Chapter 5- Unusual Conversations

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A/N. On the side is Elvis: The Grimm's hundred pound Great Dane. He as probably the easiest to find...well maybe not. I had to go through 33,005 results on BING. =DDDD

Chapter 5: Weird Conversations

Sabrina found Puck where she left him, except Sapphire wasn't there, "Good, now I can ask him with out humiliating Sapphire." She thought. Sabrina didn't hate Sapphire, in fact she wanted to be friends with her. She approached Puck slowly.

"Hey Puck." She said.

"Oh, hi ugly." He said as it were a normal thing to say.

"So.....what did you and Sapphire talk about?" Sabrina asked.

Puck gave her a questioning look.

" The new girl." Sabrina said in an exasperated voice, sometimes she felt like she was talking to a baby with wings, oh wait, she is!

"Oh yeah! We started talking about things that we had in class."

"Like what?"

"Umm....... That equation in math class, and the grammar homework and about that science-"Sabrina interrupted him.

"Are you and Sapphire going out?" She burst out. Sabrina couldn't handle it, she wanted to know badly. She didn't know why," Sabrina, listen to yourself, you LOVE Puck."

"No I don't"

"Then why did you ask him about it?"

"I don't know!"

"Well I know, it's because you LOVE him"


"Fine, but remember this: I'm ALWAYS right."


Sabrina forgot Puck was there during her "fight" with herself. Puck just looked at her with a dumbfounded expression," They probably will," She thought.

Puck just stared and then he started laughing and said ," Are you kidding me?" Now Sabrina was stumped. He could clearly see that she wasn't getting it.

"Who said that I was dating THAT?" He said. Puck pointed to Sapphire talking with a girl from Sabrina's and Puck's science class.

Sabrina turned back to Puck, "Well for starters, Danielle told me, but I'm sure she heard it from somewhere."

Sabrina thought for a moment. "Maybe it was Sapphire who spread the rumor?" Sabrina said hopefully.

"NO WAY!! And why would I date my co- I mean, HER?!?!" Puck cried, blushing at his brief mistake.

He hesitated for a moment," Why do YOU even want to know?" It was Sabrina's turn to blush.

"Umm....... No reason, see you in Social Studies class." Puck was about to say something ,but he didn't' get a chance, Sabrina sprinted to the girls room.

Nobody was in there so she took out her phone and texted Daphne: DPHNE, GRLS RM ASAP.

It took a few minutes for Daphne to come," What's the emergency!!! Did Puck prank you?" Daphne look at Sabrina up and down, "Ok, he didn't prank you ,so what happened?"

"Did you hear about the new girl in my class?" Sabrina used the term "new girl" incase Daphne didn't know about it. Daphne just stared at her then said, "Sabrina.... if this is about your love life then leave me out of it." Daphne turned to walk out, but Sabrina grabbed her arm," Daphne this is serious and NOT about my "love life", it's about PUCK." Sabrina said exasperated. When did love life come into this situation? Before Sabrina could say something, the bell rang. She sighed," We'll talk about this when we get home, agreed?"

"Agreed." The bell rang a second time. They went out of the girls room and said their bye's. Sabrina was the last one in the hall getting her books for Social Studies. She could of sworn something was in her presence because she could feel magic from somewhere, but didn't bother about it cause there were lots of Everafters in the school that had magic.


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