Chapter 29 - Date Part 2

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Derek's P.O.V

"am I interupting somthing here?"

I froez and felt a cold shiver go down my body

"Dad what are you doing here" I said and steped in fornt of Averial 

"im here to tell you that you and your mate" he said pointing to Averial "need to mate soon and give me some grandkids"

my jaw droped about three klomoters "Dad..." I gave him a warning look

"Derek.." he said mocking me

he chuckled and said " well buy the girl dinner befour you get into her pants I dont care if you are mates just treat her right"

okay so I was only pink befour now im red like a tamato and Ave was so embared she was hiding in my shirt 

"well im taking her on a date and I kinda need to get going to ill talk to you later Josh is in the house and you rember Josh's sister right?"

"how could I forget she was such a sweet little girl where did she go?"

Ave cleared her trougth and steped away from me

"hi max rember me"

I looked at my dad I tought his eyes were going to roll out of his head and across the pavment " changed"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed her hand and opned the passinger door to the jeep for her I made sure she was in then closed the door

I walked around the froint of the jeep and smiled in her drection and opned the driver door and hoped in 

I put the key in the ingishion and put my seat belt on once my seat belt was on I turned the key and started the engion

I pulled out of the drive way and looked at the nabours car there was still bloches of paint from christmas on it I smiled when I loooed at it

I turned and felt the bandage on my shoulder a little just enought to remind me it was there and continued down the street 

*         *          *

"Derek are we there yet" Av said while trying to peek out threw her blindfold

"not yet soon babe I promose"

she let out a huff and looked stright ahead and leaned her head back on the seat

I smiled as I seen the resturant come into view 

"Ave guss what?"

"what Derek"

"were here"

Averial's P.O.V

"we're here"

"we're here?" I asked suspisouly

"yes Av we'er here"

"and where exactly is here?"

Derek laughed at me when I said that I turned my head in his derection and gave him 'the look' "sorry Ave did't mean to piss you off"
"its okay but can you please just help me get this dame blind fold off" I said struggling to get the blindfold off

Derek let out a low chucked and reached behind and pulled on somthing and the blinld fold came right off

"thanks yo..." I drifted off as I looked at where he brouth us

my eyes slowley inflated "Derek oh wow Derek you just did't have to do this..." I said looking at the fancy restruant

"Id do anything for you"

I felt my heart sour when he said that "thanks.." I said blushing

 I unbuckled my seat belt and reached for the door handle but alomoest fell out of the jeep because the door was already open 

Derek grabbed me by the waist and pulled me out of the truck "Derek" I said and let out a giggle

 Derek set me down and grabbed my hand we interwinde our fingerss his hand was a little swetty I guss he was nurvous

 He held the door open for me as we entred the restruant he walked up to the podium where the waiter was standing looking threw a magasine

"May I help you" the girl asked

"Yes you can help us you can start by being more polite and seeating us I resurved a table for Derek White"

I wached as the snotty waited looked over Derek and then at me and laughed Derek alomoest growled but I grabed his hand and gave it a yank and let go of his hand so he could wrap his arm around my waist and hold me close to him

"Derek be nice I love you, you know"

I felt Derek relax when I told him that  I loved him

"I love you too baby" he said and leanded down to kiss me on the lips

"well do you want your table or not?" the snotty waitress asked and looked at us in duscuss

"yeah that would be nice and also can we get a new waiter?" 


"BITCH PLEASE" I shouted at her and walked for worod and shouved her out of the way and walked up to an emptie table that had a really nice ochean view

Derek pulled out my chair for my and started to laugh "whats so funny?" I asked insonelty

"I like it when you stand up for yourslef"

"do you really?"

"yeah I love it"

I smiled a little and looked up as our waiter aproched the people in the resturant laughed at her it was the same person

I got up and tiped the chair over and looked at her alomoest groweling

"I asked politley to get us another waiter"

"well there all bussy and I liek your ma-"

I tackled her "BITCH PELASE" I said and smacked her in the face "more like STAY AWAY FROM HIM OR ILL RIP YOU TO PEICES"

next thing I knew I was being lifted off her and Derek as holding me in his arms "babe I know this didt go exactly as planded but will you marry me?"


OMG can you belive that just happned?

I know i cant and just wrote that how many time did I uploade tonight? is this the second time?I might mabey uploade again


im on a roll lol whe im done the book im going to put the chapters with like part 1 2 and 3 togther mabey?

so the next song of the day will be part of me katy perry 

hope u enjoyed my second uploade of the night i might ame for a third 

oh by thee way i think im going to enter the watty awads vote for this chapter if you would vote for it in the watty awards please it would mean so much to me

thanks everybody love you all


danielle out


Mate Or Not I Don't Want You (UN-EDITED...CURRENTLY BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now