Chapter 20 - First Date

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Derek's P.O.V

"on one condition"

"yes yes anything" I rushed out

"you have to swear on you life and the life of all your loved ones that you will not no matter under any circumstances cheat on my if you do your chance will be gone understand?"


I felt a little shaky as I got up and walked over to her I watched her carefully as I passed her the beaukay of roses she smiled at them and I leaned down and hugged her

I have so many tougths running threw my head my head at the moment I don't know where to start "Av...I premise you I wont cheat on you...I promise"

I leaned down and tilted her chin up and her lips met mine I smiled under her lips and she under mine 



I heard people around the room sscream I chuckled softley and backed away a little and smiled at Averial she looked happy

"Today me and you are going on our first real date"

"oh...ahh...okay...where are we going"

"if I told you that it wouldent be a suprise would it?"

"I guss not"

Averial's P.O.V

"I guss not"

me and Derek are finially offical and he cant cheet beceusa if he do he will never see me again because im gonna go and never come back or I would stay and find someone else

deep down I know I will never find someone else like him never will I ever find another person that going to be quite like him

I looked at all the guys around sitting on the couch I couldsee Josh and Matt smiling at me I knew that they knew that somthing was up

I looked at each of them and raised an eyebrow I smiled an evil smile at each of them

I felt an arm go around my waist and I furred my eyebrows togther and lookd at the arm it was conected to Derek I smiled up at him once I realised it was him

he walked us over to the couch and pulled me down on his lap when he sat down I looked at him with a questioning look

"when are we going on the date"

he looked at me with grinning eyes "tonight"

I nodded my head and leaded my head on Derek's shoulder when I rembred the gift I got him I jumped up like I caugth on fireand ran too my room with Derek screaming


I ingored him and keept running I flung open the door and ran to my bed and grabbed the gift and I turned around and bolted slaming the door shut behind me

I run down the stairs and threw the hall and too the living room I stoped outside the living room and took a deep breath 

I wlaked in the living room with Dereks gift in my hand and handed it over to him he looked at me confused

"my gift to you" I said looking a little shy

"oh okay" he said

he opned the gift and looked at me

"thanks its beautful" he said his eyes on the picture

I glanced over at the boys that were trying to pear around his brod shoulders to see the picture he turned around to face them and showeed them the picture 

"AWWWW" Josh's girlfriend cowed

I looked at Derek then at everyone else and screamed "OPEN YOUR PRESENT"

I laughed when they all raced over to the tree and grabbed the presesnts

*          *          *

"so where are we going"

"I cant tell you"

"awww why not" I pouted

"because it wouldent be a surprise" he said and laughed

I looked down at my dress and sigh

"dont worry it wont be much longer I promase"

soon as the words were out of his mouuth he turned into a place that a little crowded and there were people everywhere were ing dresses or dressy shirts and tuxes 

"what is this" I wispred quitley

"its a wedding that im taking you on a date to"

"oh" was what left my mouth

once the car was parked I undid my seat belt and got out of the car holding Derek's hand

"you brougth me to a wedding for our date"

"yeah..." I looked at him he was blushing

"well thanks it was sweet"

he blushed a little more I put my hand over my mouth as soon as I realised what I said

"opps" I said

He searched the croud as we entred the lobby of the hotel Derek pulled me closer as some of the guys looked at me and winked

I looked away from them I looked around and most of the girls were looking at Derek I wrapped my arm around him and risted the urge to stick out my toung at them

I felt a deep chuckle rumble threw Derek we walked into the reception hall not looking back at thoes who were clerly lookingat us and not even trying to make an efford to hide it

 I looked around the after party the bride and groom were dancing in the middle of the room Derek towed me over to the bar 

I sat on the barstool next to him the bar tended looked at me and leaned on the counter

"And what can I get for a lovley young lady like yourslef?"

"well for can back off I have a boyfriend...and second ill have a rainbow"

his face instencly turned sour and he looked at Derek

"and for you"

"ill have a nice back off my girlfriend with a side of beer" Derek said in a super sweet tone

the bartenders eyebrows shot up in suprise and turned aorun

"what exactly is a rainbow" Derek asked once the bar tender was out of an ear shot

"its a bit of everything" I said and winked at him

*          *          *

2 rainbows and 2 shots later 


"Averial I think ur durnk"

"I a-a-am not was-s-s-sted"

"Ave look at me"

I turned my head to look at him 

"how many fingers am I holding up"

I slowley ounted 16 or was it 15 fingers

"I think sixteen er fiftine"  I muttred sleppily to him

"Derek im tired" and that was the last hink I rembred befour I passed out

Derek's P.O.V

"note to slef" I muttred

"never let Av have more then 1 rainbow with anything else"

I schock my head as  held ontp her asleep in my arms  walked over to Mark and amanda 

"thanks for er enviting me to you wedding" I pasued " I would shake your hand but as you can see my hands are full"

Amanda laughed and so did Mark

"Looks like you got yourslef a hand full there"

"she migh be a hand full but I think I love her"



sorry fer the clift hanger

ok so heres your chapter

what are you thinking

by the way rainbow a bit of everything is somthing i made up

I think this book is going to end soon

mabey not sure

I want to turn up the heat

you know how i said there was going to be a war when exactly do you want it? 

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