Chapter 16- Reunion and Discussion

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Hmm....oh well. I like typing a lot so here is your chapter 16! Wow 16 already!!!! P.S. They met Sapphire in the last two weeks of November, so now it's December.

Chapter 16:Reunion and Discussion

Sabrina and Daphne ran in and burst through the door. The noise was actually really quiet somewhat. And there sitting on the couch was her parents and their baby brother, Kyle. Veronica and Henry didn't notice them, until Sabrina and Daphne cried happily like 6 year olds getting ice cream and going to the fair.

"Girls!" Veronica and Henry cried happily with their arms outstretched. Sabrina and Daphne flung themselves into their parents arms. Puck and the group scrambled inside just to see the Grimm girls hugging their parents tightly.

"Ve mist ou ooooooo uch!!" Daphne muffled in her dad's arms. Henry and Veronica knew what her daughter was saying. Sabrina felt tears fall down her face. Kyle was surprised at this. Because he didn't know what was going on so he started crying a bit. Veronica let go of Sabrina and held Kyle tightly and started to soothe him. Granny Relda came into the room.

"Oh leiblings! You're back! I told you your curfew was 8:00!" She scolded. But she had a smile on her face instead of a frown. She saw the group and smiled wider.

"Guest! Sabrina, I see you and Daphne brought some of your friends over." Granny Relda said. She saw a Sapphire and her face tuned a little pale. She had seen Sapphire in a picture Puck gave her to identify her. It looked like she had seen a ghost. She was silent for a moment.

"And a guest of honor." She said quietly. Veronica and Henry turned to look at her. Veronica smiled, Henry was....the usual. A frown on his face that meant 'Bad Influence' or 'Trouble'.

"I'm sorry for the trouble I caused your family Mrs. Grimm." Sapphire said apologetically. Granny smiled and walked up to her and hugged her.

"Thank you." Granny whispered. Henry stood up.

"Who are you?" He asked coldly.

"Henry!" Veronica cried, and hit him on the shoulder with the hand she wasn't using to hold Kyle.

"That is no way to treat a guest!" Veronica scolded. Like daughter like mother-in-law...

"I'm very sorry for my husband's behavior, he can be over protective sometimes." Veronica said.

"And she can have a bad temper sometimes." A voice said. Uncle Jake had come down stairs from Mirror's room. They had found out Mirror was the Master after the war and forgave him. They let him have a life not as a mirror, but as a human being. He is still friends with Sabrina though. Just not close anymore. They got a new guardian, well actually he was not new. It was Harry from The Hotel Of Wonders Charming had before it was destroyed. the Grimms found a way to get him back and now, Charming visits their house every first and last day of the month. Picky.

"JAKE!!" Veronica cried, she gave him a glare telling him 'LAY OFF OR I'LL TEAR YOU TO PIECES!!!' Jake laughed with amusement.

"Sorry Ronnie." Jake chuckled as that was all he could get out before Veronica attacked him.

"DO NOT!!!!! I REPEAT NOT!!! CALL ME RONNIE!!!!!" She screeched. The teens were laughing so hard, someone snorted, only Sapphire was not laughing.

"Umm..sorry to break the fun off, but Sapphire is needed for interrogating." Granny Relda said once her laughter died down. Sapphire nodded to Granny. Sapphire took her hand.

"Puck please bring your friends to the living room, I have to talk to Sapphire in the kitchen." Granny Relda said, but it came in more of a serious command. Puck nodded.

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