Chapter 10 - Derek

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Derek's P.O.V

I turned around and walked back in the genral drection of the house I walked the the thick forest I approched the house when Tara jumped out from no where and tried to kiss me I shoved her off me and shouted

"LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE WE HAVE BEEN OVER THIS...I don't want you  want mate" said my voice geting sfter as I spoke

"im sorry Tara"

I walked past her giving me and her as much space as posible I heard foot steps and ingored them I walked in the house and slammed the door shut I walked to the kicthen and grabbed a glase of juice when I heard a growel I walked to the door and stormed over to Tara and Averial

I looked at Averial she had blood running down her leg and Tara was in wolf form groweling I started to yell



she bowed her head and walked backed away what I would do to her I clenched my teeth to refrain from saying somthing id regret

I looked at Averial and forgot all my wories because there she was bleading I ran over to her scouped her up in my arms and ran like the wind to my car I layeed herdown in the ack seet and then ran around the car and started the car

I peeled out of the drive way and flored the car I ended up running threw three red lights its allright I wasent in an acdient so alls good

I drove full speed down the high way saying "its going to be okay...its going to be okay...its going to be okay..."

I stoped at the entrance of the hospita and l parked the car off to the side and lissioned to the tires screach to a hault I opned my door I quikley and slamed it just as fast as I opned it and ran around the other side

I ran to the emerge and talked to the scerity I felt somthing brushs my cheek and looked down I furred my eye brows togther when I seen Averial's hand by my face I looked back at the screatry

"Follow me" I turned to look at a blonde nurse she had bleach blonde hair and big blue eyes but she still had nothing on my Averial

I followed her she stoped and turned around after ten munites I was getting really impachent

"are you following me?"


"Fine follow me" she said pointing to a door

I walked in and snorted when I heard the door slam and lock behind me I growled and looked down at her I tigthned my grip on her and clenched my jaw

"Derek were locked in a closet togther calm down"

"I tougth you hated me"

"I do not hate you nor will I ever hate you sure I did not like you but never hated you...ok I hated you when you rejected me"

I felt my face heet up and I started to look around the room I looked every where but at her I just couldent do it

when did our hate turn into friend ship I heard from some where in my mind humm strange I schouldent be hereing things...unless...naa could't be...not after what I done...right?...

I walked over to the door knob and twisted it until I snaped the lock like it was a twig I walked out of the closet I looked at Averial she was smirking

I ran to the front desk and the person working told me where to go I smiled at the middle aged lady and ran twors the room I wlaked in and layed Averial on the bed I smiled down at her I dont smile much but when I do there drected at her and her only her

the doctor walked in and looked at her cut and said "your going to need stiches" the doctor left the room I looked at AVerial

I hopped up on the bed with her the paper crinkling and I grabbed her hand and sqused it gently in I got a quick wif of salt and I looked at Averial she had her head sown and the doctor walked in with a silver tray

"ok sit still" he said to her then looked at me "you can hold her if its going to be easyer "ok" I said to him and pulled Averial between my legs I leaned agenest the wall she grabbed my knees and I layed my head on her and closed my eyes

"errghh" she grunted threw clenched teeth I clenched my jaw togther to keep from laughing I felt her squeasing my knees and I let my laugther silp a little I looked at her and tried not to grin but from the look on her face I was trying unscesufally

We thanked the doctor and I think I heard him say

"young love" then he sigh

we walked out front and fouind Averial was draggingher feet across the parking lot I laughedand littery swept her off her feet I waled her to the car and opned her door I buckled her in then walked around the front smiling like an idiot

when I hopped in she looked at me and raised her eyebrows I said nothing and pealed out of the hospital parking lot

I glanced at Averial and she was looking out the window I stopped at a red light and looked out the front windsheld

"Look Averial a shotting star make a wish"

I wished that Averial would kiss me or at least let me kiss her

"what did you wish for?"

"cant say"

"well want to know what I wished for" I paused "this"

I sai leaning over to her when our lips met and she kissed me back I smiled and then I felt her smiling under my lips

I wnt back for air when another car barmped the horn I felt Averials hand intweine with mine and smiled as I drove down the rode in the dark

I looked at Averial and she was asleep I smiled and drove twords the house I fillialy found the drive way and pulled up it

I parked the car and I got out to walk around the other side to get Averial andI heard a howel
I opned Averials door and picked her up I looked at my wacth it was friday

I walked to the front door and opned it with Averial still in my arms I went to the stairs but stoped when I seen all the guys sitting in the living room

"Derek where have you been" Matt said

"at the hospital getting Averial stiched up" I said wth a growel

I looked at Josh his jaw was clenched and he looked ready to rip soeones head off hes done it befour and some how got stuck with the nick name ripper when we go hunting

"why" Matt said

I walked in to the huge living room and showed them the well stiched up cut on her leg I heard a growel from some where in the room

"im taking her to bed ok" I said

"yeah sure"

I turned to walk the stairs when I heard

"ok so what are we going to do about them I would like to have my mate back" I heard Matt say with regret

I let them talk and decited I would ask them about it in the morning and walked up the stairs passing Averials room

I stoped outside my room and turned the knob my arm tignned arundAveriala knees and I cradled her uper bodie agenst my chest so I coud open the door

I opned my door and slamed the big door shut behing me I walked over to my bed and layed Averial down

I stripped off my sweater and shirt then my pants leaving me in nothing but boxers I looked at Averial and fished out a shirt I stripped he down to her bra and underwhere heasting weather or not to take off her bra

I let it on sadly I might add and put he in my tshirt I lifted her up and pulled back all the blankets I layed her down and when I did she started to clucth the air

I got in and pulled her into me I barried my face in her hair and she held on to my arms and I smiled when she said my name

I smelt her silky hair it smelled like vinalla and rasberries I started to drift in and out of sleep until I finally fell into sleep

Averial's P.O.V

I woke up with tw big arms around me and legs intertwined with mine I frose because th last thing I really rember was being in a car and someones hand intertwined with mine

I glaned over my shoulder and there was Derek I relaxed when I seen him I flinched as pain shoted up my legI looked out the window and it was Dark and the moon was high in the sk

I roled over so I was facing the big bad wolf himslef yesim talking about Derek he hadme engulfei his arms so I let my slef fall into sleep


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I bet yu werent expecting dereks pov on the chapter

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Im going to enter the Watty awards 2012 so I nee to be working on this storie more :)

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thanks for reading also check out my other stories
Im The Alphas Mate
Love Never Fails When Your An ALphaasa Mate

there si another storie that im working o but im not publishing it till january first its called  The First Of The Fallen

here you go

im sorry but im not going to uploade till christmas :(

hope you like this chapte

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