Chapter 14- Insults, Realizations, and Laughs

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A/N. Yay!! You guys DO like me!! Last chapter was better 'cause I got nice messages and over 100 hits, whatever that means...Anyway, read the story below!! P.S. 14 is my lucky number! And I WILL continue

Chapter 14:Insults, Realizations, and Laughs

"Oh my God" Marcy was not normal. Her hair had bits of blonde In it, her skin was not light chocolate anymore. Her eyes had flecks of blue in them, and she was taller. Her hair was now wavy, not straight. Her eyes had determination in them. But that wasn't the worst part, she had......wings. Beautiful turquoise butterfly wings! The teens, plus Red, Daphne, and Charlie, were just shocked. Marcy was grinning like she was happy, but sad at the same time.

"HOW.......What.......WHO ARE YOU?!?! Mikayla cried. Marcy's smile turned into a frown.

"Sorry Mickey, I had to help them." She explained. Oh so ANOTHER one of Puck's fan girls...WAIT she has wings so.......WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE?!?!?

"Ok who are you and what do you want with Puck?" Daphne asked. The girl, whoever she was, was going to answer when Puck butted in grinning at her.

"So you've faced your fear and now you are going to tell us 'bout you and your little secrets? Wow you certainly have changed in the last 100 years." Puck said. We just looked at him, like he was crazy. He new this...thing? Oh well she might of just explain it now before we blow our heads off.

"SHUT IT GOODFELLOW!!!" The girl snapped at him. We were taken aback by this. She looked sorry at us, but then she spoke.

"Guys, it's me I mean REALLY REALLY look at me." The girl said. We looked at her for some time, then I think she started to get uncomfortable.

"OK!! I get it you guys can't tell it's me." The girl said exasperated. Sabrina was getting tired of this girl, can't she just tell us who she is? Maybe not. When Sabrina was going to give up, Daphne squealed and bit her palm.

"It's you it's you it's you IT"S YOU!!!" She screamed. She ran up to the girl and squeezed her into a very tight hug. Sabrina thought she heard a bone crack, but that was probably her imagination. The others looked confused, but Puck rolled on the floor and started laughing.

"Oh gosh! You guys should see your faces!!!" Puck said through laughs. Sabrina walked up to Puck and punched him on the shoulder. Hard.

"OWWW!!!!" Puck flew up and got his sword from his belt.

"YOU SHALL PAY FOR THAT PEASANT!!" Puck spat. He charged at her, but she blocked it, and Puck tumbled to the ground. Sabrina was laughing hard now. He was about to tackle her when Marcy started to get something from her pocket and then came a swarm of pixies. They separated Puck from Sabrina, then the teens started firing insults at each other.





"!!!!!!!!" Puck meant to say a very very long word.



"WOULD YOU TWO JUST SHUT UP?!?!" The group yelled. Marcy went up to Puck, she stared him off for a little bit, then she motioned the pixies holding Puck to let him go. When they let him go, Puck was floating, I mean floating in the air with out his wings. Then his hands started moving around then to his pockets like not under his control, then I guess they found, something. It was a diary.

"HEY DON"T TOUCH THAT!!" Puck ordered, but it came out more of a whine than an order. Marcy was grinning widely when the pixies handed the object, she started going into a fit of laughs, then she was in hysterics. She was laughing uncontrollably on the floor, when she handed Blake the book he started laugh as well, soon the whole group was laughing, except for Puck and Sabrina. Sabrina wasn't laughing 'cause she was still held tight by the pixies. When did pixies get so strong? Sabrina thought. Sabrina cleared her throat to remind the group that she was still in the hands of pixies. Ha. Sabrina finally got out of the pixies grip then started the question that should have been answered a few hours ago.

"Who are you?" Nobody was laughing anymore, not a peep of laughter.

"It's me, Sapphire." She replied in the most sincere tone. Daphne nodded very vigorously.

A/N. Aren't you guys happy you guys know who she is? Well you should be! Anyway I got a better amount of reviews so here we go: Cookie-Dough-Always x3, booksonclouds, and 123.P.S. Sorry about the word that didn't show up, I'll show it in syllables: Super-cali-fra-gil-list-ic-ex-pi-al-i-do-cious.

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