Chapter 8-Crazy, Loveable

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A/N.Hey everybody!!! I got tons of emails from you guys and a few from my relatives saying that they liked to the story, anyway here's chapter 8 and sorry for the LOONNGG wait!! And sorry for the long title.

Chapter 8:You Gotta Love Your Family, even though there are kinda crazy, Right?

Sabrina stood there frozen, "Moth escaped from prison?" She thought. This was horrible, Moth was a crazy fairy that was supposed to marry Puck, but Puck was banished from Fairie by his father. Moth was also an ego-maniac,BECAUSE reason one: she poisoned Puck's father. Reason two: She killed an innocent fairy. Reason three: She tried to kill Sabrina by poisoning her. May I go on? Everybody else had the same dumbfounded expression on their faces that supported Moth's escape.

Sabrina went over memories from when Sapphire first came to their school, she remembered her being so quiet and shy, but now Sapphire seemed to disappear out of thin air, she noticed that Puck seemed to know what was going on. Sabrina turned to Puck who's head was down.

She knew something was going on then she asked Puck," What is going on here?!?!"

Everybody in the room seemed to realize that Puck had something to do with Sapphire coming to their house.

Puck said one of the dumbest things she'd ever heard him say, "Sapphire wanted to visit us, she was being nice, is that too muck to ask Grimm?"

Sabrina thought she would explode, instead she tackled him to the floor," TO VISIT?!?! SHE JUST TOLD US THAT MOTH ESCAPED FROM PRISON!!!!!!! WHY WOULD SHE "VISIT US" IF SHE WAS GOING TO TELL US THAT?!?!" She exclaimed.

Sometimes she just wanted to kill Puck, but she knew she couldn't. She tackled him to the floor and they started to wrestle on the floor. Daphne thought it was funny at first, until her patience wore thin when it kept on going for 15 more minutes.

The whole time Granny Relda was trying to stop the fight. Finally Puck got out of Sabrina's grip but was still laying on the floor," What the heck Grimm?!?" Sabrina landed on top of him, again.

Daphne and Granny were trying to separate Sabrina and Puck, which they did.

"Leiblings!! That is enough!" Granny Relda exclaimed.

Sabrina and Puck were quiet for the moment, then came the yelling part, Puck was the first to start," Snot face!! You could of damaged me and my good looks!!" Puck said indignantly.

"GOOD LOOKS!?!?!? YOUR A PIG WITH GIRLY PINK WINGS!!!!!" Sabrina cried. Daphne giggled at that, but stopped when Puck glared at her.

"At least I HAVE wings!!! You have to run for your life from people that want to kill you while I have to save your sorry behind!!!" He yelled. Granny pulled out a whistle from around her neck and blew into it. Daphne covered her ears.

"Leiblings!! That is enough!!" Granny Relda exclaimed. Sabrina and Puck turned to her. Maybe Granny Relda should have done that a while ago. "Guys?!? Could you stop fighting for ONE second?!? Didn't you hear what Sapphire- or whoever she is said?!?!?" Daphne said." MOTH HAS ESCAPED!!!" Daphne exclaimed.

Everybody was quiet now, thinking of what just happened to them a few minutes ago. Granny Relda turned to Puck "Who is she Puck?" Granny said softly there was no anger in her voice or pain.

Puck was quiet for the moment, then said." She a relative of mine......ummm....... my cousin."

Guess what happened after that..............."WHAT?!?!?"

A/N. Some of you probably guessed that right? Oh well if you didn't I still like you.

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