Chapter 24 - I promise

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Derek's P.O.V

"Av I wont ever hurt you again I promise"

she looked at me and I could feel my stoumach go tight

"Derek you broke my heart once and I...Im just scared...and I think im falling head over heals and im falling to fast Derek Im scared"

I felt a wave of coldness go over me

I opned my mouth to say somthing then closed it because I forgot what I was gonna say 

"Derek...rember that night when I caugth you with tara?" she growled out her name

"yeah and your eyes were glowing"

"yeah well it felt like my heart was breaking all over again Derek you have to realise that I love you but I dont love the way you get on"

I felt my mouth drop

"Av...IM have sass" I said and laughed

I looked at her and she cracked a smile

"im sorry Av my wolf is going crazy inside he wasts me to mark you and make love to you but I keep telling him he has to wait but no matter what he getts more and more...whats the word"

"horney?" she said

"yeah" I said and started to laugh

I could feel a little heat rise up into my cheeks a little bit

I looked at Av and walked over to her and gaave her a big bear squease well more like a bare hug and she looked up at my face while I hugged her

she laughed and hugged me back I ploped down on the sofa and took her with me I closed my and relaxed

"DEREK HELP HURRY UP" soon as my name was shouted I jumped startled and ran to hear I knew Ave was right behind me

I ran out the front door to see Josh lid on the ground in a weird way and Matt was stood up by him pasing back and fourt in fornt of mim

I looked at josh he was a big gash on the back of his head "Ave call the pack doctor" the pack soctor is someone who helps alot with my pack

I looked up to see a black car pull up the drive way oh shit Annalise oh crap just then Ave ran out the front door and to Anna she grabbed Annas hand and brougth her over to Josh

what happned I heard another car upp u the trive way I looked up to see the lime green carmo

I sigh when the doctor hoped out of the car and ran over to uss he looked at Matt and then at Josh and then to me 

"Derek pick him up be carful of his head and bring him inside"

I picked him and and threw the door we went I layed my mates brother on the sofa and wached as doc went to work

I went to the kicthen as Dexter (yes thats his name) and grabbed the essiencals to make a sandwicth

I felt arms go around my muscular waist and I tunred my head to see Av with her face pressed into my back

"whats wrong babe?"

"will he be okay?"

"Ave... I can honestly say I dont know"



Chain reaction.i have a challenge for you is called matts challenge. okay this is the challange to be good to others respect others, say hi to people you know are getting bullied talk to them. sit down and chat with them dont be scared to do so. if your one of those bullys please stop.what happen if it happen to you? just think about it.

 PLEASE PLEASE DO THIS IM BEGGING YOU its for a friend of mine please please please please do this ill love you forever!

~when the gowing gets tough hold on tight you in for a wild ride~ 

what about the whole Josh thing what happned there


*plugh ears while you yell at me*

wolfgirl out have a great night or day (355 am here)

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