Chapter 4- Say What?

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A/N. On the side there: Is Puck. All we gotta change is his hoodie to a dirty green one, take off that gorgeous smile with a mischevious grin, and monkeys in the background-OH! AND a screaming Sabrina!...anyone have it? =D

Chapter 4: Say what?????

Sabrina just sat there in her seat looking at her," She's really pretty" Sabrina thought.

If she said that out loud, which she didn't , maybe half of the class would agree with her. Sapphire, as said, was wearing just a normal blue shirt, kaki shorts, but not too short, small socks, and shoes. Sabrina looked at her classmates, ALL of the boys were gazing at her, most of the girls were glaring, but others were just smiling.

"Ok class I think that's enough looking." Ms Martinez said. "Make her feel welcome, not like somebody from a different planet, especially you Ian."

Ian put a smirk on his face. Ian was the jock of the school, got everything he wanted, he was currently dating Tiffany, the "queen" of the school. They were both stuck up ,but they had their charms, like the were hypnotist.

"Whatever you say, teacher." Ian said. Mrs. Martinez rolled her eyes, something she learned from Sabrina. Sabrina was like the teacher pet of the class, Puck, obviously, was the prankster of the class. But the pranks weren't always fired at Sabrina, mostly the other kids, such as Sabrina's friends. Her friends were Amanda and Mikayla, sometimes they called Mikayla "Mickey" cause she loves going to the Disney Parks in Florida in the summer.

"Umm......Ms. Martinez, where do I sit?" Sapphire asked. Sabrina kinda forgot she was there.

"Oh right, you can sit next to Sabrina." She said. Sapphire went over to her desk.

"Hello." She said shyly.

"Hi." Sabrina said, she had some suspicions about her," Maybe she's an everafter?" Sabrina thought. Sabrina changed her mind, if she was then she should have been glaring at her cause she was now trapped in Ferryport Landing. Ferryport Landing was inside a barrier that her great-great grandfather, Wilhelm Grimm and a witch named Baba Yaga made to keep all the rebels(The Scarlet Hand) in the barrier so they wouldn't hurt the humans, but it also kept the good Everafters in, so most of the Everafters hated the Grimms....

"Okay class turn to page 40 in your math workbook." said. Sabrina and Puck had math class in their homeroom.

When class was over Sabrina walked out of the room and waited for Puck to come out, it usually took a long time cause most of the girls start to swoon over him, and try to get his number, but this time he zipped out of the room and to his locker. Sabrina was shocked he even came out sooner than her. Sabrina's hair flew all over the place, people will maybe start calling Puck "speedy", everybody in their grade had a pet name.

When they were going to lunch Sapphire walked right in front of them," Hi Sabrina, do you mind if I talk to umm.....Robin for a moment?" She asked. Sabrina was too stunned to hear the "umm" in the first part of her sentence.

"Ok....sure. "She said uncertainly. She was sure she was going to ask him about his phone number or something.

"Thanks." She said she dragged Puck to a corner, Sabrina wanted to hear their conversation, "I'll let them chat, she probably doesn't have anything to do right now." Sabrina thought.

Granny offered to make Sabrina something for her lunch, but as far as Sabrina new, it was probably left over spaghetti from last night "Ugh." Sabrina thought. She saw Daphne sitting with her friends, Daphne waved to her, Sabrina waved back. She sat at a near by table, where her friends were sitting talking about something.

"Hey Sabrina!" Mikayla said.

"Back to the topic Mickey!" Amanda said. Sabrina laughed, her friends were so funny!

" Sabrina, so, how's the new kid?" Mikayla asked.

"How did you know?" Sabrina asked.

"It's all over the school, even your sister knows it." Amanda said.

Danielle walked over to them, she was a friend of Sabrina, her mom was Jasmine from Aladdin, she was a grade lower than them. Some Everafters still went to school like Toby, Bella, Natalie, and their friend, Wendell.

"Hey guys!" She cried.

"Hey." Sabrina, Amanda, and Mikayla said.

"Oh boy, do I have a rumor for you!" She cried. Danielle likes to hear and spread rumors around the school.

"Sabrina this evolves the new girl in your homeroom." She said


"Well,......."She hesitated for a moment, then motioned them to come closer to her

with her finger.

"Well...."She whispered," Some people say that Robin and the new girl are going to date." She tried to whisper that in a very low voice, but it seemed that everyone in the cafeteria heard her because everyone turned their heads towards them.

"Oops." She said.

The kids turned their heads back to their tables and started to whisper, but Sabrina and her friends could hear them," Do you guys think it's true?" a girl asked.

"I have no idea." Another girl said. Then the noise level started to go up, and the kids were talking loudly, as normal, again. Sabrina was just stunned." Puck and

Sapphire?" She thought.

Amanda snapped her out of it," SABRINA !" She cried.

"Oh sorry, it's just a shocker." Sabrina blushed.

Sabrina hesitated for a moment, "Umm ....I'm gonna go to the bathroom," She said.

"Ok bye ."Said her friends.

Sabrina really wasn't going to the bathroom, she was going to look for Puck and see if it was true. She hoped he wasn't talking to Sapphire anymore." Stop it Sabrina!! Get a hold of yourself, it's not like you like him." She thought, OR so she thought.

A/N. Soooooo, how was it??? PLEASE COMMENT! Gosh, I'm starting to get desperate...

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