Chapter 22 - Unexpected

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Averial's P.O.V

no matter what Derek tryed to distract it never would work I would always end up thinking about what he wanted to tell me

what did he want to tell me

I sigh and looked at Derek he had his arm around my waist and was diping me and dancing me to music 

I think he turned on the radio and he picked me up and we started dancing to some ramdom song I think it was called just that girl by drew seeley

"Just that girl rhe one thats dancin through my mind
Just that girl the girl that i've been tryna find
Just that girl her style is crazy shes a dime
And its almomest like I can see her shes just that girl"

I sung along with the song knowing the words I let Derek dance me in the living room I smiled and wondered what he had to tell me

"Derek" I said when the song was over "I have two questions"

"oh ahh ok" he said "What are they"

"well the first one is how did you learn to dance like that?"

"I don't know I just danced with the music" he said a little embarsed I looked at him I knew thoes moves because I seen them on the movie called another cindrella story

"lier" I said befour the words I realised I said them outside

"how'd you know?"

"because..." I said pausing  teasing him "..I wached the movie"


I giggled I cant belive a guy like Derek wached a movie like anoither cindrella story

"well whats your other question"

"my other question is...what exactly did you want to ask me?"

"well theres two things...Im going to with tell a little later to tell you the first thing" he said blushing

"the second thing is well Josh"

my heart started "what happned to Josh" I said panicking

Derek let out a soft chuckle "nothing happned its just I think he feels responsible for ypu running away and I think hes depressed"

"oh" was all I could say

"It was partly Joshs fault I ran away" I said quitley


I sigh "It was partly Joshs fault I left he never spoke to me he never helped me througth the rougth spots he just stood at the side lines and laughed with the rest"

"Avey baby im sorry and I know it was only a little Joshs fault and a whole lot mine please forgive him babe" 

"I know it was mostly your fault that I left in the first place" I looked up and Derek was looking at his feet with gulit and pain "and you apoligised and were togther thats all that matters"

Derek looked up at me and took my face in his palms and kissed me softly "Ave" he wispred so quitley I alomoest couldent hear it


"I...I...I thin-"

"Hey what are the two of you at?" I looked up to see Nate looking at m ehis new found brown hair hanging in his eyes 

"uhh...nothing?" I said unsure

"yeeah because I belive that" he said rolling his eyes playfully

"Sure you wernt"

I barried my face in Dereks chest and blushed 

"Awww look Derek shes blushing"

I could feel Dereks chest rumble I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow  'im hungery' he mouthed I laughed 

Derek smiled while Nate continued his way to the kitchen Derek took my hand in his Nate glanced behind his shoulder

I looked at Nates boxers hanging out of his pants of corse he would do that I looked at Derek and pointed to nates boxers

Derek showed a full blowen smile and let go of my hand slowley he crept up on nate and when he was right behind him he grabbbed ahold of his boxers and gage then one swift tug



I started laughing as Derek looked at his hand with wide eyes he was holding Nate's white and heart shaped boxers in his hand 

they were ripped 

I keept laughing as I looked at Nate on the ground groning in pain I looked at him trying as hard as I could to hold in the laugther

I took one look and him and started to laugh again


I couldent help it Derek just gave Nate a massive wedgie that took the underwhere clean off him I looked up threw wattery eyes to see Josh walk in

he looked at me then at Derek and lastly at Nate Josh started laughing as hard as me he also had teares rolling down his face and was holding his bellie

"Leave me alone in my pain and sorros" Nate groned 

I looked at Josh and Derek after I stoped laughing looking at the two of them and Derek holding Nates underwear didt help

I bursted out laughing again

"ULGH..." Nate groned and slowley tryed to get up

after we got up and stoped laughing we went to the kicthen

"well I guss you dont need theses anymore" Derek said as he droped Nates underwhere in the trash can

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed all the esicenals to make a sandwitch 

I layed all the ingredents and started to put the merical wip on the bread

"I love you Av" I turned around and droped the butter knife it clattred to the ground

I staried at Derek with my mouth open I tryed to process what he said


"Ave I love you" 



didnt see that comeing did you

thats why its called unexpected

so what do you think Derek wanted to tell Averial 

what about the underwhere incedent

I dont know what else to ask

Wolfgirl out  

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