Chapter 22-Christmas Party

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A/N. Hi. READ! I'm soo sorry the update wasn't quick. I'm sorry times 10 billion!! Wait actually I'm sorry x10,235,832,765 And I know it's REALLY late for Christmas! Ok for forgiveness, this chapter is extra long! I'm switching POV's here! YAY! I hope you like! And this story is 3,005 words long exactly!! :)

P.S. Ok a warning: Language is for the ages of 11 and up. (10 and a half is suitable.) Some words are not suitable for younger ages.

Chapter 22: Christmas Party

"Leiblings! Hurry up! The guest will be arriving soon!" Granny Relda said in her light German accent. Daphne was jumping up and down on the bed in her bright green dress with lots of blinking lights on it. She resembled a Christmas Tree, a cute, brown haired Christmas Tree. Actually, her whole outfit WAS a Christmas Tree. Her shoes were brown to be the tree trunk part. And there were curves on her dress that went in and out, in and out, in and out, and so on until they reached the bottom.

"THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!" Daphne squealed. Granny had made Elvis wear his Santa Suit with the white beard. He entered the room growling.

"ELVIS! No being pouty! It's Christmas! And Santa's coming tonight!" Daphne said, then started to sing/scream, "You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout I'm telling you why! SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN!!" Sabrina covered her ears. Why. WHY?!?! She thought. Elvis ran out of the room and went into the living room. I wonder where Puck is...Sabrina thought. Puck wasn't seen this morning, not even at breakfast. Granny entered the room.

"Sabrina, libeling, go get Puck in his room!" Granny said a took out a green can and sprayed it on Daphne's hair.

"Granny! WHAT are you doing!?!?" Sabrina exclaimed instead of following her order.

"I'm spraying some dye on Daphne's hair so she'll look COMPLETELY like a Christmas Tree, don't worry, splash some water on and her hair turns its originated color." Granny Relda said smiling.

"AND WHY DO YOU WANT TO DYE HER HAIR!?!?!" Sabrina cried. Granny Relda leaned close to Sabrina.

"So Daphne can stand by the door and watch the Everafters come in."

"SO SHE CAN SCARE THEM?!?" Sabrina said almost excited.

"No, so she can see if either The Scarlet Hand or Moth intruded inside our house, now, GO GET PUCK." She said pushing Sabrina out the door. She looked back to see Granny frantically spraying the dye on the brown haired- now green- Christmas Tree.

Sabrina walked up to Puck's room with signs saying, "TOP SECRET!" "COME IN AND DIE!" "TRY TO WATCH OUT FOR MY SOLDIERS WHICH I DOUBT!" but with bad grammar, so they looked like this: "TOOPE CKRET!" "COM EN N DYE!" "TRI 2 WACH OOT 4 MI SOLGJRS! WICH I DOWT!"

The only thing spelled right was 'dye' and 'I' but 'dye' meant an entirely different thing to 'die'. Sabrina remembered when Puck first moved in. He trapped them in a net by luring them with cute pictures of forest animals. Good times. Good times. Sabrina thought sarcastically. She realized that the signs on the door were from LONG ago. She opened the door to hear...nothing? She walked a little more and saw everything was white. WHITE! And the trees in Puck's room were CHIRSTMAS trees instead of the usual. Lights hung every where. She walked even deeper in Puck's room and saw that the waterfall was frozen. Sabrina was about to walk towards the trampoline-now a REAL bed with a fireplace next to it- when snow was dropped on her. Sabrina was going numb under the snow. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I forgot my frickin' scarf! Sabrina thought squirming under the massive weight of the snow. She could hear someone calling her name. It grew fainter and fainter, and soon, everything went black. Before she blacked out she remembered one of the signs. Guess what Puck? I DID watch out for the MONKEYS!!

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