Chapter 4 - My Broken Heart Will Never Med If He Keeps This Up

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Averial's P.O.V

I woke up in my warm cosy bed with Dereks shirt on then I remembered everything that happened yesterday from me hurtting the boys to the paint grenade

I moned and rolled over and landed i the floor in a tangled heap and when I landed I made a noise that sounded like


I tyred and tyred to get out of the tangled mess of blankets but it was futile but I just couldn't do it I started to sing out but soon remembered that the rooms were sound proof

'crap im going to be hear all frigging day' I tougth to my slef

Just as I tougth my day couldn't get any worse here comes Derek arrgh my day just keeps getting better and better

"need help?" Derek's rough voice asked

"NO I DONT NEED YOUR HELP" I shouted at him angry

he walked trowerds me

I looked at him and said

"everyone  has a privilege to be stupid but others just abuse it" I said rolling my eyes


He stopped and wacthde me and then left

im never ever going to get out of this tangled mess of blankets it was just to futile

I laied ther for about another fortie munites untill untill I rembred my mind link how stupid could I be use my mind like and ask them to come help me

'guys help me please I'm stuck here in the floor stuck in my mess of blankets'

I looked up and there was Skittles standing in the door laughing at me

"wow your helpful"

"I know" he said smugly and walked away

I layed down on the floor and waited for my rescuer I don't care who its is at this point I don't even care if its Derek

As if I said it out loud here comes Derek marching into my room like a slug

"do you want my help noow"


"well to bad cause your not getting it" he turned around and walked out

"god your such a jerk" he stopped frozen in his footsteps

"what dod you just say"

"yeah I called you a jerk got a problem w-with it?"

"actually I do ha-"

"Derek Alpha Leave please" Derek turned around and walked out

I looked up  at my savour standing in the door way it was Josh

I tougth back what I said to Derek 'everyone  has a privilege to be stupid but others just abuse it' that was pretty harsh I wish I never said that

"Josh can you help me get up I need to apologise" I said in agony

"what apoligise to who and why?"he said as he helped get me outta of the blankets

"to Derek  I...I said some pretty mean him...I said everyone  has a privilege to be stupid but others just abuse it.."

he laughed and smiled and said

"well its true I suppose"

"well im going downstairs for some food" I turned around and walked out

"coming" I questioned

"oh your talking to me?"

he walked towards me his black hair swaying and his midnight blue eyes sparkling as he walked near me

we walked down the stairs Derek was standing in the kicthen holding a pile of glasses between both of his hands I think he was setting the table I tripped

what happned next happned in slow motion

I closed my eyes tight and waited to hit the floor the I waited for an impact that would never come I heard a shattering noise all around me I kept my eyes closed tight and felt little pricks hit my skin but disappeared as soon as them came I opened my eyes

there was Derek hovering above me holding my body with one arm\hand and head in the other I looked up into his worryed eyes

we heard someone clear there trougth Derek got up and helped me I smiled and said

"thanks" I could feel my cheaks heating up

"your welcome" he said in a flat tone

I got the broom and dust pan and started to sweep up I bent down to sweep up the glass into the dustpan when I slipped on the glass covered floor

Derek saves the day...again I looked down at him I could tell he was in pain I felt sharp needle like pain in my left side Derek was lieing on his left side he literary dived in to save me and landed on his left side

"Derek" I wispred

"your hurt"

"no I'm not" he grunted

"Derek I can sense it , its you left side roll over" I said getting off him

I looked at him and he rolled over the red was seeping threw his dark shirt the I pressed my hand to his side and took it off I looked at my hand there was blood running down my arm

"shirt off"


"SHIRT OFF" I aid using my beta tone

he sat up wincing in pain he stripped off his shirt

I took his shirt and put in the garbage and went to get my first ade kit we always have to have one around here

I ran to the kit and then bolted back to Derek he might have of possibly saved my like if it wwas me who hit the floor I could have bashed my head on the floor and even tho my wolf heals fast its wouldn't have healed right

once I was back to Derek I opened the first aid kit and got the tweezers I leaned over Derek to his side and started to wriggle the glass out of his cuts

as I was pulling out the glass I could feel the pain disappearing from my side once all of the glass was out I got the rubbing alchoal  and a cloth and started to rub my it on his massive cut it started to sting I could feel it on my left side

"im going to need to stich you up"

"uhh..."  was all Derek could say

I looked at him I looked in his eyes they were full of wonder and hope? naa that couldn't be possible what was the wonder and hope doing in his eyes

I got out the needel and thred and said

"sorry hon but this might hurt"


I stuck the needle in his side and pulled it I could feel it going in and out it was a weird feeling I could feel what he was feeling

WAIT thats not susposed to happen

"Derek can you feel this" I said and stuck the needle in the tip of my finger and took it out he looked at me

"uhh..." I looked him in the eyes and they said it all

"that's not supposed to happen"

"I know" I snapped at him

"sorry its jus-"

he cut me off when his lips were crashed to mine

his lisps were warm and soft moving against mine he rand his toung across my bottom lip asking for entrance I accped

his mouth was minty and warm he explored my mouth and I did the same to his we were doing this for about five minutes and we both broke the kiss at the same time gasping for air

Derek looked at me and smiled

"I think we have a one of a kind bond" Derek said

"really never would have guessed"  I said scartistaly to him

I picked up the dust pan and swepped up the glass and dumped it into the trash

I went up to my room and sat on my bed getting some stuff ready for school when I heard a giggle and I felt strange


'why would i be fe-'

Derek is in trouble big trouble 

I snuck out of my room and creaped down the stairs I could hear the giggling again I'm getting tired of this

I stepped out from around the conner and there was Derek on top of Tara you know the Tart

I was pissed my blood was boiling I was fuming I could feel the tears building up he kissed Tara right smack on the lips

"Derek" my mouth whispered without my consent

his body froze but Tart just keep feeling my mate up I am sick and tired I'm feed up with all of his shit and his playing around

I turned arounf and dashed to my room

I was long beyond pissed


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ohhhh Averial has some ass to kick wach out o.O

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