Chapter 12 - Walmart

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Derek's P.O.V

I wached as Averial left the room I wonder what she has in store for us today im scared to ask I walked into my closet and pulled on a clen pair of underwear and a pair of jeans and a red t-shirt

I could here yelling fom down the hall I just grinned and went in my bathroom to brush my teeth I came out and ploped on my bed I heard a knock at the door

"COME IN" I shouted

the door know turned and Averial walked in she walked over to my bed that is in the middle of the room she ploped down next to me and showed me a ten foot wide grin

"are you ready" she said

"yeah Im ready but for what I don't know"

she started to laugh thats usually never a good sign I growned mentaly and let her pull me up off the bed she pulled me into the hug

"HEY im susposed to were the pants in this relationship"

"this is not a relationship" she said

man oh man


I could feel my cheeks heating up "oh...ahh..what...oh...would..." oh god what was hapoing to me why couldent I spek normal with that tougth I felt my slef heating up more I was turning a light red color

I peacked out from under my eyeslashes she was looking at me waiting for an answer with her arms crossed uh oh im in trouble

"..Would you do me the honor and go on a date with me?" where did that come from I think I just found my voice

she looked aww struck "ahh...I...I guss?" she said

Averial's P.O.V

"Ahh...I...I guss?" I said

oh god I cant belive I said that I sounded like a complet idiot he asked me to go n an offical date with him

now it was my turn to feel my checks flush I grabbed his hand and towed him twords the door this is gonna be a good day

I felt the cold wind on my skin and turned to fac Derek "let me drive pleasse" I practely begged him to let me drive

"I dont know..." he sigh that usually ment defeat I smiled a wicked grin "..ok fine" this is a good day I keept that wicked smile and let go of Dereks hand and walked to the drivers side

I opned the door and slid into the drivers side I buckled up my seatbelt and advised Derek to do the same I glanced at him his jet black hair was dancing above his eyebrows because his window was down and the wind was blowing threw

"wait and see what I have instore for us" I showed him a wicked grin

I pealed out of th drive way and down the street my smile only grew when I seen another car infront of us

"hold on" I said " your in for a rough ride"

I pulled out and passed the car they were staring at us in schock I looked over at Derek he looked like he was about to sh!t his pants because there was a transport turck infront of us I quikley mover our car just as the transport truck flew past us

"opps...that was close"

"really because I havent noticed" Derek said scarsticaly "...Av you ok?"

"yeah im"

"yeah...I think so at least"

oh dear what do I be at I looked at Derek even after all this he was still smiling wtf ths one is mine to keep

wicth brngs me back he asked me a date and I said an idiot god I can be some stund some times

I fouced on the busy rode and drove down the rode I glanced at Derek from time to time he was fouling with the radiio of corse

"I think I got an Idea for our date" Derek said

what could this be I wondred god only knows and there is only one way to find out

"what do you have in store?"

'were going camping"

"huh?" I said

"we are going camping"

I looked out the window as the trafic light turned green and I drove forword

"ok" I said not sure what else to say

I parked in the walmart parking lot I went to reach for my door handle but I couldent move I nuged myslef forword why couldent move

I felt smothing pressed on my chest and stoumich oh yeah my seat belt that might have smothing to do with it I unbuckled my seat belt and reached for the door but it was already opned and Derek was standing there with an amusing expresion across his face

he helped me out of the car and I turned around to shut and lock the door I turned around and walked by Derek  his hand soon found mine it was a perfect fit

we walked threw the cold breasy parking lot there wernt many cars as we walked to the store door Dereks hand tigthned around mine

I let Derek lead us threw the store up and down the stoked ials he stoped at the camoing isal I schould have knowen

I wached as Derek picked up a hevie looking bag it was a tent two lawn chairs a pack of macthes a ligther and one big sleping bag and an air matrice

Derek handed me the two bags that were lawn chairs and we walked to the chec out Derek stoped rotted in his spot and tenced up

I looked up the isal and there was only two other person in Tara the isal the slut and a guy I could not resist at the chance

"oh look another play toy bicth" I said looking Tara stright in the eyes I smiled and turned around but stoped myslef I turned to face Tara and her new play toy and kissed Derek smack on the lips he was a little took off guard but kissed me back soon after

our hands were soon interwined and I was breathing hard I backed away and smiled up at Derek my mate

My mate not hers mine and mine only oh god what is happening to me why am I being mine

I sigh ad threw the bags on the black belt  and turned to face Derek he was looking at me and smiling wicth I found creapy because he was there but he wasent there it was like hes there but off in dream land

"Derek..." I said

"humm..." he said

"come on"

he snaped out of it and was back to normal mode I looked at him and laughed there was a guy working on the cash who keept eyeballing me and Derek sent him a very hard glare

The guy keept looking at me Derek started to growel and it wasent his normal growel it was like the beast within was comeing out I grip his hand tigther I knew tis guy was scared like shit his pants scared

"Derek come on" I said and sent the guy a look that said im going to eat you the fuck alive so back the fuck off

Derek paied still pissed off and grabbed me and made out with me in front of the guy like full on make out h even grabbed my bum I started to gigle Derek graabbed the stuff and my hand and walked twordes the door I caugth sight of Tara and stuck my finger up to her

one of the emploies tougth it was him and told the scurity gurad

"RUNN" I screamed

we ran with the scurity guard screming "BANDED"

awww not again

Derek opned the the door to the back seat and threw the walmark bags in and went around holding my hand and opned my door and kissed my sofly on the lips

"mine" he wispred


famous question like it? or hate it? mabey in the middle?

sorry its been so long :( just busy with some school stuff

dont forget to vote hopeing you like it

not the next chap but the chap after Averial is gonna be angery...what did Derek do any guses?

what is your fav songs?

mine is
-call me mabey
-we owned the night
-mash it up
-tattos on this town

wolfgirl out  xD

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