Chapter 21 -Never Again Am I Bringing You Drinking

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Derek's P.O.V

I woke up with the sun shinig in my eyes I looked aver to Averial she was gonna need advil I quitley got out of bed and walked over to the door

I walked down the hall passing her room and to the stairs I walked to the kicthen and grabbed a glass of water and two advil

I turned around and banged into Josh aalomoest spilling the water and advil

"Derek you have to get her to talk to me she looks at me and sometimes talks to me"

I looked at Josh he was sad he just wanted his sister to talk to him I looked at him his eyes were begging me to jsut talk to her

"Josh because iv know you so long ill talk to her just dont get your hopes up" 

"ok thanks alot Derek" he said his black hair going with him

I walked up stairs and laied back down in bed once I seen Averial was still not alseep 

an idea poped into my head I tryed not to laugh and I took off my boxers leaving me under the covers 

I snugled into Averial and quikley fell asleep

* * *

"derek" Av wispred

"Derek" she wispred a little louder

"DEREK" she screamed into my ear

"hmm" I said not bothering to open my eyes

"where is your clothes" she wispred to me

"somewhere on the floor" I muttred to here

"Derek you friend needs to calm down"

I opned my eyes and she was a little red

"awww" I cowed

"DEREK" she screamed

"AVERIAL" I screamed back

I laughed at her whern her eyes practly fell ouy of her head when i got up and got out of bed 

"Ave why are you so red its not like i havent done it befour remberwhen we went caming i dont know if i told you but I was nacked"

"Derek" she groned

I pulled up my boxers and turned around 


"Derek how much did I drink last night and why were you nacked and im in my bra and underwhere Derek we never...."

I bursted out laughing

"Av...I...did" I said inbetween laughs

"well it wasent verry funny" she grumbled

"come here" I said after I stoped laughing

she sat there staring at the wall I hoped on the bed and landed next to her I sat up and poked her in the cheak  she just keept stairing at the wall

I kissed her cheek and she didt budge I satarted to panic so I go infront of her and put for forehead agenst hers so she was forced to look into my eyes

"Ave Im sorry I just tougth it would me funny to play a joke on you" I said being compelty honest

"Ave Im sorry" I looked her right in the eyes and noticed how beatfil they were they bright blue with an ochean green around her puple her eyes are beatfiul 

I leaned in and kised her on the lips 

she gasp and I let out a soft chuckle 

"are we better now?"

she gave me a half smirk and a half smile and she nodded her head

"what" I said a little loud "I cant hear you"

"Yes" she sigh softly

"Good" I said and kissed her lips once again

I stoped sadly and got up off of her smiled at her again and walked over to my dresser and hauled out a pair of jeans and sliped them one

I closed the dresser dwore and opned the next one down I rotted threw the dwore untilI found the wight tight t shirt I was looking for

I grabbed the t shirt and closed the drower I looked at Av and wiggled my eyebrows cause I caugth her staring

she laughed and rolled out of bed I caugth her  befour she hit the floor and smiled at her because she was diped I leaned down and kissed her

I was never going to get used to kissing her and this is befour we mate imagain till after I shivred just thinking about it in a good was of corse 

I set her on her feet after I was done kissing her and walked over to the glass of water and pills I retreaved eirler 

I looked at Av she was holding on the the headbord of the bed so she wouldt colapse she had a hand on her head with her eyes squeased tight

"Av here take these" I said as I half walked and half ran over to her

" head feels like its going to explode"

"I know I know" I said and kissed her lips softly once more

"Derek....I think...." 

What was she gonna said Derek I think yeah you think what

"Av what are you thiking" I said and took the glass from her after she emptied the contatins

"Im thinking that I need a nap"

"ok would you like me to lie down with you"

"Yeah that...would be nice"

I picked her after I layed the glass down and layed her on the bed and I hoppped on next to her she did want to be covred up

I snuggled into her and walhed as she fell asleep never again am I going to bring you driking Av never again

And if your not going with me Im not going at all

*          *         *

I looked at the clock it read 12:00pm I sigh and looked at Averial she was awake and looking out the window err was untill I sigh

"Derek are you awake?"

"yeah im awake"

she giggledd and showed a wide grin

"is your head feeling better?

"yes its feeling alot better"

I smiled at her and she giggled a little more "come on babe time to get up" I said recuntly

"awww do we got too"

"yes we do and...and I want to talk to you about somthing after"
oh my god I cant belive I said that now im going to have to tell her whats on my mind I could feel my cheeks heat up a little bit

"oh what do you want to talk about"

Ill hold off as long as I can 

"ill tell you when the time comes


ouuuuu whats gonna he say anny gusses

so what do you think

this books has about 10 to 5 chapters left

sad I know I allready know hwat im going to do with the squeal i think i spelled that wrong

song of the day

yeah im doing song of the day

do you like my book 

im going to try to uploade befour wensday ok 

mabey two uploades a week 


hope you enjoy 

wolfgirl out xD

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