Chapter 26 - New Years Eve Part 1

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Derek's P.O.V

I wonder...

I looked at the picture that was tooken at christmas when i asked Ave to be my girlfriend it feels so  long agaon but in truth it was only last week

I glanced at the calander December 31 the last day of the year

what am I going to do with Ave today...

Averial's P.O.V

I could smell the bacon even befour I was awake I opned my eyes to see everything from a cloudy point of vew

I blinked my eyes a few times and cleared my vision I threw the blankets off me and slowley tryed to make my way out of the bed

I groned when I hit the floor I brougth the majority of the blankets with me 

"Ughh" I looked at the mass mess of blankets and flung them off me compelty this time and grabbed the edge of the bed and halled myslef up off the floor 

I walked to the bathroom and looked at the person in the mirro she had black curly hair that was sticking up in every wicth way and midnight blue eyes

I turned around and walked out of the bathroom and twords the smell of bacon 

"well good morning baby doll" 

I rubbed my eyes and looked at Derek and raisied an eyebrow

"Baby doll?"

" you like it when I call you that?"

I tought about it for a moment and did I like Derek calling me his Baby doll I guss so

"uhh ummm I guss?" I said unsure still half asleep

"okay then baby doll"

I smiled and rolled my eyes and walked over to him and wraped my arms around him he looked down at me and showed me a nice big smile

"did you sleep well baby?"

"yeah...I sleept great I even had a dream about us" I mumbled to him

"what did you dream about?" he asked a little too cursioity

"I drempt that we were sitting on the grass and our baby was cralwing between us"

I closed my eyes and yhawned

"Ave I had the same dream"

My eyes poped open

"you had the same dream that I just told you about?" I asked him

"yeah" he said and checked on the bacon in the frying pan

"Derek what does that mean?" he turned around and looked at me "Ave we both had the same dream and slept in the same bed I dont know what it means"

I sigh and let go of Derek I walked sleeply over to the table where Derek had the table sset for all of us I grabbed the jug of orange juice and poured myslef up a glass

I brougth the jug to my lip and gulped down the orange tangy liquid I smiled as the juice woke me up

"HEY MATT STOP PUSHING ME" I oculd hear one of the boys shouting 

"Hey matt stop pusing me" Matt mimicked in a girl voice 

Derek looked at me and started to laugh the asme time i did we wached as Matt and Taylor came prancing down the stairs

"yes boys may I help ypu"


"ahh no.." I said and gave them a weird look

"but women ar-"

I turned to looked at him and cut him off with my look thats how bad I wanted to tell him to shut up 

"opps, sorry" Taylor said with big eyes

I looked at him and laughed when I rembred Josh "HOLEY FUDGE NUGGETS OH MY GOD I FORGOT" I screamed and flew out of the chair so fast it tiped over 

I ran up stairs to see Josh lid down on his bed the dexter was packing up his stuff

"Dexter what happned where are you going and why are you packing up your stuff"

Josh's P.O.V

What am I running from?

If i look back what is gonna happen to me I looked a head and all i could see was the rode and the pavment

I am so temped to look back but I  know that I cant look back becuase  I know im going to stay and I cant stay


I dont know

Averial's P.O.V

"Averial im not sure if hes going to make it or not"

I could feel my heart drop in my chest me and Josh have never been close never but hes the only family I have left

I opned my mouth but no words could come out

I cant loose my only family I have left I just cant

*          *         *

"Ave calm down Josh is going to be okay"

"Derek how do you know"

"Baby doll I just do"

"are you sure"

"im positive"

"okay then Ill try to settle down" I siad and curled up to Derek

I sat there on the sofa cuddled into Derek when I heard Matt talking to Nate "think he going to be okay"

"I hope so but what happned to Josh anyway?"

"I dont know I really dont"

I heard one of the boys sigh and I looked up to see them walking into room 

"Im suprised the two of you are outside playing football with the others"

"we just wanted to check on JOsh to see if he woke up yet"

I looked at Derek to see the look on his face

"Ave guss what we are going to do"

Oh shit what does he have in mind

"we're going to play football"


 soi theres another part to this chapter so many people asked me to uploade so im trying to uploade more offten

part two will hopefully be out sometime this week

so who thinks josh is going to wake up

and Ave and Derek have a date after they play foot ball

id say this book as about 2\3 done mabey less

so enjoy for now

 song of the day: Every red light

 im out

be  back soon  xD

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