Chapter 14 - And The Shit Hits The Fan

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Derek's P.O.V

I wached as Av feel asleep and I quikley follwed I was alomoest asleep when I heard her wispre four words "I love you Derek" I did't know if she was asleep or not but none the less I was flabbergasted I couldent help it but I wispred "as love you Averial"

*          *          *

I could hear a scracthing noise out side the tent I reached over Av and reached for the zipper to the sleeping bag

"Derek..what are you doing" she mumbled with her eyes still closed

"I heard somthing outside" I wispred to her

I looked at her she sat up stright in the sleeping bag making me fall on to of  her and us making a racket

"what do you mean there is somthing outside" she hissed

"I think ther is someone or somthing out side I heard a noise sorry to wake you sleeping beauty" I teased

I looked down at Av and wached as she rolled her eyes I continuted unzipping the sleeping bag and go up off of Avshe got to and followed me to the tent door

I quitley unziped the door and peaked out.

"get back in" I hissed

there was a humongus black bear outside the tent clawing up the coler and I was freaking out

"why" she wispred

"Big black bear outside"

"what" she hissed

"big black bear outside"I wispred to her

she looked at me wiwth wide eyes "a big black bear" she said

"yeah and I think it would be best if we went out there got in the truck and went home" I said a little frigthned

"I wanna get out of here"

"me too" I said and paused "on ethe count of three were going to run to the truck ok?"

"yeah ok"

I unziped the tent slowley I wached the bear as it twiched it ears I swear I was about ready to crap my pants


"I don't know if I can do this Derek"




I grabbed a hold of Av's hand and toor off to the truck when I felt a tug on my hand I glanced behind me and the bear was chasing me and Av and the bear was ganing I looked at her with fright full eyes and pushed her ahead of me nd went wolf

I backed aay and let out a ferice growel the bar stoped in its tracks and looked at me and growled is beary growel I steped closer and bared my teeth

the bear grunted and backed away I could tell it was scared If I could smile I would

I backed away twords the truck pushing Av with me as I went I keept groweling at te bear I wached as the big black bear backed away into the forest

I was walking backwords when I frose I smelt blood I walked around the truck and changed back to human and hoped in the truck but nacked

I looked at Av she was looking away with a red tint crossing her face she reached down to the floor and passed me a pair pf boxers that was there I always have a pair handy just in case


she mumbled a "no problem" and looked out the window I put the key in the key slot and started the truck leaving every thing

I oulled out of the spot we were parked in and wiped the truck around in the black of night and started down the dirt rode I glanced at Av she shivred and so did I it was the midle of december and here we were camping

I looked back out the front windshild and we drove in scilence for a while just looking out the window lissing to music that was on the radio

I turned onto the decrted highway and started to drive when it started to rain I looked out into the rain that was splatering onto the windshild I turned on the wipers and wiped the window of rain

I slamed on the breakes when I see a red wolf a RED WOLF red thats nott normal it wolf was the color of blood

 I sat in my seet frosen to it staring at the forgin wolf it did't at all look fimilar and as pack alpha its my job to know who is in the pack and let me tell you I never seen this wolf a day befour in my life

I wached as the wolf along with four others black gray wight and brown cirle my truck I cold feel myslef freaking out these wolfs are not from my teratory then I rembred what Matt said 'there is another pack after us and Averial we need your help'

oh shit this is the pack I looked at Averial her eyes were glowing red its been awhile since that happned

The last time that happned I was in a boat load of trouble. I could hear Averial beside me start to growel the head wolf the red one jumped up onto the hood of my truck now it was secerousley gonna die

I ripped my seatbelt off and opned my car door I hoped out and slamed it I looked at the red wolf that was crouched on the hood of my truck and dangerously close to my mate

"MINE" my wolf growled

what was my wolf doing in my human skin


"MINE'" me and my wolf growled simontausly

the red wolf growled at me and I went wolf snarling and yapping at him I bared my teeth and made him step back sutpid wolf he took a too big of a step and backed up to far making him slip off my truck

the other wolfs started to circle me and I started to bark loudley and lunged for any one that tried to get close to me

