Chapter 17 - Time To Decorate

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Matt's P.O.V

I fucked up I really fucked up I tougth as I sat there on the step inside the gurage why did I have to go and kiss her

I sat here waiting for Averial to some back with Derek Im pissed with myslef I cant belive I made Derek kiss her why did I do that

oh yeah cause im stupid I frowned to myslef why did I have to use my 'power' and Derek kiss her noe when Averial finds out shes gonna be pissed I soon have to tell her about my power

I wached the gurage door start to slide up I wached as the slick black car pulled in I wached as the car turned off

she got out of the car with a bright smile on her face I hope my mate is going to be at least half as pretty as her her head turned my way and the first thing she said was

"Matt we need too talk"

"yeah" was my smart resopnce

"Derek could you please leave?" Averial asked him

"yeah sure" he mumbled I wached as he piked up a box that he had layed down once he was in te house I let the words fly out of my mouth

"Averial im sorry I schouldent have kissed you"

"I know" was all she said

shit shit shit shit shit I cursed inside my head

"im sorry...can things go back to normal? I askeed pleading

she glared at me fuck it was just a kiss get over it would you

"are you sereous"

"yeah" I said in a duhh tone

"oh then things can go back to normal " she said and smiled

the smile didnt look real it looked fake reguardless she walked over to me and hugged me it took me a munite to respod by I hugged her

"now if you will excuse me I need to help Derek set up the christmas tree"

"sure thang chicken wang" I said

she rolled her eyes with a playful smile and turned around and walked in the house I looked out the still open gurag door the boys were now running from the nabour that was screaming 'IM CALLING THE COPS"

I bursted out laughing and went inside the house I stoped when I was in the kicthen when I over heard Derek and Averial talking

"stop it Derek" she said out of breath "...Derek" she gasp

it sounded like he was tickling her I felt my heart sink in my chest I wsh I could find my mate but with the luck I have I might not even find mine

I contuintued walking to the kicthen I walked over to the frige and haled out a jar of orange juice I walked over the the coubred where the glasses are and grabed a tall glass I poured myslef aglass of orange juice

I put the jar of orange tagy liquid back in the fridge I tiped the glass up and downed the tangy orange liquid

I sigh ad set the glass down on the table and pulled out a chair I ploped down on it and rested my head in my arms mabey I schould travle the world to look for her my mate

"whats wrong" I heard Averial ask

"its nothing" I said

"nothing is somthing so spill your guts"

I looked at Averial she was sereous she had her face set in a hard mask staring me in the eyes with a look that said 'somthing is wrong i dare you to tell me otherwise'

I sigh giving into defet I looked at her and said "I want to find my mate I paused "recently Iv been thinking about going off to travle to find her but Im going to wait till we kill the people that are after us"

her mouth formed an o and she just stood there unsure what to say "well...ok..thats your dision...but what about your pack..."

I furred my brows because I never really tougth about my pack what could I do with them I could give them to Derek for safe keeping or I could give Averial my Alpha power and make her alpha

" toren between..." I looked at her is she ready for the responsibilty that comes being an alpha "...giveing you the pack and giving Derek the pack...but.." I paused "I think im going to give my pack to both of you" I finished and smiled

Averial's P.O.V

 "I think im going to give my pack to both of you" He finished and smirked

"WEOOOO" I heard Derek shout

"yeah...Weooo" I said scarsticaly

"Aww Avey dont be like that" I heard Derek say from somewhere

I felt two big tree trunks of arms wrap around my waist and a head lean on my soulder I could feel his hot breath in my ear

"Avey baby" Derek said makeing me not being able to think

I couldent stop the shiver that went threw me as Derek gwntley blew into my ear "Derek" I moned soon as the word was out of my mouth I was turned around with my face pressed into Dereks shirt so that Matt couldent see my red face

I punched Derek in the chest "I cant belive you done that" I wispred yelled at him

"I didnt mone Averial" he moned my name

I felt my cheaks heet up even more after he moned my name I felt him press his lips agenest my for head

I felt hands go behinf my nees and by my back what is Derek going to do too me I felt my feet fly from out under me

"Derek your really know how to sweep a girl off her feet" I sadi as I looked into his eyes and smiled

"oh Av you havent seen anything yet" he said sending me a wink

Derek walked us too the living room and set me on the sofa I looked at the christmas tree we put up and had started too decroate

But with Derek around I can never seem to get anything done I looked at Derek he was trying not to laugh I could tell but none the less I got up off the couch and went threw a box that said 'downstairs decrotaions'

I opned the box and the first thing I spotted was the tub of mistletoe I rebbred that time last christmas when Derek was't of age to find his mate

I was hanging up mistle toe when Derek walked around a corner with a look of distuaste on his face when he spotted me hanging up the mistletoe he walked past me when I was hanging it up he turned around and looked up it just so happned that I had hung us a couple of leafes of mistloe and Derek HAD to kiss me it was werewolf tridition so Derek growled and walked over to me and kissed me fermley on the lips when he looked at me again he had on a poker face but I could see surprise in his eyes after that he stayed away from me

"Derek...rember the time when you first kissed me" I asked him

he was faceing me so I wached as his face fell "yeah I kind of suspected tat you were my mate then thats..." he blushed yes DEREK WHITE BLUSHED "t-thats why I stayed away from you" e said kinda of embarsed "and why I hated you" He looked down when he said that

"But I dont hate you now" he rushed out

"I never hated time.." I said

"I never hated myslef...excpet when I rejected you"

"yeah so the feeling was mutural then"

He smiled at me "they are now right?" he paused then added "Im not sure I dont hate you...kind of the ospisite actually"

I felt myslef blush "" I couldent finish

"I..I Love y-"

"DEREK" I heard Josh shout

"IM IN HEAR" he shouted to josh then sigh

I hear footsteps and looked up from Derek to the door Josh was standing there laughing to piss himslef

"you ok?"

"I will be" he said inbetween laughs

"is this about the guys and the paint"

"yeah" he managed to choke out

"whos your friend" I said pointing to the blonde girl

"this is Annalise" he said pulling her close "...and this annalise is my sister Averial and her...'hot mess'..." he said pointing to Derek

"Hi" she said waving to me not once looking at Derek

"Hi" I said back I smiled "Im gonna guss that your my brothers Girlfriend?"

"yes...actually were Mates" she said a pink cossing her face when she said Mate I felt Dereks eyes  grase over me

Once again I felt Dereks arms go around my waist as he rested his chin on my shoulder " her 'hot mess'" Derek said breathing in my ear

I shivred and felt Derek step closer if that was even posible his arms tigthned around my waist and he leaned in and kissed my neck going up little by little he kissed me up the back of my neck and stoped below my ear he kissed the spot blow my ear

I felt a long cold shiver run threw my body I felt my knees shake and It felt like I was going to melt into a pudle

"Found it" Derek wispred in my ear


heey soo sory that its been sooo long since my last uploade im just doing alot of homework and stuff

dont worry yes there is a war...kinda of...comeing up but not just yet

what do you think about Derek?

what do you think about Averial?

what about the kiss between Av and Matt?

were you surprised?

I live in Canada...yes, where the moose lives...what did you think lived up here crayons?

Im 99.9% sure there is going to be a suqueal I allry tougth of what is going to happen in it if I make it wicth as I said befour im 99.9% sure there will be one

does that make you happy?

what do you think the spot is for??

wolfgirl out !

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