its my anger" I said threw clenched teeth

"what do you mean" Matt spoke softly

"whenever I get angry my eyes are going to turn red but I think it will only happen when I'm really pissed" I said threw clenched teeth I was trying not to bite Dereks head off

"like now...." Matt said

"yes like now" I spoke angery

I walked over right in-front of Derek when my brain came up with a plan I swayed my hips and Derek followed my every move I smirked because he would not see this coming

I pulled back my fist my eyes red and swung for his jaw you culd hear my fist when it slamed into to his jaw

I imdently felt the pain but it was worth it I watched as his Jaw drooped Derek held his jaw with his hand and tryed to take but cursed then cursed for cursing

I smiled my most sweet Innocent smile at him he stormed out of my room with Josh falling behind and slammed the door behind him

as soon as they ere gone all the guys started laughing and I mean laughing Jake and Luke was laughing so hard that they were crying Matt Nate and Skittley were rolling around on the floor while Taylor Daylor and Zaylor were laughing so much Taylor actually pissed his pants and Daylor and Zaylor were laughing so hard at  Taylor they weren't long behing

After about an hour of so we all had stoped laughing but every time we would look at one or another we would burst out laughing

" bed" I said in between laughs

"k...see morning"

they walked out of the room still laughing I assumed that the triplets were going to go have shower because of there 'acedent'

I crawled back into my bed rolling around I realised I couldn't sleep so I went to go get a drink I staggered threw the halls finally getting to the kicthen when I baned into Derek

"Averial...we need to talk..."

"Derek we need to talk" I mimicked him

"Averial im serious"

"yeah well I'm not" I grunted

"leave me alo-"

I was cut off when Dereks red lips were sent crashing to mine I froze on the spot but ince I realised he was kissing me after what he did with Tara earlier I shoved him sending him arms faling him falling back words

I turned around and shot to my room running with inhuman speed I quickly crawled under my covers and fell asleep

It felt like no sonner then I had fallen asleep I had been worked up by my alarm clock I hit it and felt is smash under my hand

I went to my insuit bathroom and got in the shower I hobbled out still tired I walked out to my black colored  room and walked to my closet I looked for my black ripped skinnies and my candy apple red tank top I quickly got dressed and went down stairs after brushing my teeth

I grapped some of Matts choloate chip pancakes and scarfed them down I walked to the closet and grabed  a pair of red heals and my book bag

"I'm ready when you are Matt"

"ill be there in a min"

"yeah I'm gonna to the the car" I started

I walked out to the cool crisp autoum air and to the car I hoped in and waited for Matt I looked up when I heard the door slam

the ride to school was fairly quite Matt tried to start a conversation with me but I all ways ended it by saying I dint know or I'm not sure

once we got to school my eyes imeadly landed on Tara

once Matt had the car parked I hopped out and walked stright twords her I stopped when I was in front of her I drawled off and let her have-it


sorry guys its short I know but I hope you like it

1.what do you think is to come do yu think tara is going to react

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thank you readers thank you voters thank you comenters hope you ike it thanks verry much

hahahhaa poor tara...survers her right...any sugestions

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