I growled when the red wolf walked around the truck and and started to scrach the pasinger side door I wached as the woor opned flinging the wolf off to the side me mate steped out with red glowing eyes she had this space around her glowing red and the other wolfs advanced on her she shifted going wolf

she growled at them making them frease momentarily she bared her teeth her red glow becomeing brigther and brigther I wached as her red eyes and red glow turned from rusty red to blistering blood red

I felt someone sink there claws into my back and I let out a pain filled howel I felt a pair of teeth sing into my back leg snaping the bone and another pair of claws sinking into my side

I howled out in pain again and wacked a the world around me fade into the backround and everything went black

Averial's P.O.V

I wached as three of the wolfs went in on my MATE MY MATE  if one of them so much as hurts a hair on his pretty little head im gonna kill them al-

I growled as the brown wolf sunk his claws into my babys back the white wolf bit him in the back left leg while the black wolf sunck his claws into his side the red wolf and thegray wolf wached with wolfy grins on there faces I let the growles rip threw me as I looked at the wolfs I got angrier and my wolf wanted to take over I ran lighting quick to my mate

I stood over him my little body standing over his I crouched down and growled possibily the bigest growel of my life I could feel my mates blood soking into my paws I let yet another growle rip threw me

the wolfs started to back off all excpet one the red one the red one shifted and smirked he stood there butt nacked and said

"ill be back little one"

thats it that the fucking last straw

I crowled so loud id say wolfs from all over canada could hear me I looked there leader dead in the eyes shifted and siad

"dont count on it" and shifted back wol befour he could look at me

I growled he backed away with the smirk turned and mid turn he shifted wolf Matt what have we gotten our slef into

*          *         *

"I don't want to talk about it" I growled at Matt as I walked threw the door with Nate and Jake follwoing me holding Derek

I marched up the stairs in my robe to my room with Jake, Matt and the new dark haired following me "you have to" Matt said

"no I dont"

"Yes you do"

I sigh and wached as Jake and Nate layed Derek down on my bed Matt walke over to mew and said "what happned"

*          *          *

After I told him all of the story starting with the drive up there to the wolfs attacking he looked at me with questioning eyes "really?"


"Averial im worried about you"

I looked at him "oh" I said

I glanced at Derek


"beacus I care about you I worrie if you get hurt and..." he wispred the next part "I don't want Derek to hurt you again"

"I won't get hurt" I half snarled

"ok ok" he said backing away "just rember my room is down the hall"

"ok" I muttred still pissed

I walked to my insuit bathroom and washshed my face and changed into a pair of black shorts and a red tank top I like to call my pjs

I pulled my hAIr upinto a messy bun and pulled on a strech headband and walked out of the bathroom

I looked at Derek lyeing on my bed his injerys were healing faster then human most of his cuts were closed but there was two or three that were bleading I sigh and walked back into the bathroom got a damp wet cool washcloth and walked back out and sat on the bed next to him

I looked at his blood stained clothes and took off his shirt and pants leaving him in his booxers he got three major cuts on his side the ones on his back and left were alomoest complety healed

I pressed the damp cool wash cloth to his side and geld it there I washed the blood off him and I went to the bathroom and but the washcloth in the hamper I sigh again and walked back out into my bedroom 

I sat on the bed and reached over and turned off the lamp I crawled under the covres Derek was allreay there leaning on his elbow

"you know I wound never hurt you"

"I know" I wispred to derek and fell into sleep


heey sprry its been a while :(

so I have news to tell you Derek has some competion comeing up are you excited ?

who do you think it will be?

what about the new wolf pack?

this are starting to heat up :p

also im getting excited to writing the next chaprters because christmas and new years

there is gonna be some instering chapters up ahead :) :D :P

hoped you liked <3

wolfgirl out :)

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