Chapter 25 - I Wonder...

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Annalise's P.O.V

"Josh" I shock him slowley

"JOsh" I shook him a lil more roughley

"JOSH" I shouted and shaked him so hard he alomoest fell of the sofa

he did walk up " cant be dead he..he...just cant"

"Anna sweety?" I heard Dexter say

I sobbed into Joshs shirt I just found my mate and I was no quite ready to loose him I let out a little hicupe

I could feel somthing pick me up and bring me up stair and lay me on a soft bed "Anna sweeety hes in a coma its gonna be a while befour he wakes up if he walkes up"

Averial's P.O.V

"Derek you you think hes gonna be ok" I sobbed into his shirt

"babe I dont know" 

what happned he he fall and hit his head on the concreat stairs or did he fall down the stairs and hit his head off the pavement or mabey he was pushed


"humm babe?"

" she gonna die if my broghter does?"

"Ave look at me" He said

I looked up into  his forest green eyes 

"Babe I dont know all the answers and im sorry but I still and always will love you "

I felt a cold shiver run down my back 

He just said he loved me it was probly just a reflex...what am I saying

"Derek I will always love you too"

he pulled me in for a hug I hugged him back 

I walked over to Josh and looked down at him how did this haooen and whats going on in this crazy world?

Josh's P.o.V

 What am I running from? 

I looked at the miles of streach infront of me somthing in my mind was telling me not to look back

I looked at my feet pounding on the packed dirt and back to the flat land what am i running from?

Derek's P.O.V 

I looked at Averial she looked so peceful when she sleeps I looked out the wind and wached the rain pelt the glass I layed down next to her

I rolled over on my side so i was facing  her she had her back to me  so i grabbed her by the waist and hugged her close I closed my eyes and let my mind take over


I looked at Ave next to me she was sitting on the grass holding a littlw girl and he arms the little girl looked about two

the baby cralwed out of her arms and over to where i was sitting I looked at Ave she had a huge smile on her face and I could see somthing sparkling on her ring finger

I picked up the baby and cralded it in my arms she was so cute with its midnight blue eyes and black stright hair

"ant she cute" Ave cooded

thats when is clicked this baby is ours


I jumped awake and looked at the clock at the bedside table for such a short dream it sure lasted long 

the rain outside has calmed down a little but but it was still raining I looked down at Ave she was still asleep

I could help but smile at her i reached down and tuched wild and soft black curls I looked at her while i played with her soft curls 

"im so happy your mine" I wispred to her even tho she was asleep

I walked around the bed and down stairs and opned up the refidurator I haulled out a carten off eggs with one had and a carton of milk with the other I closed the door with my foot and layed the eggs and milk on the counter

I walked back over the the refidurator and grabbed the bacon out of the freaser and threw it on the counter

I closed the freazer door and I looked at the picture of my and Ave on the front of it oh how i love this girl

I wonder ...


lmfao ^ 

you all hate me now

by the way who is a one direction fan

i apoligise I know its been so long since i last wrote but iv been rather buzy laatley 


lmfao^ its where peta from the hunger games where he threw burnt bread bread at katniss any one know what im talking about?

thanks so much for all the suport and for thoses of you who is sticking in with me while i finish the book

thanks to all expect another chater soon like a week 

SONG OF THE DAY what ever is over there >

yelp sorry for the suspence

ill be back soon lmfao

i mean it...

this time...

thanks for reading xD 

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